I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 204 Goodbye 5 kills!

Chapter 204 Goodbye Pentakill!

As soon as Colonel Guan said this, countless starches' worried mood immediately eased, and starch waited peacefully to see his team's perfect response in this wave of team battles.

"The EDG team battle is stable."

"Huang Fan: Thank you."

"Brothers, why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

"If EDG can win this wave of team battles, I will respect the colonel as a god!"

What Little Phoenix didn't know at this time was that their Doinb happened to be a TP on the red side's EDG vision.

At this time, after Meiko's titan came from the river, he decisively flashed across the wall and hooked it.

Right on F6!

Because Doinb was brushing F6 before, at this time he was surrounded by a group of birds diligently pecking at him, and it was this group of F6 that just blocked the crucial hook of the field titan.

The colonel at the commentary stand exclaimed: "Ah? The F6 helped the clockwork to block the Titan's hook. Could it be that this is the F6 of the FPX team? I have developed feelings for Doinb."

"Although you, a mid laner, killed many brothers in our F6 family, I'm still willing to block for you at critical times."

"Brothers, I'm in tears!"

At this time, the cold sweat on the monkey who was TP was about to come down. He didn't expect that EDG would come to interrupt his TP at this time, and this group of F6 really helped a lot.

But it is a pity that his clockwork still failed to TP to the top road in the end.

Teleportation, a channeled skill that takes 4.5 seconds to cast, was interrupted by Meiko, a close-up titan, with an ordinary flat A at the last second.


The countless control skills on the hero Titan finally dragged Doinb, who was about to take off, off the plane.

At this time, Doinb hurriedly said: "I can't make it through TP, so be careful on the road!"

This wave of FPX's counterattack that was supposed to be set off on the top road was unexpectedly disintegrated by a flat A of Titans.

At this time, on the top lane, Niu Bao, who received the counterattack signal, was preparing to double-team the EDGTP people with Nakano, when he found that his middle lane did not come.

At this time, Niu Bao felt a little at a loss.

Because before Little Tianguxiong arrived, his Jess was already surrounded by the top and middle of EDG.

Niu Bao: Brother Inb, you are lying.

I saw that after the holy gun brother pretended to be unconscious with Jess, the junior Victor immediately placed a gravity field under Niu Bao's feet, and then the R skill [Chaos Storm] of the three hands bloomed gorgeously above Jess' head.

EDG's unknown explosion AOE instantly melted Nuguri's little Jess.

[EDGScout killed FPXNuguri! 】

When Xiaotian arrived, all he saw was the corpse of his own top order. Gao Tianliang had no choice but to turn around and run away.

"Niu Bao has been fooled!"

"Doinb thought F6 was a good brother, but it turned out not to be."

"Nuguri felt a bit miserable today. It was 15-0 in less than 3 minutes."

"Xia Quan, I didn't expect you to follow the old path of your master after all."

Not long ago, the high-ranking colonel’s passionate and passionate voice seemed to be still echoing in the audience’s ears: “Something’s going to happen to EDG” and “It feels like Niu Bao can’t die”.

As a result, Niu Bao died tragically on the road afterwards.

And flowing under his corpse is the poisoned milk of a man with the surname Guan.
On the other hand, Doinb's clockwork wanted to give a good lesson to the Titans who broke their entire plan, but after Viper's small cannon arrived, he could only withdraw the monkey first.

Now Doinb gradually begins to feel that the hero Titan is really annoying.

From this point of view, he should have not heard the story of the mid laner Titan in the S9 World Championship for a long time.

Niu Bao, who was killed again, became even more silent in the team's voice at this time.

Jess at 0-3.

For Niu Bao, who dominated the LPL top lane, this is a somewhat unacceptably dismal record.

Today, as long as his Jess is on the top road a little bit smoother, various things will happen, which makes him very frustrated playing on the top road today.

Obviously his strength is so strong but he just can't show it.

Although at this time Doinb has turned into Sorrymaker and is frantically taking over the blame for himself, Niu Bao, who has been killed in battle, has been affected a little bit on his mentality.

More importantly, the effect of this FPX linkage is very weak.

In the early stage, without the help of Tie Shao, they gradually discovered that the extremely important early-stage linkage system in their team could not work at all.

When Phoenix stepped into EDG's BP trap, no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't jump out of this pit.

Because the phoenix wings named Crisp have been ruthlessly broken by a person named Lin Meng.

Afterwards, the rhythm of the game completely fell into the hands of EDG, and there were very few things FPX could do in the face of this disadvantage.

At 15 minutes and 36 seconds, the EDG duo once again squatted to Niu Bao with the line in the grass on the bottom road.

With a precise hook from Meiko Titan, Viper's small cannon easily killed the stunted Jess, and Niu Bao's record came to 0-4.

At 18 minutes and 19 seconds, the two sides broke out a wave of passion 5V5 in the lower half of the river.

Liu Qingsong, who had been suffocated for a whole time, took the lead in launching the attack. Dashu flashed the binding and locked the target on Scout, and the five FPX immediately focused on Victor.

But when the stopwatch on the elementary school boy dragged him long enough at the critical moment, Scout released his W skill and R skill before he died.

I saw that the AOE damage of the chaotic storm continued to be unrestrained and random in the river.

After that, the red side EDG instantly started a four-on-five 'disadvantage' team battle.

Colonel Guan: "When EDG lost a C position first, four people are chasing FPX and five people are fighting, my God!"

"This wave won't be really won by EDG, will it?"

Saint Gun took the lead with a barrel, and directly blasted the FPX formation on the opposite side with an R skill [Explosive Barrel].

His target was on the bear in front of him.

After our tool man, Holy Gun, used the E skill [Meat, Egg, Scallion Chicken] to make Xiaotian faint, what was left for Viper was the stage for harvesting.

Siren Killer + Phantom Dancer's small cannon is like an assassin transformed into an assassin at this time.

Xiaotian, whose blood volume was very unhealthy, also fell down slowly.

Immediately afterwards, Udyr, the factory manager, turned on the turbo alchemy pot, flashed a shot and knocked out Niu Bao's Jess not far away, and Viper, who had won a double kill and refreshed his W skill, started jumping directly on Jess's face.

【Trible Kill! 】

At this time, Meiko Titan successfully forced out Lin Weixiangxia's ultimate move with a Q skill.

I saw FPX's only remaining double C quickly fleeing down the river.

At this moment, a very spiritual TP of Holy Gun Brother Wine Barrel appeared on the bottom lane.

This TP in the chasing team battle is really easy to use. He successfully double-teamed the wine barrel behind him and flashed an E without giving the opponent any room to react.

Viper, who had already caught up, started his ruthless harvesting journey of his own small cannon.

[Quadra Kill! 】

Holy Gun became Viper's second support in this wave of team battles, and various control skills cleared the way for Viper's output.

At this time, the small cannon that refreshed the rocket jump jumped to Doinb's face again.

After putting on the E skill [Explosion Sparks], Viper started the non-stop Pudong cock.

In the screen, as the explosion sparks finally bloomed, all the hopes of Little Phoenix in the first game seemed to be wiped out with the sound of the last pentakill.

【Penta Kill! 】

(End of this chapter)

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