I actually became the head coach of edg

Chapter 98 The Generous Old Thief Sima

Chapter 98 The Generous Old Thief Sima
At this time, in an extremely luxuriously decorated restaurant in Shanghai.

There are three men sitting.

One jungler; one AD; one support.

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that in the restaurant at this time, there were actually a pig, a horse and a man who was tearing up.

This dinner is also a very famous dinner in LPL: father and son dinner!

At this time, among the three, Ming Kai said first, "How are you doing now, old thief."

The relationship between the three of them is already extraordinary, not "good brothers", but better than "good brothers".

At this time, Ming Kai also directly asked Ma Ge about his recent situation. After all, he knew the feeling in his heart when he knew that there was no game.

Three words can describe this feeling: itchy.

Ma Ge was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's take a rest now, it feels like we may have to wait until the summer split."

In the offseason before this season's spring split, it's not that Marco couldn't find a team, but he had requirements for the team's configuration, which was the main reason why he didn't find a suitable team.

Otherwise, with the current strength of Ma Ge, how can he be the starting AD player of a team.

Songsong also nodded at this time, and said: "It's just right, it's good to rest for a while, you see Ming Kai has rested for so long, and now he is playing fiercely."

"I feel that this year's EDG can already start to choose skins, and choose widows for skins."

The factory manager smiled and said: "Liu Qingsong, please don't deliberately kill our EDG, please? I feel that Songsong can already choose a second skin."

"And that hero isn't called a widow, it's called Evelyn."

"But having said that, how are you doing today, Song Bao, are you happy?"

Our Songbao also politely replied to the factory manager: "Your mother is so cool! You are mentally retarded!"

Brother Ma said something at this time: "In public places, pay attention to your quality."

Ma Ge in front of his friends in private is far from the cold-faced emperor Smlz on the field, he is just an ordinary boy who loves to talk and laugh.

The most important thing is: love to laugh!
Liu Qingsong just said: "He has a brain problem, and he maliciously smeared me during the interview, it's really disgusting."

"Let me tell you, Ming Kai deserves a beating more than him."

"I really want to punch him in the face and let him know what social beating is."

At this moment, while Liu Qingsong was speaking, he suddenly received a call.

"Hey, what are you doing? Gao Tianliang."

"Songsong, the most polite person in FPX, have you met my idol?"

"Your idol is mentally handicapped just like you. Do you think you all have problems with your junglers' brains?"

"Stupid, don't insult my idol, remember to ask for an autograph for me and your father, hang up."


Ming Kai also asked, "Who is it? Gao Tianliang?"

"A retarded fan of yours has always wanted your autograph. How much is an autograph worth? If it's really worth it, I'll sell your autograph when I retire."

Ming Kai smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dad will give you an autograph for your sake."


At this time, a waiter came over and said, "Hello, three gentlemen, can I order now?"

At this moment, Brother Ma nodded and said, "Let's order first!"

"I'll invite you this time."

It's not without reason that this man, Ma Ge, can be called "LPL's first meal ticket" in the LPL e-sports circle.

Bungalow hot pot!

It's not just talk.

It is said that more than half of the players in the LPL have eaten the meals invited by Ma Ge, and all of them are luxurious and high-end restaurants.

And there is only one principle for Marco's dinner: the more expensive the better!

The most important thing is that sometimes Ma Ge even makes an excuse to go to the bathroom, and then turns around and secretly buys the bill.

Many LPL fans jokingly said: I really want to make friends with Ma Ge, not for anything else, just because I like Ma Ge!
This kind of generous and unrestrained friends, really, please give me a dozen!
In the EDG base at this time, the team members looked at the photos sent back by Ming Kai in the group, and one by one mentioned how envious they were.

Tian Ye said: "Holy shit, they all go to such a high-end place to eat, I am envious."

Brother Holy Gun: "It's definitely not Ming Kai's treat. There's a [-]% chance that Sima's old thief invited them to eat."

"Brother Ma has no other hobbies, he just likes to treat people to dinner."

At this time, Lin Meng also said after hearing it: "Ahem, the coach also likes such a player, so introduce it to me another day."

"Don't think about it too much. The coach is not doing it for anything else, or simply because people like Ma are very angry with me."

The team members said "Woo~" in unison

Lin Meng smiled, and stopped playing with the team members, but turned to look at his computer.

And on his screen are their EDG opponents in the second half of the Spring Split.


In the first half of the Spring Split, the boys from EDG handed in a perfect answer sheet. The luxurious record of eight victories made EDG the limelight today.

Whether it is a team in the LPL division or a team in other divisions, they all regard EDG as a strong opponent that cannot be underestimated, especially after they defeated FPX, people's evaluation of this team has risen to another level.

Today's EDG seems to have returned to the era when all people were enemies.

Now there are a lot of black fans of EDG on the Internet, and the LPL e-sports circle is once again flooded with words such as "Civil War Fantasy God", "4396", "World Championship Soft-legged Shrimp".

At this time, countless starches also called out: Ye Qinghui!

After all, they haven't seen EDG's black fans for a long time. It can be seen that EDG's life in the past few years was so pitiful that even the black fans didn't bother to hack them.

Being black is not scary; only being black is scary if no one is black!

In fact, no matter what era it is in, as long as this team has good results, there will definitely be countless abuse and doubts behind it.

What's more, the name of the top team now is called EDG.

In the final analysis, the memory that this team brought to fans in the past is really not friendly, especially the performance in the World Championships every year, which makes many people hate it.

What are you hitting?

From S4 to S8, EDG, the LPL e-sports giant, has stepped into the gate of the World Championship for five consecutive years.

And the best result of this team is only the quarterfinals.

Even the other two RNG and WE in Yusan's family have reached the semi-finals, but our Guodian has been defeated every year in the World Championship.

And this year's EDG may also be the most fierce EDG in recent years, and many EDG fans are watching every game of the home team carefully, but they don't support them as desperately as before.

In the final analysis, it is because the fans are also afraid. Even Abramovich, the backbone of EDG, is sometimes very at a loss, let alone the fans of EDG.

The EDG team leaves with hope every year, but also returns with disappointment every year.

And this year, how far can this EDG go?
I'm afraid no one knows now.

PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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