Chapter 46 The Fat Viper
At this time, EDG's advantage in the early bot lane gradually radiated to the entire team. At 14 minutes, the factory manager successfully controlled the second earth dragon.

The second Xiaolong V5 didn't even dare to look at it, because the equipment gap between the ADs on both sides was a bit too big.

The economic gap between the two sides on the field has widened to more than 4000 yuan, and Viper alone is more than 2000 ahead of the opposing ADC.

You know, this version of the ADC is different from the previous ones. No matter how fat the previous ADCs are, they have always been toys in the canyon, and anyone can bully them.

But the current AD has changed enough. After this version is equipped, the AD can dominate the entire battlefield.

Hitomi: "The early rhythm of this EDG is really smooth, especially on Viper. It feels like he is going to take over the game now."

Wang Duoduo: "After Tianxiu at the Pioneer of Nabo Valley, the development of Viper is already unstoppable, and for V5, it is even more difficult to accept that the dragon soul of this weapon is the fire dragon soul."

Tong Xi continued: "The fire dragon soul cooperates with such a perfectly developed Xia, the damage will definitely make it difficult for V5 to parry."

"It would be fine if V5 had a small dragon in his hand, it could slow down the accumulation of dragon souls on EDG's side, but unfortunately their early bot lane disadvantage is too great, so they can only let go of the first two small dragons for nothing."

The factory manager's canyon pioneer was also placed in the middle early to support the development of Viper, and the money for two layers of coating was credited, and the holy gun brother next door was about to cry!

At this time, Flandre said plausibly: "After the end, I have to ask the coach to see if I can go on the road with four guarantees!"

Viper is 4-0 Xia at this time, eating basically the entire wild area by himself, and with the economic account of the defensive tower plating, this Viper is really fat and oily.

At this time, his Xia is already the three-star Tianxuan Xia, and the flying feathers in the sky have successfully evolved into fat feathers in the sky.

Flandre also sighed: This Xia is too fat!

The two sides have entered into a period of peaceful development for a few minutes, but the fire dragon that is about to be refreshed may break the long-standing peace of both sides.

The third drawing dragon of EDG was also refreshed when the time came to 19 minutes. This time point is also a very embarrassing time point for V5, because the dragon will be refreshed in one minute.

If this wave of small dragons is not picked up well, then the big dragon will definitely become EDG's pocket.

It’s just that at this point in time, when Viper Xia’s development has already taken shape, the force of the strong wind and Xia who absorbs the blue sword and strengthens the sword, the damage during this time period is absolutely difficult for V5 to resist.

And just to be on the safe side, Viper also bought a stopwatch before this wave of team battles, which really fits EDG's style.

It's very EDG to be steady in the fierce!

At this time, after seeing Xia's equipment, V5 also said that it was difficult to accept. Such a big advantage even has a stopwatch?Are you still playing?

Langx said helplessly: "This wave of team battles should not be able to take over. Our equipment gap is too big, and the jungler is still two levels behind."

At this time, Lilia, the factory manager, also showed his characteristics of scavenging wilds. Although all the wild monsters in his family were eaten by AD, after all, there are still on the opposite side.

One of the classic quotations of Mala Xiangguo: AD eats the wild monsters in our family, and I eat the ones on the opposite side.

At this time, the factory director is also implementing the principle of "your wild area, my home", stealing the big bird of the wine barrel at every turn, stealing a few stone men by the way, and occasionally helping the holy gun to clear the line. This development is naturally there. Understand.

Flandre keeps saying that I, Ming Kai, won't help him, so am I helping him clear the line?
You are welcome, after all, we are all good brothers!

At this time, the wine barrel on V5's side was about to cry even more. His wild clearing speed was not as fast as Lilia's, not to mention Lilia's ID on the opposite side was still Clearlove.

This ID, as we all know, likes to develop!

At this time, EDG took the initiative to open their third dragon due to their huge advantages in line rights and vision. At this time, V5 had no choice but to let go of this dragon because they had no capital to join the group.

"No, this is a dragon! What is V5 doing? Is there something wrong with your thinking?"

"It's over, it's over, it's passed from person to person, brothers, V5 has become EDG!"

"After releasing the little dragons and enlarging the dragons, after releasing the big dragons and placing them on the high ground, you really have your EDG! Um, I'm sorry I read it wrong."

"The V5 beer guy started shopping again, he has the shadow of Xiao Leyan, hahahaha."

"Presumptuous! How can you call Le Yan the name? Le Ye!"

"You can say that about Le Ye, Le Ye is very happy, Le Ye decided to go to your house to eat takeaway for the Chinese New Year this year."

Just 10 minutes into the game, EDG has pushed down the first tower of V5's upper, middle and lower lanes, with three dragons in hand, and the dragons have already drawn cards.

The economic gap between the two sides did not expand further, and remained at around 5. This economic gap was also the main reason why Xiaolong was released on V[-].

Because if the Shanghai Botuan team loses, then the game may be gone.

They can still accept the five thousand economic difference, as long as the game time is postponed.

After all, the 5 economic difference in the early and mid-term is not the same concept as the [-] economic difference in the later period. As long as this gap is maintained, V[-] also believes that they are not without the possibility of a comeback.

Moreover, just relying on the team name of EDG on the opposite side can reduce a lot of economic gap.

Now on the bright side, EDG is ahead of the 5 economy, but in fact, V[-] is the one leading the [-] economy.

Your taste, your fine taste!

At this time, in the voice of EDG team.

Meiko said: "The other side is quite stable, and our economic gap has not widened further."

Ming Kai replied: "It's okay, the economic gap of [-] is big enough, and you can force the big dragon group with your vision, they will show their flaws."

EDG is naturally not in a hurry, I have such a big lead, why should I be in a hurry?
And they are in the late stage, and Victor and such a fat Xia Lai are covering the bottom line, so it should be V5 who is urgent.

EDG played steadily and once again occupied the field of view of the dragon area. Naturally, they don't like getting lost in the mid-term as much as before.

The current EDG has greatly improved in terms of decision-making, doing what they should do without haste, and already has the demeanor of a strong team.

Finally, after several unsuccessful attempts to rush the big dragon, EDG seized a chance for Xiaodongbei to clear the line in the bottom lane, and immediately started to rush the big dragon. The decision-making and execution were very decisive.

Xia, who was already in a four-piece suit, teamed up with the little Gnar of the Holy Gun, and the dragon flew up quickly. It took only ten seconds to successfully rush and drop the first Baron Nash.

Just ten seconds!

EDG is really fast enough!

By the time V5's blue jewelry hits Dalongkeng, everyone in EDG has already fled.

Xiao Dongbei sighed: "This wave, we are careless, the other side is so fast."

(End of this chapter)

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