I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 79 This Is Unreasonable

Chapter 79 This Is Unreasonable
"EDG!" "Come on!"

"FPX!" "Come on!"

"LGD!" "Come on!"

Miller: "Okay, thank you fans and friends for your support, let us enter the first game of BO3."

"In the first game, EDG is on the blue side, and FPX is on the red side."

The first-level regiments did not break out on both sides, which is also a relatively peaceful start.

It's just that the treatment of the junglers on both sides is different.

With the help of the bot lane duo, the rock sparrow, the factory manager of EDG, easily won the first red buff, while Lilia of Bo on the other side opened the field alone.

In the early stage, the gap in wild clearing speed is reflected.

Miller: "Lilia of FPX on the red side here didn't choose to play F6 first, because F6 has EDG's vision, and FPX knows it."

"And in order to hide his wild route, Bo chose to open the field in the second half here, but here the FPX duo didn't choose to help fight."

Wa Wa smiled and said, "It might be that the junglers on the two sides have different thrones in the team. Bo is a bit honest in the team."

And the bottom lane combination of EDG here, because of helping the jungler and going online at night, was also pushed by the duo here at FPX.

After the FPX bottom duo reached the second level first, they also decisively pushed forward.

The reason why the two of them didn't help the jungler at the first level is naturally not because the jungler's internal status is not high, but because they can take the lead in controlling the line in the bottom lane.

The moment Liu Qingsong Thresh was promoted to the second level, he shot with the Q skill [Death Judgment], but unfortunately the position of his hook was to predict the position where Viper Kai'Sa turned back.

It's just that Viper's Kai'Sa didn't turn her head, but walked straight down the tower, avoiding Thresh's seemingly random but extremely dangerous hook.

As we all know, the bottom lane combination is the most likely to explode when it reaches the second level.

The upper and middle lanes may still be fighting each other to make up a small soldier at this moment, but the bottom lane may have already produced kills at this time.

This is the ecological environment of the bottom road.

The baby smiled and said, "The Thresh's hook seems to be empty, but in fact it is empty!"

Miller: "If this wave is hooked, I feel that the summoner skills here in EDG can be played. AD can flash or heal in the early stage, but the blood volume of AD must not be too low."

At this time, there are two commentators on the field, one is commenting and the other is talking.

Otherwise, Director Mi can be selected into the LPL Hall of Fame.

Cough cough, it seems that the official's eyes are sharp.

And on the field at this time, FPX's hero Bo Ren, Lilia, who had just reached level three, quietly touched the grass above the middle lane.

After Scout's clockwork was pushed out, he was just about to look in the grass above, but he met Lilia, the blogger.

After eating the deceleration effect of Lilia's E skill [Vortex Seed], Doinb's Victor was also approaching him quickly.

Here Scout's mainspring is also very decisive to hand over the flash.

Miller: "Bo Lilia's Gank was also very successful this time, forcing out the flash of Scout's clockwork. In the next few minutes, Scout has no voice in the middle lane."

"Also, Gnar of Holy Gun Brother on the road should be careful. Although Doinb took a Victor, after all, he is not a person who will stay in the middle lane peacefully in his bones."

"The flash of the clockwork is not critical, the most important thing is that the control of the middle lane is taken by FPX here."

The baby nodded and said, "Yes, yes!"

Back then, FPX was able to win the championship in one fell swoop in S9, and the Phoenix Nirvana was absolutely inseparable from Doinb's crazy wandering in the early stage.

G2 cried: I am familiar with this feeling!
Have you ever seen a mid-laner and third-level TP hit the road and go to the tower?
In the EDG team voice at this time.

Scout sighed: "This young man doesn't talk about martial arts in the jungle. He came to arrest me at the third level. I was careless this time."

Ming Kai: "It's okay, just be careful in the middle lane, I'll go to the top lane to have a look first."

At this time, Niu Bao's sword demon on the road is being consumed by the holy gun brother's little Gnar crazy level A.

Holy gun brother this wave.

Called Pudong Rooster!
At this time, Niu Bao, the sword demon's blood volume was already very unhealthy.

At this time, Li Xuanjun said: "Ming Kai, come on, you can cross the road."

Ming Kai: "OK!"

Gnar, who was full of anger, flashed the W skill [Beat], knocking the Sword Demon unconscious on the spot. At this time, the factory manager Rock Sparrow also decisively flashed the W skill [Crag] to bring the Sword Demon back.

Although Niu Bao also gave up the position of Flash in the end, but when he was carried back by [Yantuo], his fate was already doomed.

【First Blood! 】

The head was firmly accepted by Gnar of Brother Holy Gun.

"Hahahaha, is Niu Bao paying tribute to his teacher Shy?"

"Good guy, is this the world's second best top laner?"

"Niu Bao is down! (Crying voice)"

Miller sighed: "This wave feels a little pitiful for Niu Bao. The current EDG is playing so fiercely. Two flashes came to kill me. Is this how your EDG treats guests?"

Wawa shouted: "Wow, this wave of EDG Ueno's cooperation is very decisive, two flashes, Niu Bao's sword demon has no room to operate at all."

"Niu Bao, welcome to the LPL!"

At this time, Lilia of Bo came to the second half of EDG's wild area and stole the factory manager's F6 to stop FPX's loss.

As for Niu Bao.

Hope he can hold on to himself.

At this time, it is worth noting that Niu Bao's Sword Demon went online directly to TP after being caught and killed, while Saint Gun's Gnar went online on foot.

At this time, EDG took a TP lead on the top lane.

At this time, although FPX can take the lead in pushing the line in the bottom lane, they did not choose to move the first wind dragon first. Instead, the EDG duo cooperated with Mingkai to start rushing the first wind dragon after eating the tower.

And it was played in front of FPX's vision.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't!
Liu Qingsong said: "Are we going to fight this wave? Our bot lane condition is okay."

At this time, Doinb in the middle looked at the opponent's skill time recorded in the chat box, and said: "I can't fight, I can't fight, the opponent Gnar is ahead of a T, Xiaolong let it go."

"OK, let's develop first."

Doinb, who was one of the top three trolls in Hanbok back then, amazed many people with his extremely fast keyboard speed, and he finally used it on the right path.

Remember the skill time on the opposite side.

The usefulness of this is naturally extremely important on the field.

At the MSI that year, RNG played against KZ in the fourth game. Uzi remembered that the opponent's mid laner Mercury was still a few seconds away. The last RNG turned against the wind and waited for the golden rain.

Ahem, although later the golden rain also turned into golden rice.

But the mercury that was a few seconds behind at the beginning did determine the victory of the entire game.

As the intelligence and brain of the entire team, Doinb's quick timekeeping enables the entire team to quickly understand the current situation of the summoner's skills on the opposite side.

He even had a show operation of recording skill time while playing a team.

It was hard to imagine that such a fast hand speed would appear on a married man.

can only say.

This is not reasonable!

PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, collections!
(End of this chapter)

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