I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 91 To be? or not to be?

Chapter 91 To be? or not to be?

At this time, we are in the live broadcast room of FPX Jin Gong.

"Brother Xiang, what a pity, my favorite brother Xiang has fallen."

"They must be comforting Brother Xiang in the team's voice at this time, oops, it's okay, Brother Xiang, develop well, and you can carry when you are in the team."

"But in fact, I was scolding him in my heart: huh? Is this Lin Weixiang playing or not? I have been sending him away. I really want to beat him to death."

"In this wave, I can only say that EDG is playing well, and our brother Xiang's Kai'Sa didn't have a big move to fly in and send it."

"But let me tell you, that wave just now, the cats at the gate of our base would not have been hooked in the past."

"It's a pity that there is no way. Later, I found out that it was Lin Weixiang, so it's okay."

Sure enough, FPX's biggest cyber violence comes from his teammates!
At this time, the advantages that EDG had established in the bottom lane also began to gradually radiate to the wild area.

When the game time came to 1 minutes, after the EDG bottom lane duo pushed the line home, they took the initiative to come to the upper half of the wild area and helped the factory manager successfully control the first canyon pioneer.

At this time, FPX's bottom lane duo just came out of home, and FPX didn't have any idea about this canyon pioneer.

The factory manager, Olaf, managed to control the first dragon and the canyon pioneer in the early stage. He made up his own sword and suppressed the male gun on the opposite side by more than a dozen. Although he didn't catch him this time, the factory manager's life in the wild area can no longer be nourished. up.

At this moment, Ming Kai felt very satisfied.

This is also the most intuitive manifestation of the online advantage driving the jungle advantage.

As long as the line can be controlled online, the jungler of one's own side will be very comfortable playing the whole game, because the jungler can freely choose to control resources, invade the jungle or capture people.

Behind a powerful jungler is absolutely inseparable from online help.

This was also at the MSI in 2019. It was not completely unreasonable for King Ning to say the presumptuous words "I feel like I can win with a tethered dog in the wild area of ​​IG".

After all, it wasn't long before IG reached its peak in the S8 World Championship. It just defeated JD.com [-]-[-] in the final of the spring split and won their first LPL championship.

At that time, IG's laning ability of the three lines was recognized as the strongest in the entire MSI.

Cough, after all, Baolan was not called "Fulan" at that time, and Theshy was not the top laner who was later called the world's number one, and their ADC was Jack Ai, who liked to dance and had a bright expression.

So the original King Ning could talk nonsense in interviews, and he could play whatever he wanted in the wild.

It's just that after the entire team has been studied thoroughly, and when the players are still immersed in the glory of the past, they lose their awe of the opponent and the arena. This is also doomed that this team will not go far .

Such teams, in the entire history of League of Legends, there are too many, too many
On the field at this time, after the factory manager finished playing the canyon vanguard in the bottom lane, he transformed into Viper's human vision in the grass, and helped Viper's Aphelios successfully get the first blood tower in the bottom lane.

EDG's bot lane, with its advantage in the early stage combined with the restraint of hero attributes, has successfully eaten the two-layer tapi of FPX's bot lane. At this moment, with the help of this canyon pioneer, Viper has easily eaten it alone. The economy of a blood tower ten or four minutes ago.

610 yuan!
At this time, Meiko also left very far away before, for fear of being allocated the economy of this defense tower, he wanted to let his AD eat the economy alone.

Just like what Tian Ye said before: ADCs must gain weight!
On the commentary stage at this time.

Miller sighed: "This Viper feels so fat. This Aphelios is ahead of FPX's Kai'Sa here with [-] knives. There is also a first-blood kill, and this is full of plating. Go down to the Blood Tower."

"Now, I can only use four words to describe this Aphelios."

Doll: "Which four words?"

Miller: "Scary!"

At this time, the upper middle and wild three of FPX, after forcing the holy gun brother's wine barrel away on the road, the three of them began to order the EDG's top defense tower together.

But after all, they are not like EDG. Without the help of the canyon pioneer, the few people here in FPX can only rely on themselves to make it harder, so the blood volume of the first tower of EDG on the road here is not happy.

At this time, our holy gun brother is also very sad, watching the blood volume of his defense tower drop less and less, as if his good friend is slowly leaving him.

In the end, under his gaze, the defensive tower on the EDG road slowly fell to the ground after a long time.

Li Xuanjun at this time.

Just feel unaccompanied!
At this time, he can only brush Ming Kai's big toad to ease the pain of losing his "friend" in his heart.

Just when Brother Holy Gun was very emotional, the factory manager said: "Li Xuanjun, go and guard the defensive tower on the next road."

Brother Holy Gun: "Okay!" (Defense tower on the road: So, is this a man?)
After a long time, the factory manager asked suspiciously: "Hey, why are the wild monsters in the upper half of my area gone?"

Brother Holy Gun: "Maybe, it was stolen."

Tian Ye smiled and said, "It must have been stolen by a dog."

Brother Holy Gun: "."


After a long time, the czar of Scout, who switched to the sideline to develop, also fell into a huge entanglement when he saw a large wave of red square soldiers not far in front of him.

eat? (To be?)
Still don't eat? (Or not to be?)
this is a problem. (That is a question?)
In the end, in the face of the problem that countless philosophers have been troubled for many years, Scout finally chose To be.

I choose to eat!
In the end, sure enough, something went wrong.

Scout, who didn't resist the temptation of the huge wave of soldiers, still fell into the trap designed for him by FPX.

FPX put the bait for a long time, and finally a silly fish took the bait.

And the name of the fish.

Call Sha (silly) Huang.

Although the younger brother, the emperor of Shurima, used his unique skills of flash and elegance, in the end, because his position was too deep, he was no match for four hands with two fists.

In the case of being surrounded by three people from FPX, he finally fell down, and his head was taken by the male gun of FPX jungler.

Suddenly bad news came from the sideline of EDG, Scout fell down! (crying voice)

In the EDG team voice at this time.

Ming Kai asked in a serious voice: "What's going on? Li Ruican."

Scout said: "Sorry, I didn't hold back my question, and I won't eat it again next time I'm killed."

Brother Shengqiang smiled and said, "Oh, you are still immature, elementary school boy, a real man must know how to plan his own life."

Ming Kai said "hehe", and then asked: "For example?"

"Steal my wild monsters?"

Brother Holy Gun: "Ahem, the weather in the canyon is really good today."

"I'm going to talk to my stone man."

Factory manager: "I am!"

PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, collections!
(End of this chapter)

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