I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 197 Break Your Dice For You

Chapter 197 Break Your Dice For You
In the semi-finals, two rounds of BO5 were completed.

Now, two of the four teams have used up their Resurrection Armor.

Whether it is the fans of Top Fight or the fans of the Little Tigers, I am afraid that they are not in a good mood now, because their home team has come to the edge of the cliff, and they are only one step away from falling.

Although people often say that the rematch is good, they don't know the feeling until the real rematch.

After all, not every team is like G2, as if they wouldn't be able to play until they fall into the loser's bracket.

On the other side, FPX's dominance against RNG also made many starches worry about Xiao Caidian.

The teams in the loser's bracket are worried, but the teams in the winner's bracket are also worried.

It turns out that everyone has an uncertain future.

Although EDG also had a [-]-[-] sweep in the semi-finals, Starch had worried about the team for so many years before, and many things had gone deep into their bones.

According to the official words: the habitual worry behavior of fans has been developed.

"Hey, I hope that Little Phoenix can lightly call our food by then."

"Why do I feel that our small dish is going to be cold again? Mom is a little panicked."

"Now there is only one BO5 before the final stage, my Dianbao must enter the final! QAQ"

"After winning Little Phoenix, our fans will really be able to unravel the coffin this spring. You can figure it out for Dianbao."

At this time, Dianbao, which fans are talking about, is preparing to face off against the winner of FPX.

Because the RNG and TES loser's match will be played before this, EDG still has a long time to prepare how to deal with Little Phoenix.

Although EDG defeated FPX in the regular season, the running-in of the Little Phoenix team had not reached its peak at that time, and the housing management incident had not yet occurred.

Today, this little phoenix can be said to have really been reborn after rounds of nirvana.

Now if the two meet again, the ending will be hard to predict.

But that might make it more interesting.

Because the black knight's sword does not kill Wuming.

Two days later, the LPL loser group matchup is about to kick off.

Whoever loses in this resurrection match will bid farewell to this year's spring split in advance. The smell of gunpowder seems to be stronger than the smell of gunpowder in the first two rounds of BO5.

After all, only when you reach the edge of the cliff can you see the background of a team.

The two teams that were both defeated 3-0 came together, and it is unknown who can advance to the second round of the rematch.

But before the game started, a very interesting scene happened.

The RNG players dragged the passing 369 into their team's waiting room.

At that time, we were shocked by 369.

After the scolding incident between IG's assistant coach Chris and the genuine jungler XX last year, the LPL official issued a notice that non-members of the team were prohibited from entering the backstage lounge.

Now the naive 369 was dragged into the royal lounge by the RNG players by accident.

At this time, 369 was standing among several people, looking at the five strong men of RNG in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Eighteen that year.

RNG backstage lounge.

Stand like a minion.

"Ahem, I shouldn't be fined, right?"

As expected of a professional player, even in this situation, the first sentence he spoke directly revealed the real reason for his panic - fear of being fined.

As for the RNG players, except for Xiaohu, the rest of the 369 are not very afraid.

As for why he is afraid of Xiaohu.

I can only say: LPL players who are men are basically afraid of Xiaohu. (Yuan Chengwei is not afraid)
At this time, I saw Xiao Ming hugging 369 from behind, and said with a smile on his face: "There will be no fines, how can there be fines?"

"Hee hee hee hee, 369 you feel so soft."

Hearing this, 369 just smiled shyly.

Who in LPL can refuse such a lovely Shi Senming?
Even Brother Zaozi, who was always arrogant before, was taught by our Xiao Ming not to want him, let alone other people.

At this time, Li Yuanhao, the team bully on the side, said to 369 with his iconic voice: "369, today we will break your dice for you!"

Jungle Wei: "Do you know the second-level catch?"

Cryin in the middle: "Do you know the level [-] TP?"

Old Eight: ".Understood?"

At this time, 369 looked at the group of villains of the royal family in front of him, and said pitifully: "You are a bunch of bad guys, or my Xiao Ming treats me well."

After speaking, he firmly held the hand of Shi Senming who was stroking his stomach.

At this time, Xiao Ming smiled and said, "Hee hee hee hee, what should I do if I want to smash your dice too?"

369: "."

did not expect.

Even Shi Senming has turned bad.

I saw 369 cautiously said to General Hu: "Ahem, I don't call anyone, how about a 1V1 man fight between the two of us on the road?"

Xiaohu: "Really?"

"Remember: a liar will swallow a thousand needles."

After chatting for a while, 369 knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he hurried back to his team's room.

369, who returned to the Topball Lounge, complained to his teammates: "Brothers, RNG dragged me into the small black room and said that today I will smash my dice."

At this time, the room in the Taobo lounge suddenly burst into laughter.

"369 be careful today."

"Hahahahaha, RNG is a group of bullies."

"It's okay, it's okay, Brother Ka knows Xiaohu very well, let him help you squat back."

"369 managed to roll a 9 on the top road, but Xiaohu on the opposite side rolled four people to come up."

The lounges on both sides were full of laughter. Judging from the pre-match performances of the players on both sides, it is hard to imagine that these are two teams that will fight to the death on the field.

I have to say that this is the unique atmosphere of our LPL division.

A game is a game and life is life.

If this was placed in the LCK division next door, it would probably become a story of elder brothers and younger brothers.

Xiao Ming: "Do you think brother is cute?"

Xiaohu: "Do you think brother will definitely call people?"

cough cough.

The picture is too violent.

I can't even think about it.

No matter how good the relationship between the players on both sides is, there must always be a team that bid farewell to the arena early.

And the bloody level of this loser's matchup has directly improved a level compared to the previous two rounds of BO5.

In the first game, TES took the lead, and Tao Bo, who took out the Senatam system, won the game in the way he is best at.

Senna's brainless online push made Shi Senming in the bottom lane unable to swim at all. After the General Tiger was engaged in TES and Nakano teamed up to the top lane for two waves, RNG's early rhythm collapsed.

In the later stage, Top Fight relied on its lineup advantage to take the lead in this loser's group BO5.

In the second round, RNG changed their thinking and gave Xiaohu the top laner Lucian he was very good at.

Wei Udyr successfully helped Xiaohu get the first blood by catching at the fourth level. After that, RNG's mid laners and supporters also frequently wandered on the road. This 369 dice was broken in half.

In the mid-term, RNG relied on the well-developed Lucian to hit Taobao and equalize the score.

In the next two rounds, both sides showed their special abilities.

In the third round, RNG relied on Wei Lilia's one-sleep four-kill game to end the game early. In the end, Gala's Xia ended with four kills, and RNG took the lead in getting the BO5 match point.

In the fourth round, Karsa Leopard girl changed her life against the sky, turned into a power-leveled Leopard girl with a hundred Q hundred hits, and turned the entire Summoner Canyon into her own Showtime session.

The Leopard girl who started 5-0 in the early stage made it difficult for RNG to deal with it in the mid-term, and TES regained a victory in desperation.

The two sides fought to the last BO5 match today.

Battle Hymn!
"Silver Scrapes"!
The blood in the hearts of countless audiences at the scene, including in front of the screen, was rekindled by this battle song.

In the years since the game League of Legends was created, this battle song has witnessed too many medals and scars, glory and regret.

The most classic scene may be when the big devil Lee Sang Hyuk leaned on a chair, closed his eyes and took a deep breath under the bath of the battle song.

In that year, God once possessed the body of the Colossus of Justice.

At this time, everyone in EDG who watched the BO5 in the meeting room couldn't help becoming dignified because of this battle song.

Every professional player feels solemn and solemn about the battle song, because it is filled with the youth and dreams of countless players.

At this time, Tian Ye couldn't help asking: "Coach, who can win this tiebreaker?"

Lin Meng shook her head slowly: "No one can be sure about this situation."

No one will know the final outcome of a BO5 that is about to be played.

The ten players on the field can only engrave their most glorious moment in this critical round only if they try their best.

Lin Meng continued: "Everyone of you watched the fifth game carefully, and you should be able to see a lot of things that you couldn't see before."

Some things can only really show up when it comes to critical rounds.

Individual operation, teamwork, overall operation and even the belief in everyone's heart, these things will be presented one by one on the field.

In the last game between RNG and TES, the ten players on the field played very cautiously. The game time reached 48 minutes, and the two sides still hadn't decided the winner.

At this moment, everyone's heart seemed to be stretched by a string, and their attention was extremely concentrated.

Because everyone knows that the slightest flaw at this point in time may be caught by the opponent, thus completely ruining the team's trip to the Spring Split this year.

At this moment, someone needs to stand up, and more importantly, it needs to test the true background of a team.

No one thought that today's Mr. Key would be that silly assistant who loves to laugh.

The key to the ancient dragon group, Shi Senming's Titan decisively flashed a hook and hooked Jackeylove's small cannon from among the five people on the opposite side. Jackeylove was the first to be second before the team battle.

When the camera showed Jackeylove, he seemed to spit out two very uncivilized words.


After ADC was the first to be killed in seconds, everyone in TES was forced to retreat, and handed over this ancient dragon that might determine the fate of the game.

And the RNG who took the ancient dragon buff directly demolished all the way. In the end, these five people carried two front teeth towers and played a wave of two for four, and the group wiped out TES.

In the end, RNG3: 2TES continued their journey to the Spring Split.

The God of Resurrection - RNG!

After the loser's group match, it's the turn of the winner's group.

The two teams that directly eliminated their opponents with the same [-]-[-] ratio will determine the first ticket to the finals in the winner's bracket.

"FPX's three lanes look fierce, especially Niu Bao's laning ability. He should be the most aggressive in the playoffs." Lin Meng said in the conference room.

Today, the entire coaching staff of EDG started a detailed analysis and discussion around the game against FPX the day after tomorrow.

Brother Saint Gun nodded: "I know, coach, I will try my best to bear the pressure on the road."

Lin Meng shook his head: "They are aggressive on the road, which is an advantage, but it can also be said to be their disadvantage."

At this time, not only Saint Gun, but even the other team members looked at their head coach in puzzlement.

Strong or disadvantaged?

Did the coach make a mistake?

"Because of Niu Baomeng, Xiaotian will put most of his energy in the upper half of the game in the early and middle stages of the game. This is equivalent to playing a game against us."

The team members nodded at the same time.

When the coaching staff of EDG reviewed the FPX round of BO5 before, they found that the frequency of Gao Ershu taking care of the top lane was twice that of the bottom lane.

This is also the largest frequency gap among the four LPL teams.

"So the key to the problem is not in the top lane, but in the bottom lane."

Viper and Meiko looked at each other, wondering why the coach suddenly cueed him.

Lin Meng said to her duo: "Niu Bao is fierce, but he is a harvester in team battles. FPX relies on Nosuke's team-starting in team battles."

"If you play FPX, the restrictions on their bottom lane are the key."

"As long as we overwhelm Dazhi and tear less in the bottom lane, we will have a great chance of winning the game."

At this moment, Lin Meng's eyes became brighter.

The performance of their own bottom lane duo this spring is definitely not inferior to that of any other team's bottom lane.

And in the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, the FPX bottom lane duo without teammates to take care of it will definitely become the biggest flaw in the game.

The overall idea of ​​EDG is very simple, and the twelve-character policy is enough to summarize:
Put cattle treasure.

Press tear less.

Press Weixiang.

Make dawn.

Later, Lin Meng and the staff of the coaching staff analyzed the various possible flaws of the FPX team for the players one by one.

The clever Xia is not very proficient.

After Gao Tianliang was targeted, it was very easy to make mistakes.

Tear less this season's hero pool problem: left-handed Ruier right-handed bull head.

After the monkey has no line right in the middle, the game sound is basically zero.

Niu Bao, is it a mistake for me to be too aggressive?
EDG: Yes!
Under the continuous analysis and discussion of the coaching staff, everyone in EDG has become more confident about the game the day after tomorrow.

After all, no matter how powerful the team is, it only needs to find out the flaws in it and stab it hard.

All strong teams will be pierced.

What's more, today's EDG is no longer the previous EDG.

The current EDG is much better than the EDG in the regular season in many aspects, such as the hero pool of each lane, the cooperation between players, and the decision-making at critical moments.

As they cut down powerful enemies with swords all the way, they only had a constant desire for victory in their hearts.

Wherever the sword points, you must make concessions for me.

(End of this chapter)

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