I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 7 7 Sauce You Have Changed

Chapter 7 7 Sauce You Have Changed
Mingkai's Olaf also went home comfortably after taking the dragon and the first blood, and released the iron spike whip.

It seems that it is going to synthesize the bloodthirsty battle axe, which is the same as the blood demon style.

And RNG's Syndra in the middle lane is much more stable after that mistake, and only eats the line that was pushed from the middle lane.

When there is no line right in the upper middle, the field of vision around RNG Canyon Pioneer is also dark.

"I'll take the red first. I still have 40 seconds left for my ult. Meiko waits for me to finish taking the red and let's do vision together." The factory manager said.

"Okay, Viper, after finishing the line, go directly to the vanguard of the canyon. This wave is probably going to fight." Meiko reminded.

Although I just came to LPL this year, after playing in duos with Viper and Meiko many times, some simple Chinese communication is not a problem.

After Lin Meng became the head coach, he asked someone to do his homework for Viper's Chinese.

After all, communication within the team is very important. He doesn't require Viper's Chinese to be as good as players like Rookie and Doinb, but normal intra-game communication should not be a problem.

After all, Chinese is indeed the most difficult language in the world. The Chinese of the two champion mid laners is so good, and it is slowly honed by time and talent.

Of course, the most important reason may still be .
These two champion mid laners have girlfriends!
Can't there really be a champion mid laner without a girlfriend, right?

(A single with the surname Li: ???????)

Moreover, the Viper player is really working very hard to learn Chinese, which is what Lin Meng appreciates about him very much. Attitude is the key to your success. If you don’t have a good attitude, no matter how powerful your talent and strength will be It was wasted. (Here is a reference to a jungler)

After Viper returned home, he also rushed directly to the river on the road.

After Meiko disappeared in the bottom lane, RNG pinned the signal to the canyon vanguard, and it seemed that they were also alert.

And the vision of the wild area near the upper river of RNG has not been lit up because the middle and upper Qi have been pushed to the line.

In the game of League of Legends, having no vision means losing the opportunity.

The teamfight game instantly becomes a horror game.

RNG knows that it can't wait any longer, and it doesn't know anything about the situation inside.

Ming's bull head rushed forward to light up the vision for his side.

A search fruit, showing the scene where everyone in EDG is playing Canyon Vanguard.

As Little Tiger Aoun finished the last wave of lines and slowly arrived, a wave of team battles about the canyon vanguard is about to begin!

RNG felt that Olaf on the opposite side could not easily control the canyon pioneer, otherwise EDG's early rhythm would be easy to pick up.

Xiaohu's Aoun called the sheep first, because he saw that the HP of the Canyon Herald was about to bottom out.

But he neglected that his position is somewhat out of touch with his teammates!
The position where he called the sheep was still too close to everyone in EDG, and Meiko's female tank pointed at Aoun with a flash.

After using the Q skill Daybreak Shield, Meiko didn't rush to A to stun him, but stunned him when the sheep was approaching Xiaohu.

Although Xiaohu's W skill Bellows Flame Breath also avoided the dizziness in time, but his second-stage sheep did not hit it.

"Fight Aoun first, Aoun first, not Canyon Vanguard." The factory manager directed.

Seeing this, everyone in EDG decisively gave up the canyon vanguard with more than 1000 HP, and began to besiege Xiaohu.

At this moment, Xiaohu, who was alone in charge of the gate, looked a little miserable.

After being beaten to a bruise, he resolutely flashed and fled, and the EDG people did not choose to chase him.

It's just that the four RNG players below are very embarrassed at this moment. Xiaohu has already retreated without even handing in a big move on the opposite side.

The remaining four of them naturally couldn't take over the group, so they could only give up the canyon pioneer to the other party.

And in the case of no one disturbing, EDG also successfully won the first canyon pioneer.

Miller said: "Wow, this wave of EDG's decision-making is really good. I will kill your people first, and I will not fight Canyon Pioneer. There is no difference between you being disabled and dead."

Wa Wa sighed: "Meiko is really decisive in this wave. Aoun's second-stage sheep didn't hit it, which is too hurt for them."

"At this time, the foreshadowing that did not flash in the middle also appeared. Syndra, who did not flash, did not dare to move forward, because as long as he was charged, he would die." Miller said, "And the position of this wave of Xiaohu is really It's embarrassing, he's so far away from his teammates."

And the scene where Xiaohu Aoun is in charge of the customs alone is indeed very effective for the show.

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage also started their rhythm.

"Damn it, RNG just left? Don't you want to grab it?"

"Xiaohu, what are you doing? Xiaohu!!!"

"Who dares to slash immediately, but I am the Tiger General!!!"

"No way, no way, no one really thinks Xiaohu is very aggressive on the road, right?"

At the same time, a well-known male anchor named L was in the live broadcast room.

The barrage flicked by:


"Why did the anchor become dumb??"

"Is the Versailles anchor still there???"

"Why isn't the anchor talking? Is it because of a mental breakdown?"

"Don't listen to their nonsense, I've watched your live broadcast for a long time, I hope you will continue to work hard, come on! Posture!"

In the live broadcast room, the "E-sports Wang Junkai" in front of the camera also frowned.

Pointing to the screen, he said, "Why do you want to turn it up? Is there something wrong with your thinking? How can you turn it up in that position? I really don't understand."

After getting the Canyon Pioneer, EDG naturally picked up the rhythm in the early stage.

After the factory manager helped Scout push the line in the middle lane, the two directly launched a four-pack two against RNG's bottom lane.

Facing EDG's clockwork and Olaf's middle field, RNG is also vigilant in the bottom lane.

After eating a wave of lines, Xiao Ming's bull head just planted an eye in the grass under the stone man, and encountered the EDG Nakano who came down from the exploding fruit.

Seeing this, Kai'Sa also fled to the second tower of her side, but she felt sorry for Xiao Ming's bull head, who was pulled away by Clockwork and Flash's ultimate move after handing over Flash.

Although he pushed the clockwork away, he still fell slowly under the solar flare of Olaf of Ragnarok and the female tank's ultimate move.

The head was taken by Olaf, and the director's record came to 2-0!

At the same time, Brother Holy Gun, who was on the road, was also under fire. When he was under the control of the middle field, he was about to hide in the second tower.

But the arrival of the male gun on the opposite side cut off Brother Shengqiang's retreat.

Aoun's sheep came to cooperate with the male gun's set of explosions, and Holy Gun's sword demon also died tragically under the tower.

"Brothers, I donate." Brother Saint Gun sighed.

"It's okay, it's okay, our rhythm has already started, this will take me flying!" Ming Kai comforted.

Meiko teased and said, "Brother Mingkai, you never comforted me before."


"7 sauce, you have changed."

"What changed?"

"Become cuter."


(End of this chapter)

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