Chapter 5 Opener

In a blink of an eye, the opening match of the LPL Spring Split is about to kick off!

The opening game of LPL has attracted much attention, not to mention that the two teams in this duel are RNG and EDG, which are constantly topical.

It can be seen that the official has also taken great pains for popularity and traffic.

And after the results of the public voting before the game were announced, it was also a surprise.

The support rate of EDG, which was invincible in the training match, was only over 30%. In this opening match, the support rate of RNG far exceeded EDG!

It can be seen that people's expectations for vegetable electronics are simply not there!Even if their training matches are really fierce.

People would rather support the royal family without dogs than trust Guodian with pigs.

In fact, this is not to blame the audience, mainly because the greater the expectations for the EDG team over the years, the greater the disappointment.

Gradually, people lost confidence in this EDG team. Even if the starting jungler this time is 7777777, even if they practice fiercely, people are still not very optimistic about this EDG team.

There are even a lot of ridicule and abuse of EDG on the barrage.

"What's the use of coming back at such an old age?"

"Little Peanut is no longer in the LPL, so the director dares to come back?"

"The training game is strong, it's not like being beaten up by others!"

"If you can't even beat RNG, you can really go home and raise pigs."
Time came to the night of the opening game.

After a series of opening ceremonies, the game is about to begin.

Under the guidance of the promotional video and the host, the atmosphere of the audience has been mobilized.

All kinds of glorious images of the LPL competition area in the past flashed on the big screen.

When the players and coaches of EDG came to the stage, there was a tsunami of cheers from the audience.

There was also a sound of exclamation, because the audience had noticed the pink bracelets on the wrists of the five EDG players!
Coach Lin Meng, who was on stage for the first time, was a little nervous, but more excited.

He took a deep breath and felt everything around him.

Is this the charm of the stage, lighting and applause?
Feeling the surge of adrenaline in his body, Lin Meng suddenly remembered a sentence UZI once said.

It probably means that every night before going to sleep, he would imagine the sound of cheers from the audience when he wins the championship. That kind of scene is the goal he has been pursuing since he became a professional player, and that feeling is something he will never forget.

Now Lin Meng suddenly understands that feeling a little bit!
When the players were sitting and adjusting the equipment, the head coach Lin Meng was wearing a handsome suit with a black notebook, and he looked like a dog-headed military strategist.

Lin Meng teased them: "Is this what it feels like when the world focuses on you?"

Brother Holy Gun and the factory manager burst into laughter after hearing this, and everyone in EDG, who was a little nervous, also relaxed.

Finally, with the completion of equipment debugging, the BP stage of the competition is about to begin!
Doll and Miller are in charge of the commentary for today's opening game. This pair of partners is also very familiar to the audience.

"RNG and EDG, these two are also old rivals, and we can still vividly remember the previous pig-dog battle." Miller said.

"It is indeed an old enemy, but now the pig is back, but the dog is gone." Wawa also smiled, "You may have noticed that today's EDG's outfits also caught our eyes, and they even brought them all on their hands. A pink bracelet."

Miller nodded and said: "It's really cute. EDG's move may be to get off to a good start, and this time the lineups of the two teams have undergone important adjustments during this offseason, and they have attracted much attention from the audience during this time. Yes, it should be our new EDG coach Dream."

"Indeed, it is said that the new coach's BP in the training match is also very impressive. I hope this time he can bring us a wonderful game." Wawa said, "Short words, let's start the first game The BP part of the game."

In the first game, the blue side of RNG and the red side of EDG.

As soon as RNG came up, it banned the popular version of Qinggangying.

It's not surprising that Lin Meng saw the opponent actively ban Qinggangying, because Xiaohu is not proficient in this T0-level top laner hero!
On the EDG side, Akali was banned. This hero can swing from the middle to the top, and it is also a hero that Xiaohu has been practicing on the road recently.

Wawa: "This move of Akali ban is really good, because after Xiaohu turned to the lane, this is one of the few heroes in his pool that can be used as a top laner."

Miller: "It is true that the hero pool has a great impact on RNG. Let's see how they respond."

Soon, the first round of bans ended, and they all belonged to more conventional ban positions.

RNG has banned Qinggangying, Lilia and Rock Sparrow; while EDG has banned Akali, Pan Sen and Lucian.

RNG's first-hand pick, took the lead in winning the version of the popular jungle male gun.

On the other hand, under Lin Meng's instruction, EDG directly locked down the bottom lane combination of Samira and the female tank.

"Wow, EDG directly locked down the bot lane combination of Samira and female tank in seconds. It looks very confident." Waowa exclaimed.

Miller said: "It is said that the bottom lane combination of Viper+Meiko has a terrifying winning rate in the training match. Let's see how they perform this time."

RNG locked up Niutou and Kai'Sa in the second and third hands to deal with the bot lane combination of EDG Samira + female tank.

At this time, the director's shot was shown to the factory director, who stayed for more than ten seconds, which aroused enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

After Lin Meng heard the cheers on the field, she also smiled, and patted Ming Kai on the shoulder: "How about getting Olaf for you?"

Ming Kai nodded confidently.

"I can!"

EDG locked Olaf for the factory manager in the third hand.

"Wow, this one is Olaf, the factory manager is going to eat meat instead of grass!" Miller exclaimed.

Even the audience off the field exclaimed, no one thought that the factory manager's first comeback match would bring out the hero Olaf!

The next two bans of RNG were given to Zoe and Crocodile, while EDG made a deadly move and directly pressed Silas and Jess.

When Xiaohu saw EDG's ban position, he also felt extremely uncomfortable, because this is one of the few heroes he is more skilled in the top lane.

During the second round of selection, Lin Meng said, "Why don't you take Sword Demon, is Flandre OK? Leave a Counter slot in the middle."

Flandre said with a smile: "Okay, I'm afraid that Xiaohu will stab me with Sword Fairy."

Lin Meng smiled, and let the team take down the sword demon, the blood demon representative, in the fourth move. Naturally, he was not worried about Xiaohu taking Jianji, because the hero Jianji's performance in team battles is really limited, and RNG's On the road, it is rare to take Sword Fairy.

RNG took Syndra in the fourth hand, but was really hesitant in the fifth hand. It seems that he didn't think about what to use to fight Sword Demon.

Finally, at the last moment, they finally locked the hero Aoun and started the team with one hand.

On the EDG side, it is to wind up Scout to face Syndra.

In this way, the lineups of both sides are finally determined.

RNG: Ornn, Male Gun, Syndra, Kai'Sa, Bull Head.

EDG: Sword Demon, Olaf, Clockwork, Samira, Female Tank.

(End of this chapter)

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