I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 239 Xu Xiu?No show!

Chapter 239 Xu Xiu?No show!

"Xu Xiu fell down! (Crying voice)"

"Showmaker: Factory Manager! It's a 1V1 man fight in the middle lane, what the hell are you doing here? It's not fair!!!"

"Fuck it, don't talk about it, the elementary school boy, Lucian, feels like he's doing something wrong, and our LPL mid laner, Lucian, is a bit fierce."

"This wave, it's the performance of the elementary school boy being possessed by the golden wheel of muscles. E little bit Q little bit W little bit, and the first blood will be there immediately."

"This Lucian, according to the words of our flower pot brother Masto: the whole of Asia!"

Miller: "EDG's middle and wild linkage, Scout's Lucian took the lead in getting first blood!"

"This wave is a little bit hurt for Xu Xiu, because in the wave from Lucian to Six, it is possible to play a line kill in the middle."

"After all, at MSI that year, someone from our LPL has already confirmed this."

Long Mao: "Who would have thought that Udyr, the factory director, would appear in that position, and once the hero Zoe is caught like this, he has nothing to do."

"The early Lucian was basically invincible."

This time, the junior boy relied on his excellent laning ability to suppress Showmaker, the Rongguang brother who is famous for laning in the LCK division, and successfully won the first blood.

It has to be said that the hero Lucian hit Zoe with one hit.

Zoe, who was originally a line bully, was extremely uncomfortable when she met Lucian, who was even more line bully. She didn't even dare to pick up the skill fragments that fell from the soldiers.

According to the lyrics of our milk tea brother Yue Banlun: How do I pick it up?
Brother Rongguang's Zoe was completely suppressed by Lucian in the middle, and there was no room for manipulation, so Xu Xiu couldn't help feeling a little annoyed at this time.

Obviously their coaching staff had sworn to tell him before: EDG's mid laner is absolutely impossible to choose Lucian.

But today's EDG really selected Lucian.

At this time, it can be seen on the data panels of both sides that there has been a clear gap in the number of last hits of the mid laners of the two sides in the early stage.

This kind of situation is very rare for DK, the defending champion.

The factory manager's wave of spiritual jumping over the tower helped the elementary school student Lu Xian successfully kill Xu Xiu's Zoe, and the more important thing is that this Zoe has just handed over TP to the line.

So the rhythm of the first wave of games was smoothly in the hands of EDG.

In MSI, which can be said to be a brand new jungle version, there have emerged multiple AP-type jungle heroes such as Morgana, Rambo, and Bright Moon.

Under the adjustment of the designer, this kind of jungle hero quickly led a wave of enthusiasm in Summoner's Canyon.

But the wild father in the canyon in the early and mid-term is still the shrimp catcher-Udyr!

Although this kind of AP jungler clears the jungle very fast, the disadvantages of this type of hero are also obvious: the ability to drive the rhythm of the game in the early stage is somewhat weak, and the ability to help online teammates in the early stage is very limited.

In other words: too soft!
It's okay if the team has an advantage in the front, but once the disadvantage arises, the upper limit of the operation of this hero will be strictly limited.

Knowing this well, Lin Meng decisively chose to grab Udyr when he was on the blue side. At this time, the factory director really lived up to his expectations and brought out the ability of this wild brother.

One Godala.

Really good!

Relying on the first-blood economy and the overall lead in the number of last hits, Lucian took out two long swords and a short sword directly after returning to the city, and the three parts of the quiver at noon had already taken shape.

After Zoe, who was at a disadvantage, saw the equipment on Lucian on the TP return line, at this moment Xu Xiu looked at the solitary booster book on her body.

The three words 'Mom selling batches' immediately came to my mind.

Facing Lucian, Xu Xiu's signature Zoe can only be beaten passively in the middle lane at the moment.

Because once the hero Zoe doesn't have the right to push the line, facing a large wave of soldiers pushing from the opposite side, the hit rate of his key E skill [Hypnosis Bubble] will drop significantly.

Zoe can use her skills to consume a blood volume only when she can sleep to the opposite side, but the probability of this happening at this time is almost zero.

Coupled with the surprisingly stable last hit of the younger brother, the gap between the mid laners of the two sides will become wider and wider as time goes by.

Because Lucian will enter the period when the hero is the most powerful when he gets the first mythical outfit, the power of the wind. In addition, Sanshu, the jungler Morgana, has less radiation ability to online teammates. .

At this time, DK's team-oriented lineup was already very uncomfortable during the laning period.

"I may stay in the middle for a long time this time, you guys should be careful." Xu Xiu said in the team's voice.

The two sides fought extremely fiercely in the middle lane. As for the top lane duel between the two sides, the director basically didn't show the camera.

A wine barrel and a Thain on the road is really a 1V1 man-to-man battle. The two people's battles are like pulling hair, and there is no way to tell the result.

In fact, to a certain extent, the roles of Brother Hanzi and Brother Holy Gun in their respective teams are somewhat similar.

Back then, both of them were known as manipulative heroes on the road, and now they have become the same as they are now.

This can be seen.

people to middle age.


"I think I can take a look at the next lane." At this time, the factory manager quickly said in the voice of the team after switching the screen to look at the situation of their lanes.

Hearing this, Tian Ye asked suspiciously: "Huh? The two groups of wild monsters in the lower half of your area have been refreshed. Don't you come back after clearing the wild?"

At this time, Tian Ye has noticed that the F6 and the stone man in the red zone of his side have been refreshed, especially the F6 is the lifeblood of Ming Kai.

The factory manager shook his head: "Morgana, the jungler on the opposite side, is actually at the same speed as mine. When I finish clearing the jungle, he has a chance to appear online."

"Then it's better if I don't clear the jungle first, and directly engage them in the next wave."

After Mingkai came back, the operation of the entire EDG team can be described as seamless and meticulous. This person's grasp of some subtle rhythms can always give Guodian a certain advantage in the early stage of the game.

EDG had many excellent players in the low tide period in the past few years. The strength of this team is not weak. The players in every position of Guodian belong to the mid-level and even upper-level groups in the LPL competition area.

They have no shortage of strength.

What they lack is only one person who can lead the overall situation and command the overall situation.

What is needed is a person who can turn the tide and help the building that is about to collapse.

The return of the factory manager this year perfectly fits this point. This person's years of game experience and ability to read games allow him to successfully integrate into this team that belongs to him.

In addition, the game version this spring is very friendly to the factory director, so Guodian, with its "pig heart bone", can win the Silver Dragon Cup again this spring.

Tian Ye nodded: "OK!"

In this way, the EDG team quickly formulated the next offensive strategy.

In the picture at this time, Udyr, the factory manager, can be seen directly rushing down the road from the dragon pit after ordering the explosive fruit.

Miller: "Hey, the factory manager seems to have an idea for DK's bot lane duo in this wave. This wave feels like there is a chance."

"Because Canyon's Morgana is still brushing her own three wolves at this time."

At this time, the EDG bottom lane duo decided to start a team battle after finding the right opportunity.

After the titan in the field crossed the line of soldiers, a precise Q skill [clear the channel] hooked the female tank supporting Beryl on the opposite side.

At the moment when the team battle started here at EDG, there was an obvious communication error between the two DK bot laners on the opposite side.

DK's AD Ghost King had sensed something was wrong at this time, and just as he was about to retreat, his auxiliary female tank did not choose to retreat at this time.

Beryl: "You can not withdraw first, because I feel that the jungler on the opposite side should not come."

Ghost: "."

And just as Beryl's words fell, Udyr, the director of the factory, seemed to have appeared on the next route, rushing straight towards the DK support.

Faced with this situation at this time, even if the female tank wanted to run, she couldn't run away.

It's just very puzzling: this female tank even handed over her flash before dying.

Flash of death!

The ghost emperor's mentality has collapsed!

"This is the champion support?"

"Hahahaha, this taste is so familiar, Brother Lan, is that you?"

"As a silver tier, I think: this female tank is really good for me."

"This kind of situation means that the assist syndrome happened again in the second year after winning the championship, brother Beryl!"

At this time, the long-haired brows on the commentary desk frowned: "What? Why does Beryl's reaction seem to be half a beat slow, and in the end, he wasted a flash of his own."

"If the next wave of factory managers comes to military training again, his female tank will still feel unable to survive."

"One thing to say, this doesn't seem like the consciousness of a champion support?"

Wa Wa also expressed her doubts: "If he flashed ahead of time in this wave, he would have a little chance to escape, but after hesitating for that second, he couldn't escape."

"It can only be said that he probably didn't expect the factory manager to come at this time."

This wave of Beryl's bizarre operations made Viper's Kai'Sa successfully harvest a head, and this early factory manager successfully fed two heads into his double C's mouth.

At this time, Morgana, the jungler on the opposite side, was brushing her own toad.

Although Canyon's Morgana had already chosen to go down the road quickly when he saw the accident in the bottom lane, but the appearance of the factory manager directly made him choose to turn back and go wild.

Because he knew that this wave of his own support would die.

Faced with this situation at this time, Beryl's Morgana can really do very little.

As an Fmvp-level figure in last year's global finals, this year's wild king Canyon's voice in the game is actually getting smaller and smaller.

With the wild core version gradually withdrawing from the stage of history, his most famous male gun, Qian Jue and his ilk are rarely able to appear on stage.

Last year, even if DK's online hero had an accident or even collapsed in the early stage of the game, he could keep clearing the jungle without rushing.

Because he knows that he has the ability to carry the game alone in the late game, and the few games against SN in the finals have deeply confirmed this point.

It's just that after the current version changes, Canyon has fallen into the same predicament as Gao Dashu Ning and Gao Ershu Tian.

Although he doesn't have the arrogance of King Ning, nor does he have the low self-esteem of Xiaotian.

But for such a person who used to match the version so well, the version change is undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow.

At this time, after seeing his home line being frequently ganked by the factory manager, Canyon couldn't help feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

The person opposite is indeed Clearlove!
After helping the bottom lane to open up the situation, Udyr, the factory manager, cooperated with his own bottom lane duo to successfully control the first water dragon.

Due to the death of the support and the loss of Xuxiu's line rights in the middle lane, the very stable DK directly chose to give up the little dragon without even looking at it.

Although Canyon's Morgana successfully overtook the last knife when the factory manager was working, Guodian's overall game rhythm was successfully opened with the help of Udyr.

Although the jungle level of this version is also very important, it is indeed not the wild core version of last year.

Fifteen words are enough to summarize the situation in the current version: find the rhythm in the early stage, wait for team battles in the middle stage, and look at the decision-making in the later stage.

After taking the dragon, the three of EDG chose to start B to return to the city. Although Mingkai, the jungler in the lower half of the area, hadn't gone to brush yet, he actually had a deeper plan in his heart.

"Tianye, how about we go to Zhongzhong to deal with Xu Xiu?" The factory manager who returned to the city for supplies said in the voice of the team.

At this time, Meiko, who had just been shopping a wave, didn't speak, but just walked straight towards the middle.

it is more than words!
Since Beryl has been blocked on the line in the early stage, Canyon's Morgana is better than nothing for the care of the lower half.

So at this time, DK's vision in the entire lower river is a completely black situation.

At this time, Xu Xiu, who was about to make up the knife under the tower, never thought that the opposite EDG would target his own Zoe again.

Miller: "The two of EDG Nosuke came directly to Showmaker after going out, and they seemed to want to kill Xu Xiu again."

"My God, EDG's fight was too bloody."

After turning on the scan, the EDG wild duo once again came behind Xu Xiu's buttocks, preparing to double-team him in a wave.

Although he already knew the approximate location of the opposing jungler, Meiko inserted a ward in the position of the opposing three wolves in great detail at this time, so as to ensure that the opposing Morgana would not appear behind when they acted.

In the screen, at the moment when the middle lane entered the tower, Scout's Lucian directly activated his R skill [Holy Spear Baptism].

Da da da da!
A round of bullets like cannon balls was quickly fired from the muzzle of the elementary school boy, and almost half of the whole set of holy guns successfully hit Zoe under the tower.

At this time, the two EDG Nosuke, who had been waiting for a long time, finally chose to make a move.

Titan flashed across the wall and hit Zoe directly in the tower with a Q skill, followed by another flat A to imprison him in place.

Although Zoe has a mechanism to pick up summoner skills, it is almost impossible for Zoe to pick it up at the moment when it flashes outside the wall.

This is the real reason why EDG dared to attack Xu Xiu at this time.

Otherwise, in the face of a very flexible Zoe, if he flashed rashly, he might give away the flash for nothing.

After that, Udyr, the factory manager, quickly ran to the bottom of the tower to catch up with his control skills, and EDG followed suit with another wave of tower jumping.

At this moment, Scout said that I had clearly seen this wave before.

Just after the elementary school boy resolutely handed over a set of unexplained combos, Showmaker's Zoe fell to the ground again.

Xu Xiu?

No show!

(End of this chapter)

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