New Shushan Biography

第214章 3次斗剑9宫神剑,东台9仙(20票加更)

Chapter 214 Three Sword Fights Nine Palaces Excalibur, Dongtai Nine Immortals (20 votes plus more)
Shan Tao was driving the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat, and he was not in a hurry to return to Wutai Mountain, nor did he go to the magic wave pool, but escaped into the nearby earth veins.This time, Shan Tao, Xu Feiniang and others won a lot of treasures, in order to prevent being coveted, it is better to take inventory of the important treasures as soon as possible and sacrifice them first.

The Taiyi Golden Scale Boat fled underground, its speed was still not inferior, and within a short time, it entered a natural underground cave.Everyone got out of the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat, Shan Tao caressed the Wuyun Yaoqin with his hands, and the Wuyun Peach Blossom Miasma immediately burst out with the magical light of the demon, covering the land with a radius of hundreds of feet to prevent the precious light from leaking out .

After Fang Zi arranged the ban, Xu Feiniang smiled and said, "Junior brother is really good at getting two rare treasures from Xuanyuan Holy Tomb. Why are you so anxious? It turns out that he has already made up his mind!"

"Senior sister is joking, who dares to say success or failure before the last moment of the matter?" Shan Tao replied indifferently, "Preparation, of course, must be sufficient, as for the result, only after the fact can we know!" He paused for a while After a while, he asked himself again, "How many treasures did Senior Sister receive this time?"

"Of course it's far inferior to my junior brother," Xu Feiniang said with a smile, "Senior sister's celestial fate is not enough, I only got six pieces! Adding the three of them, it's only ten pieces! And there is no one of Guangchengzi's conquest of demons in it." Strange treasure!" Although his face was very humble, his tone was still a bit smug, after all, it was quite a lot to have received ten pieces in a short period of time.

"How many pieces did Junior Brother take?" Xu Feiniang also asked herself.

Shan Tao smiled, "I haven't looked at the details, there are about twenty pieces!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, especially Xu Feiniang, she was also busy collecting treasures, so she didn't pay too much attention to Shan Tao's situation, even though she knew that Shan Tao had snatched the golden boat, and she must collect more treasures, and It's good, but I didn't expect it to be twice as much as him, and that's not counting what his disciples collected. If they add up all of them, there may not be more than thirty pieces, accounting for more than [-]% of the golden ship's relics.

Hearing this, Xu Feiniang was even more certain in her heart that Shan Tao still had more secrets hidden in her body, and she was also more determined. Standing with Shan Tao was the best choice, and she immediately smiled and said, "Junior Brother, come here , I want to take this opportunity to re-sacrifice those ancient weapons! Otherwise, with so many magic weapons, I can't worry about it!"

"What Senior Sister said is right, if you can't sacrifice it, it's fine, but since you got the Jiuyi Cauldron, it's better to sacrifice it first!" Shan Tao replied.

"It's so good, senior sister can also take advantage of the opportunity to see the magical effect of the relics of the Holy Tomb!" Xu Feiniang laughed.

Shan Tao sat cross-legged in the center, and the rest of the people watched from the side, but they gave way to Shan Tao with a distance of tens of feet.Shan Tao stretched out his hand to touch the mountain and river cauldron, and then pointed towards the ground. The Jiuyi cauldron appeared immediately, but it was only about a foot high. On the belly of the tripod.

With the help of this energy, the Nine Doubts Cauldron immediately radiated auspicious light, and suddenly there was a heavy roar, and suddenly it swelled up, becoming a height of ten feet, Shan Tao pointed at the cauldron cover with a magic formula, and the cauldron cover immediately flew Standing up, hanging in the void, the Shantao Dharma changed again, and immediately a big mouth appeared, and the immeasurable golden star red thread lifted up more than twenty treasures, and the various shapes were full of rays of light. Hui.Among them, long weapons are the most. It can also be imagined that in ancient times, there were quite a lot of people like Muba who liked to fight with weapons in hand.

When Shan Tao collected it before, he cast the net all over the sky, and he didn't know much about the treasures in it. Now it was the first time he saw it. He suddenly found that there were nine long swords inside, each of which was about three fingers wide and four feet long. , as if it was a set, secretly amazed, my luck would not be so good!

Before Shan Tao could say anything, Xu Feiniang said in surprise, "I have long heard that the treasure of Emperor Xuanyuan's battle with Chi You is hidden in the golden boat, the Nine Palaces Excalibur. Could it be this Nine Swords?"

Xinshou volleyed a shot, Shan Tao received all the nine swords in his hand, checked carefully, and found the words "Nine Palaces" on the hilt.Looking at his six apprentices, and at the three under Xu Feiniang's sect, he couldn't help but smile, and said, "Senior Sister really has eyes, this is the Nine Palaces Excalibur worn by Emperor Xuanyuan back then. There are nine swords in this sword. Handle, it just so happens that there are nine people under your sect present, and it’s a good fortune, so let’s share it with them!”

Shan Tao thought that Xu Feiniang would be very happy, but she stopped him immediately and said, "Junior brother, this Nine Palaces Excalibur is so powerful, it is much stronger than the flying sword you and I are using now, moreover, this time It is the armor of the Huangdi Xuanyuan clan, and now junior brother can get all the treasures left by Xuanyuan clan, it is obviously God's will. This sword is better for junior brother to use!"

Hearing Xu Feiniang's words, all the disciples also agreed one after another, saying that they would not accept it.

Shan Tao laughed and said, "Senior Sister is wrong. Although the power of the Nine Palaces Excalibur is great, it is only the same as the Emei Sect's purple and blue swords. Why did Emei give these treasures to the third generation? Disciples, one is to help them defend themselves against demons, and the other is to train them so that they can better inherit the foundation of Emei.

The new establishment of the Wutai faction, in order to gain momentum, there are some mixed dragons and snakes, good and bad. I am afraid that there may not be many who are really thinking about the Wutai faction!If you and I don't focus on cultivating it now, I'm afraid it will still be reduced to withering in the future.Furthermore, Emei's three sword fights are approaching, as the saying goes, generals against generals, soldiers against soldiers, if we don't have many disciples who can fight, and we blindly rely on us elders, we will be ridiculed. "

After Shan Tao spoke, Xu Feiniang looked a little excited and nodded repeatedly. Shan Tao made nine people come forward, and after bestowing the Nine Palaces Excalibur, he continued, "Nine Palaces Excalibur, after the nine swords are combined, it will be paired with Ziqing. It's like a sword with great power, but after it's separated, it's only slightly stronger than the ordinary flying sword of the fairy family! Do you know why I gave it to you separately?"

Shan Tao's eyes shone coldly, sweeping across the crowd, before the others said anything, Xu Feiniang's youngest disciple, named Hua Bi'er, replied first, "Uncle Master hopes that we will work together and work together , Carry forward the Wutai faction!"

Smiling and nodding, Shan Tao said, "That's right, if a sect's heart is not in harmony, it will never be possible to accomplish anything. Today's treasure hunting in Yuanjiang is the best example. This time it is obvious that we are waiting for the treasure hunting party to have a large number of people. , but the result is that Emei still has the upper hand. This is the reason. I hope that this situation will not happen within our Dongtai, and we can be harmonious and unanimous to the outside world. It will be crushed to ashes!"

Xu Feiniang heard Shan Tao's words, but she didn't say anything, Mu Ba and other nine disciples all responded respectfully, not daring to be slighted.

After a short pause, Shan Tao continued, "Of course, it's not all because of this, otherwise, when the nine of you travel together, if you encounter an enemy, the nine of you will work together to make the Nine Palaces Excalibur powerful. It may not be better than the nine of you each showing their abilities. On the contrary, it is a waste of a good magic weapon.

You can be said to be the most outstanding disciples of our Dongtai. As an elder, I naturally hope that you can make your own reputation. The Nine Palaces Excalibur is actually not just a sword. Otherwise, if the Emperor Xuanyuan would rely on this It's a joke to kill Chi You with might.

What's more important about this sword is that they are a set of magical weapons for forming formations. Once a large formation is deployed, the Nine Palaces Excalibur will become a set of large killing weapons. God, the Buddha blocked and chopped the Buddha. Chi You's body was also killed under this formation back then, and the effect is how many times stronger than the purple and green double swords that should be killed. "

When everyone heard this, they were all curious.With a thought in her mind, Xu Feiniang immediately blurted out, "Could it be that Junior Brother is referring to the Great Sumeru Pros and Cons Nine Palace Immortal Formation, which is known as the number one killing formation under the Liangyi Mote Formation?"

"Yes, I knew that senior sister would know!" Shan Tao said with a smile, "If you want to achieve the greatest power of the Great Sumeru Pros and Cons Nine Palaces Immortal Formation, you still need the original formation diagram, but the current formation diagram is It fell into the hands of Yi Zhou, the master of the Xuangui Palace in the South China Sea. Yi Zhou is the number one formation master in the world today. Although he only has a formation map, he still imitated nine magic weapons for the formation and arranged them. As a housekeeping formation.

His family is of longevity and lives at ease, so he depends on the power of this formation to take care of him!Yi Zhou is already a celestial being, so it is unlikely that he can get the formation map out of his hand, but we still have to try!Even if I don't give it, it's nothing. The Jiuyi Cauldron is engraved with all the changes of the pros and cons of the Great Sumeru Nine Palaces Immortal Formation. As long as you give me a little time, you can also comprehend it. Although it is not as powerful as the original formation diagram, but with this Based on the Nine Palaces Excalibur, its killing power could not be more powerful than the large formation arranged by Yi Zhou!
At that time, if the nine of you are familiar with the changes in the pros and cons of the Great Sumeru Nine Palace Immortal Formation, and join forces to fight together, the three heroes and two clouds of Emei are nothing, and the title of you Dongtai Nine Immortals will definitely still be higher than them in the future! "


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(End of this chapter)

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