I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 206 That's it?

Chapter 206 That's it?

No one expected that EDG would win the first game in such a devastating manner.

This FPX seems to have fallen into the trap set by EDG from the very beginning, and the phoenix that lost its wings was still defeated when facing the ferocious wild boar of EDG.

In the early stage, Guodian suppressed the opponent in various ways in terms of wild auxiliary rhythm;

"This is the EDG of Civil War, it's a bit scary."

"One thing to say, I feel that Little Phoenix is ​​really aggrieved by this fight."

"Coach Lin Meng of EDG really feels that there is something wrong. The whole BP has done so that FPX can't be linked at all."

"Netizen Mikuya: Today's coach Lin Meng is as handsome as ever, guarding the best Lin Meng in the world!!!"

Today everyone in EDG showed their [-]% perfect state, and the advantage in the BP lineup gradually became the suppression of the situation in the game.

For two teams with the same level of strength, the overall BP may be more important than the players' operations in a sense.

Just like when EDG and SKT were in the MSI decisive game back then, General Pawn's mid laner Morgana perfectly restrained the 100% winning rate of the big demon king and enchantress.

In the summer of that year, everyone was starchy.

Today, Xiaofenghuang's preparations before the game were obviously not as satisfactory as EDG, which had been waiting for a long time.

Guodian's coaching staff and analyst team have been passed down from ancient times to the present, and the experience and lessons of each game have been summarized in the EDG data analysis database one by one.

These nutrients rooted in the soil are nourishing the current knights little by little, so that they can play more handily in the game.

A large part of the reason why EDG has been called the "Phantom God of Civil War" for so many years is that the entire backup system of EDG is too perfect.

In other words, EDG is extremely familiar with the environment of the entire LPL competition area and has a thorough understanding of almost all domestic teams, so that they can have their invincible situation in the civil war.

Lin Meng believes that even if he didn't join this year, the results of EDG with this configuration in the Spring Split this year will definitely not be too bad.

Because the strength of these five people from Guodian is definitely in the forefront even in today's LPL competition area.

It's just that Lin Meng's joining this spring is more like the last piece of the puzzle, which can fill Guodian's black battle flag.

At this time, the battle flag belonging to EDG was flying in the playoffs. Under the leadership of Lin Meng, they were heading towards the stage of this year's Jiangcheng Finals.

And the Mvp of the first game was given to Viper who won the pentakill.

MVP: Viper
K/D/A (Kills/Deaths/Assists): 9/0/4
KP% (group participation rate): 80.5%
DMG% (damage percentage): 35.1%
DMG/GOLD (damage conversion rate): 149.8%
[email protected](Counterpoint economy difference): +2396
Number of MVPs (playoffs): 12 (1)
Although Udyr, the factory manager, drove the rhythm of the entire game in the early stage, but unfortunately, the record of the Viper cannon is a bit too luxurious.

As we all know, there is only one standard for selecting Mvp in the LPL division-data.

"Friends in the audience, welcome back to the game site. The second game between EDG and FPX will start soon."

In the second game, FPX, who still chose to come to the blue side, took the initiative to change his thinking on this BP.

They chose to release the hero Kai'Sa in the first three bans, because Xia, who was very clever last time, was weaker than Viper in both laning and team fighting.

In this case, it would be better for Xiaopao and Kaisha to have one person on each side.

And more importantly, Steak chose to release Meiko's bull's head in the second round.

Xiaofeng, who responded quickly, finally got a lineup that fits their style very well in this game: top lane Gnar, jungler Udyr, middle lane clockwork, bottom lane Xiaopao + Ruier.

Red side EDG: top lane wine barrel, play wild bear, mid lane Victor, bottom lane Kai'Sa+Tau Tau.

Colonel Guan looked at the lineups of both sides and said seriously: "The lineup that FPX got this time is much better than the last one. The BP of the blue side should do this."

"Of course, having said that, I'm still quite optimistic about EDG's current state."

At this time, countless starches seem to know the outcome of this game.

Sure enough, this point was perfectly confirmed shortly after Guan Zeyuan's voice fell.

FPX in this round showed the rapid momentum they had in the playoffs all the way.

At 4 minutes and 36 seconds, Xiaotian Udyr's wave of spiritual grasp cooperated with Doinb to successfully win the head of the primary school boy.

At 7 minutes and 29 seconds, FPX Nakano went around, and in the face of a three-person double-team, Saint Gun's wine barrel died tragically under the tower.

Afterwards, FPX came to the wild assistant linkage link they are very familiar with. Liu Qingsong and Gao Tianliang perfectly demonstrated the dazzling demeanor of the S9 champion Nosuke in this round.

In the early 10 minutes, Xiaotian and Tie Shao helped Niu Bao successfully get the first blood tower on the road.

Faced with this situation, although the factory manager's bear helped the team regain a little rhythm, they killed a wave of C positions in the middle and bottom lanes.

However, the near-collapse situation in the first half made it impossible for EDG to deal with Niu Bao, the overdeveloped Gnar, in the mid-term team battle.

The game time came to 22 minutes, and FPX on the dominant side decisively Rush the dragon to force the team.

At the critical moment, the factory manager, who was two levels behind, flashed into the dragon pit to grab the big dragon to no avail. Xiaotian punished the big dragon perfectly this time.

In the end, FPX successfully won the first Baron Nash.

Afterwards, Little Phoenix did not give EDG a chance to breathe. Wave after wave of perfect rhythm made EDG on the red side have less and less right to speak on the field.

At 27 minutes and 34 seconds, Little Phoenix took their Fire Dragon Soul after successfully killing Meiko who lost his vision in the wild.

In the end, EDG still had difficulty resisting the opponent's offensive under its own huge economic disadvantage.

With the breaking of the main crystal of the Guodian base, the scores of the two sides in this round of the series were tied.

Looking at the situation on the field at this time, Colonel Guan, who has been a loyal fan of Guodian for ten years, sighed slightly: "Oh!"

Rita: "Congratulations to FPX for winning the second game. At present, the two sides are tied one to one. We look forward to the wonderful performance of the two sides in the next game."

At this time, as soon as EDG lost, countless "self-proclaimed justice" audiences stood up and took out their golden keyboards to verbally criticize Xiao Caidian.

"EDG, that's it?"

"Director, you are really old, hurry up and retire, this is not your era anymore."

"What is the phantom god of the civil war? Our little Phoenix is ​​fighting you, the phantom god of the civil war."

"Brothers, I have a hunch that today FPX may let one chase three."

"Let me tell you a joke: I have already started researching MSI's opponents."

"According to my many years of experience watching games, Guodian will definitely not go far this year, and I will post it as proof!"

(End of this chapter)

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