I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 222 Ma Huateng Is My Father

Chapter 222 Ma Huateng Is My Father
"Zoe Lee!!!"

"Wow! Junior's Zoe! Ye Qinghui!"

"I have to praise Coach Lin Meng, who really believes in his players on this kind of stage. Just because he dares to take such a hero for the middle lane, I announce that I will award him a one-year free ticket."

"Wooooow, EDG's Zoe is always worthy of people's trust, rush to my little dish!"

If LPL fans are asked to choose a hero for the junior boy that he is best at, it is estimated that a large part of them will choose the hero of Twilight Protoss-Zoe.

At that time, Scout's signature Zoe played well in the middle lane, and various amazing moves emerged one after another. Later, he was dubbed "Zoe Li" by people.

Once a player's hero is extremely good at playing, netizens who make troubles will give this hero a resounding title.

In this arena called "League of Legends", there are many titles that are very interesting.

For example, titles named after their surnames: Li Zuoyi, Lu Xiye, Jia Liao, Hou Lulu, Sima Laojin, Holy Spear Chenglu, etc.

Many heroes in Summoner's Canyon may have gradually faded out of the audience's field of vision with the passage of time, but some people's names have been permanently engraved behind them.

When these names are combined with heroes, they will instantly become radiant.

The opposing RNG has already shown its cards. Instead of thinking about how to attack the opponent, Lin Meng might as well choose to use their best system to overcome the opponent.

As long as the double Poke system of Jess + Zoe can seize the mid-term strong period, the opponent's basically all-skinned lineup will definitely not be able to withstand their damage here.

But again, once EDG fails to play its own advantages, then this game may be an inevitable failure for Guodian.

Baby: "With the determination of Zoe in the fifth hand of the red side RNG, the BP stage of both sides has been completed."

"EDG took out a Poke system that has not been seen in the game for a long time, because the director just reminded me that this is the first time that the hero Zoe was selected in our playoffs this year."

"This is Zoe, who was selected by the counter position on the fifth floor. I am very much looking forward to the performance of this Scout."

Long Mao: "After all, Zoe, who is a junior, has something to say. Can Li Zuoyi, who has turned the tide countless times, continue to help the team expand the score advantage, or can RNG's dual AD lineup win back a victory."

"Let us follow the Mercedes-Sachs into the second round of this contest."

After the fans on both sides cheered again, the second round of the final BO5 kicked off.

The final locked lineups of both sides are as follows.

Blue side RNG: top laner Xiaopao, jungler, mid laner clockwork, bottom laner Xia Jiaseti.

Red side EDG: top laner Jess, jungler Udyr, mid laner Zoe, bottom laner Kathaga Titans.

Entering the game, EDG's three Nakano brothers headed straight for the opponent's blue zone. In the mini-map, EDG has been signaling the pin royal family's blue zone, and seems to have great ideas about its blue zone.

Wawa: "Huh? Looking at the positions of the EDG players, they seem to want to help the factory manager win the upper half of the opposing field in the early stage."

"If you change the wild area in the early stage, it will be very uncomfortable for RNG to go on the road."

This Xiaohu top laner is the most important part of the RNG system, so EDG wants to suppress the very comfortable upper field rhythm of the opponent.

So the director of this game directly chose to go out with scanning, and wanted to change a wave of wild areas with the opposite RNG.

It even said that even if he couldn't switch to the jungle area, Mingkai would be delayed for a little time to clear the jungle, and the opponent's jungler would not be able to comfortably brush up from the lower half of the area.

Otherwise, the pressure on Jess, the holy gun, is really a bit heavy.

The entire EDG coaching staff has made a very detailed design for the factory manager's wild route in the finals this year. Some subtle layouts of EDG's wild areas in the second game prove this point.

In the field screen at this time.

When he came to his side's F6, the factory manager Udyr scanned directly to the vision guard that the royal family had just made in the grass on the red buff partition wall with a spiritual scan.

This makes it very likely that the opposing jungler will not be able to see into the wilderness route of the factory manager Udyr in the early stage.

Moreover, the factory manager gave the experience of this eye to Jess of Brother Holy Gun in great detail, so that Jess can reach the second level smoothly after eating the first wave of experience.

Although there is a high probability that Holy Gun is still a disadvantaged game online, the experience brought by this vision in the early stage will make him a lot more comfortable online.

Just when the field of vision made at F6 was cleared, the people who were taking the red buff in the lower half told Xiaohu to take a look at the blue buff in the upper half.

For the jungler, when he can't guess the movement of the opposing jungler, he must figure out the situation in his own jungle immediately.

At this time, as soon as Xiaohu's small cannon entered the wild area, he discovered that EDG's Ueno and Ueno were stealing the blue buff.

"The factory manager is stealing wild!"

After getting the information, Xiaohu gave the information back to his jungler in time.

At this time, Wei nodded after taking the red buff: "Brother Hu, I may have to change jungles with the opponent in the early stage. You should be careful on the road for the first few minutes."

Xiaohu: "Understood."

In this way, the jungler routes of the two sides changed due to a wave of spiritual invasion by the factory manager Udyr.

The commentary desk at this time.

Miller: "It's really comfortable for Saint Gun to switch junglers on both sides. What he, Jess, is most afraid of is that as soon as the small cannon pushes into the lane, the jungler will rush out from behind."

"Now Wei's troops can only farm wild monsters in the lower half of the map after changing the wild area."

The jungler's early wilderness route is related to many things: the initial Gank route, the second wave of wilderness planning, the layout of the map view, and so on.

Wei, who originally planned to provide a set of emperor-level services for the Land Rover general, had to change his thinking about fighting the wild at this time.

After giving the camera to the initial opening situation of the junglers on both sides, the director gave the camera to the middle players on both sides.

Zoe, who made his debut in this year's playoffs, was on the final stage as soon as he appeared, which also made many people very curious about the performance of this junior player.

In the mid-lane scene at this time, when Scout's Zoe shot a long-range flying star and successfully replenished a minion with skill fragments, a small circle with skills burst out of it.

【Landon's Omen】.

At this time, the elementary school boy's mood suddenly became a little ugly.

The hero Zoe is most afraid of dropping some unused skills on the minions in the early stage, and the fragment of [Landun's Omen] may be the most useless one.

Looking at the Fragment of Langdon not far away, Scout didn't have the slightest thought of picking it up.

Half a minute later, when he was full of joy to make up a minion with skill fragments again, his mood dropped rapidly like a roller coaster ride.


Another familiar Langton's Omen!

Wawa: "Oh, this Zoe doesn't seem to be doing well in opening the blind box in the middle lane. Two Langdon fragments in a row, I feel that the mentality of the elementary school boy Zoe seems to be a little bit bad."

"This blind box is poisonous!"

In the EDG team voice at this time.

The elementary school boy complained: "Brothers, the hero Zoe is not fun at all. Can you believe that two Langdons are lost?"

"I'm a little bit depressed right now."

Tian Ye: "Didn't you say that spell? Playing League of Legends sometimes requires spells."

Primary school boy: "What spell?"

Tian Ye smiled slightly: "The mantra only has six words."

"Follow me and read: Ma Huateng is my father!"

Really useful?
The elementary school boy with a strong skeptical attitude planned to give it a try.

After a while, after chanting the spell, Scout suddenly became lucky in the middle lane.

After chanting the spell, it will take effect immediately.

After that, summoner skills such as igniting and healing dropped one by one, and Zoe's mid lane luck slowly rose.

At this time, the elementary school boy couldn't help sighing silently in his heart: Ma Huateng, he is really a god!
The move of the junglers on both sides to change the field in the early stage made Xiaohu's small cannon on the road dare not press the line too deep.

After all, some coquettish routines of the man who is the factory manager will always make people feel hard to guard against. A little fat man named "Uzi" suffered a lot from it back then.

As the oldest man in the royal team, Xiaohu also has a good understanding of the factory manager.

One word can perfectly describe Clearlove in the canyon: Sao!

Although the person who canceled the account was also known as a coquettish, he was still a little ashamed in front of the more coquettish factory manager.

After all, the older you get, the more coquettish you are.

No one can compare to the factory manager.

This one, the top laner that RNG relies on the most did not show its explosive suppression ability in the early stage.

Although Brother Holy Gun was still beaten a little by General Tiger online, this is completely acceptable to Jess, and this is already a perfect start for EDG on the road.

On the other hand, Wei did not choose to go back to the city directly after changing the wild area, but had an idea about the EDG bottom lane duo.

The change of the jungle clearing route made EDG be extra cautious when the two players in the bottom lane were on the line. After all, Mingkai had a high probability of keeping the top laner in the early stage.

So for the bottom lane, they will get relatively less care.

And the most important thing is that Shi Senming's Seti has a little restraint on the field titans. The reason why Gala played so well this season is definitely the old and spicy Xiao Ming.

This Sett support in the bottom lane completely suppressed the very aggressive Titans in the early stage.

Several waves of tentative exchanges between the two sides were perfectly resolved by Shi Senming's full of heroic punches, and EDG's bot lane life was not comfortable.

At this time, the jungler on the opposite side also had a murderous intention towards the two of them.

After finishing the second half of EDG's wild area, Wei did not choose to take the river crabs in the second half area, but went directly to the grass behind EDG's bottom lane, silently waiting for the pawn line to enter the tower.

Miller: "Wow, Wei's clearing the jungle is very spiritual. When the junglers on both sides are passively changing the jungle, he still wants to help his teammates in the bottom lane to do things."

"This is the flexible adaptability of an excellent jungler on the field."

"From the map, we can see that Udyr, the factory manager, will never be able to make it to the bottom lane. Now we have to see if the EDG bottom lane duo is alert."

The reason why RNG can reach this position step by step this season is that the addition of jungler Wei this year is the most critical point.

The arrival of this young jungler has perfectly integrated into the entire system of RNG.

It can even be said that he came here with a system that is very suitable for the royal family.

Xiaolongbao, which RNG spent a huge amount of money to buy from Mr. Chubby last year, has already sat firmly on the bench this season, serving tea, pouring water, squeezing their waists and legs for their teammates.

This shows the horror of Wei this person.

At this time, seeing the strong push of the opposite duo, our old support Tian Ye was suddenly full of vigilance.

A vision guard partition was inserted in the bushes behind him, and the footprints of the junglers on the opposite side were immediately noticed by everyone in EDG.

"People and horses want to jump over the tower, run to Xian!" Meiko said immediately in the team's voice.

The result of being double-teamed by the opposite three under the tower is definitely death. Just when Tian Ye and Dao Xian were about to retreat quickly on the bottom road.

The RNG that had been discovered chose to attack first.

In front of the tower, Shisen Mingserti's sudden attack made people feel a little caught off guard.

Flash + E skill [Strong Hand Cracking Skull] successfully caught the unresponsive field, and Viper Kai'Sa's quick flash perfectly avoided the pulling effect of Xiao Ming's E skill.

Wawa: "Oh my God! What kind of hand speed is Viper? The moment Xiao Ming flashed, he handed over his own flash."

"This ADC's hand speed is too fast!"

Even though she is in her own tower, if Kai'Sa is pulled together by Sett's E skill and minions, Viper in a stunned state may even be instantly killed by the opponent.

And Viper's flash in seconds managed to avoid Sett's sudden attack.

At this time, Tian Ye, who had only the hand speed of the "old man", collided with Xiao Ming.

The relationship between the two old assistants was so intense.

It's just that RNG didn't have the slightest interest in this nearly full-blooded Titan. Wei's men chose to give up this wave of bottom lane attack rhythm after turning around in the tower.

And just when Xiao Ming's Seti was about to pull out of the attacking range of the defensive tower, Tian Tiantan's Q skill pulled Shi Senming back into the tower.

You pull me.

I pull you too.

The love between supports is that simple.

I saw that Meiko received another flat A with a passive [overwhelming], and Seti was imprisoned under the EDG tower again.

Miller: "I feel that little Minserti is a bit dangerous. He is still under the attack of the defense tower."

There are only two fathers in the entire Summoner's Canyon in the early game.

One is Ma Huateng.

One is called a defense tower.

At this time, Meiko's weak choice fell on Shi Senming without hesitation. At this time, Seti's W skill [Deliberate Punch] blocked the third attack of the defense tower.

At this time, Seti was already bleeding.

Although Gala's Xia did not hesitate to choose to assist and hand over the treatment for herself, Xiao Ming still suffered the damage of the fourth defense tower under the tower under the condition of being weak in the quilt.

I saw the lovely Shi Senming still fell under the defense tower.

【First Blood! 】

[EDGMeiko killed RNGMing! 】

This is the love and killing between the two assistants.

(End of this chapter)

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