New Shushan Biography

Chapter 204 Three sword fights, everything is ready, just waiting for the golden boat

Chapter 204 Three sword fights, everything is ready, just waiting for the golden boat (the last day, ask for a monthly ticket)
Shan Tao and Xuan Wu drove the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat to escape and fly thousands of miles away. They arrived at Wanghai Peak in Dongtai in a short time. Passed it to Situ Ping, and then went to Hunyuan Pavilion to meet Xu Feiniang.

Seeing Shan Tao's arrival, Xu Feiniang was overjoyed, she didn't hide it at all, she smiled and said, "Junior brother is finally here! I thought my junior brother would arrive in only three or two days, but unexpectedly it took so long, it really made my senior sister happy." wait!"

"The little brother is here to apologize to the senior sister!" Shan Tao said with a smile, "I wanted to come here earlier, but I had to postpone it until now in order to be more fully prepared!"

"Junior Brother Youshan said, Senior Sister didn't wait in vain. You must know that Daoist Xiaoyue and the other senior brothers are all impatient, and have already set off to hide near the Yuanjiang River!" Xu Feiniang said with a smile. .

"Guangcheng's relics have to wait until the golden ship is hoisted from the water eye of the Yuan River before they can be collected. As long as it doesn't delay things, it's fine. It's useless if you go there early!" Shan Tao replied with a light smile, and then asked Said, "I don't know who the senior sister has invited this time? Can you really want to fight against Emei and others?"

"In addition to the Wudang, Kunlun, and Huashan sects that have made good friends with me in Wutai, there are also the Bone God Lord of the Lushan God and Demon Cave, the Venerable Poison Dragon, the leader of the Western Demon Cult, Xu Wan, the Underworld Sage of Beiman Mountain, and the Naked Cave Master of Baiman Mountain. Five Poison Heavenly Kings, Lie Ba Duo, the Chifa Village Master of Xuanyin Village on Guimu Mountain, the Flying Dragon Master Tai of Bailu Cave in Lushan Mountain, Jiu Panpo, the naked sect leader, and others. As for their invitations, there may be even more! Ren Emei Sect No matter how tight the blockade is, it is absolutely impossible to take all the treasures of Guangcheng in the Yuanjiang Golden Boat under the sect!" Xu Feiniang said proudly.

"Enough is enough. We are going to grab treasures, not fight. With such a person, it will be enough to mess up the situation in the field. The more chaotic the situation, the more fair it will be!" Shan Tao immediately replied, "However, the Golden Boat There are more than a hundred relics among them, but they still seem to be too rich! At that time, when the treasures are taken, I am afraid that we must guard against the sneak attacks of those "our own people"!"

"There is no way around this, there are advantages and disadvantages, but there is no such thing as perfect in the world!" Xu Feiniang said with a smile.

"That's right, it's not easy for Senior Sister to figure out the current situation, and the next thing we have to consider is how to make a fool out of the fire!" Shan Tao also said to himself.

Xu Feiniang asked with a smile, "At this time, it's time for Junior Brother to talk about his own considerations!"

"This is natural!" Shan Tao had a smile on his face, and he wiped his hand from the Shanhe Cauldron, and immediately a magic weapon about a foot long and in the shape of a flat shuttle appeared in his hand, saying, "Let's see, senior sister!"

Xu Feiniang took a closer look, and immediately exclaimed, "Taiyi Golden Scale Boat?" But she calmed down in an instant, and said with a smile, "That's right, with the friendship between the respected master and the red corpse god, it's really useless to borrow it. Difficult! This is great, we can directly enter the inner circle and collect it, which is much easier than fighting outside!"

He paused for a while and said, "So, how about we go now? The people of the Emei Sect must have sealed the river with magic weapons, and these bans need to be broken first!"

"That's good!" Shan Tao also had no objection, "The space of the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat is not small, and the senior sister should also summon her disciples!" These years, Xu Feiniang has often wandered in the world, but it is true. Received a few disciples with good qualifications.

Not long after, Xu Feiniang's disciples and Shan Tao's disciples all arrived, a total of ten people, plus the two of them and Xuan Wu, a total of 13 people, entered the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat, but it didn't seem crowded, Shan Tao With a thought, the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat immediately lost its precious light and flew out of Wanghai Peak.

Shan Tao flew the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat all the way to the upper reaches of the Yuanjiang River, and then entered the water, following the waterway to approach the water eye of the Yuanjiang River.In the distance, several people saw through the mirror inside the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat that the sky above the water eye of the Yuanjiang River, and the land for several miles around, was covered by colorful clouds and mist, with gorgeous colors, like a hemispherical mask. Upside down above the water,.

Xu Feiniang had forbeared in Huangshan for many years, she was close to Master Fanxia, ​​she was very familiar with this magic weapon, she knew it was Ziyun Barrier, but seeing the Ziyun Barrier refined by Master Fan Xia and bestowed to her disciples, it is absolutely impossible to have such power It is presumed that it must have been practiced by Youtan Shenni, the teacher of Master Fanxia.

Although Ziyun Barrier didn't go deep into the water, Shan Tao didn't dare to be negligent. It is expected that there must be many prohibitions in the water, so as to prevent someone from using the power of water escape to destroy it secretly.

Although Shan Tao's knowledge is extensive now, and he has also learned a lot about the four forbidden magic formations of Taoism, Buddhism, Demon Gate, and side sects, but he still thinks that it is better to leave it to real experts for such matters.After all, if you do it yourself, there is no guarantee that people from the Emei Sect will not notice it.Immediately said with a smile, "Junior Brother Xuanwu, now it's your turn to contribute!"

Xuanwu smiled and did not shirk away. He fixed his eyes on the forbidden method in the waterway in front of him, and a piece of tortoise shell appeared in his hand. The innate Luoshu formation flowed, and a passage appeared in an instant. Shantao followed the waterway guided by Xuanwu. , meandering hundreds of feet below the water, heading inward.

The Emei faction really has a large number of people, and they are not afraid of trouble. In a short area of ​​several miles, there are more than ten kinds of forbidden methods. At a distance of more than a hundred feet, he didn't dare to move forward, because when the time comes to get the treasure, there will be a vortex in the eye of the water, coupled with the true energy of the lungs, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be absorbed .

Shan Tao stopped the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat, and with a wave of his hand, a palm-sized green bull flew out through the door, and as soon as it entered the water, it immediately turned into a stream of fresh air, enveloping the entire Taiyi Golden Scale Boat. The Taiyi Golden Scale Boat, which had hidden its figure, immediately appeared in shape. Shan Tao did not panic, and manipulated the formula to temporarily combine the blue light of Taiyi Yuanjing with the precious light of Taiyi Golden Scale Boat. The light also fades away.

But in this moment, there are also hundreds of water spirits attracted by the blue light, strange shapes, most of them have only a little bit of human shape, and the rest are their true colors, Shan Tao frowned, these Although the spirit monsters are not very strong, they are superior in numbers. Although there are only a few hundred of them right now, if they fight with them, they will immediately attract a large number of spirit monsters. At that time, it will be difficult for the Emei faction not to find them .

Shan Tao was considering whether to take out the Jiuyi Cauldron to subdue him now, when Xu Feiniang suddenly heard that Xu Feiniang smiled and said, "Senior Sister got a good position under the honor of Junior Brother, but she can't put in some effort to just sit back and enjoy it , these strange beasts will be handled by the senior sister!"

"So I'm going to trouble Senior Sister!" Shan Tao replied, thinking to himself that he was really confused. Xu Feiniang is also famous for having a lot of magic weapons. But not too much, how could there not be some treasures to restrain the beasts?

Xu Feiniang smiled and took out a stick of incense from the treasure bag. It was about a foot long and as thick as a little finger, and explained, "This treasure is called poisonous dragon incense. It is dedicated to restraining all kinds of strange beasts and monsters. It is unique to the ancestor of the sky, senior sister is lucky, the ancestor of the sky gave me one, but it has never been used, but this is the first time!"

As he said, luck itself was ignited by the pure yang fire, and a green smoke curled up, and an inexplicable fragrance immediately dissipated, and after dissipating into the water, the fragrance did not diminish at all. It was about to touch the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat, and suddenly, after asking about the scent, it immediately scattered away like a mouse seeing a cat, and never looked here again.

After all these spirits left, Xu Feiniang also extinguished the poisonous dragon incense.Just chatting and waiting for the moment when Zheng Dianxian took the picture of the golden boat.It was evening, and seeing that the sky was about to enter the curtain, suddenly, far away from the mountains, I found a figure, riding a very strange light, and also dived towards Yuanjiang Shuiyan. After avoiding the arrangement of various forbidden laws, he stopped at a place less than ten feet away from Shantao.

This person looks extremely strange, his upper body is no different from ordinary people, but his legs and feet are extremely short from the waist down, the length from the legs to the feet is only about a foot, and his bare feet are even more slender and unusually small, looking like a half-human from a distance.A round bald head with crowded eyebrows and facial features, but with a strange wide and long grin.

Because the facial features are all at a high place, the lower half of the face is empty, and the cheeks are protruding, like a meat ball, which makes it look even more ugly.Hands grow.Wearing a short jute monk's robe, with a short shovel stuck in the back, shining brightly.There is also a big gourd tied around the waist.

Shan Tao thought that he also came secretly to snatch Guangcheng's legacy, so he didn't care.Unexpectedly, after another period of time, it was already dark at this time, the man casually grabbed some big fish that looked quite fat, no matter what the bones were, and swallowed them alive. He still muttered to himself, "If I don't give me enough benefits by beheading the golden spider this time, don't expect me to work hard again next time!"


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(End of this chapter)

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