New Shushan Biography

Chapter 225 Fighting swords and jade talismans three times until confidence is high, and the two wom

Chapter 225 Fighting Swords and Jade Talismans Three Times to High Confidence, Two Women Come to Add Good News (120 votes thanks)
East China Sea Immortal Mansion.

In the main hall, a real person sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed in the center, catches the hurdles and makes up for them, exhales and accepts the yuan, the whole body is faintly blue, and the sky is surrounded by purple clouds. The secret of the door imparted supernatural powers, and suddenly, the blood flow flickered, and the circulation of mana in the whole body stopped for a while.

Although it was only for a moment, it was enough to shock Master Miaoyi. Although Master Changmei Master had already criticized him, saying that there would be no disasters or calamities in the future, and that the Dao of Heaven and Immortals would be very smooth, but matters beyond cultivation, who would How can you be more accurate?Failure to keep a small omission is enough to make people irreversible!

Master Miaoyi carefully checked for nearly half an hour, but still found nothing abnormal, Fang Zi was relieved a little, but he was even more surprised, "Then what is the reason for what happened to me just now?" ?”

Reverend Miaoyi is very clear that this kind of thing does not come out of thin air, there must be a reason, and he has no intention of concentrating on cultivating, thinking hard, suddenly, he has a faint feeling, as if there is something to him A very important thing is about to appear in the world, and I couldn't help being overjoyed, and thought to myself, "Is there any powerful magic weapon left by the teacher in the East Sea Immortal Mansion?"

But Master Miaoyi vetoed this idea in an instant, because at this time his induction had become stronger and stronger, the thing seemed to come from the sky, and with a movement in his heart, two green brilliance suddenly shot out from his eyes, straight After passing through the many barriers and restrictions of the Immortal Mansion, he looked up to the sky.

I saw a ray of blue light flying like a meteor, falling straight towards the Immortal Mansion of the East Sea. When Master Miaoyi observed with the great method of the sky eye, the speed of the blue light, which was already as fast as a stream of light, suddenly accelerated a little bit. Passing through the barriers of the East China Sea Immortal Mansion and breaking into the main hall, he simply regarded these restrictions as nothing.

If the person who came was a person, then Master Miaoyi would have to be frightened, because the restriction of this East Sea Immortal Mansion was arranged by Master Changmei himself.Changmei Daoist is the No. 1 Daoist sect once in a millennium. Before he ascended, he was the most powerful monk in the world.One can imagine the tyranny of the forbidden law he arranged.

But what broke in was just a jade talisman, and it came from the sky, so Master Miaoyi had to guess.He unleashed his whole body's mana, and cast the highest supernatural power of the Emei lineage's secret method of collecting treasures, the Containing Light and Lipping Shadow Dafa, and a burst of blue light surged out, turning into a big hand, and aimed at the jade that rushed towards his face. The characters are copied.

Reverend Miaoyi originally thought that it would take a lot of effort, but unexpectedly, as soon as the green light of the jade talisman came into contact with his magic formula, he immediately calmed down, and was easily received by him, revealing his true nature. The face is a jade talisman about three inches long and an inch wide.

On the jade talisman, there is still a pattern of purple and green double swords. At this moment, Master Miaoyi has no doubts. Don't be very clear, so naturally too many people can't know about this matter, but to show respect, Master Miaoyi still passed on a letter with a flying sword, and summoned his senior brother Xuan Zhenzi and Ascetic Toutuo who were presiding over the distribution of treasures on Mount Emei.

Xuan Zhenzi and Ascetic Toutuo both knew very well that their junior was a real person who never changed his face before the collapse of Mount Tai. If it wasn't urgent, he would definitely not pass the letter with a flying sword. Besides, there is nothing on the letter. Didn't say anything, just said to go back to Donghai Xianfu as soon as possible.

The two of them didn't dare to delay even the slightest, and temporarily handed over the matter of distributing the magic weapon to Bai Guyi, the old man who chased the cloud, and the other Emei elders, and immediately rushed back with Duan Guang.

After arriving at the Immortal Mansion in the East China Sea, Master Miaoyi briefly explained the situation to the two of them. The two of them naturally understood that the matter was serious, and they kneeled down and kowtowed to the jade talisman three times and kowtowed nine times in the main hall together. The real person picked it up and read the content with his soul. The more he read it, the more pleased the real person Miaoyi was.

Xuan Zhenzi and Kuxing Toutuo looked at themselves, the younger brother who had always been indifferent to emotions since becoming the head teacher. After seeing the jade talisman, the smiles on their faces became more and more, and they couldn't stop. I don't know yet, there must be a lot of good things in it!Everyone hurriedly asked, "Junior Brother Qi, what is recorded in the jade talisman?"

Master Miaoyi didn't answer right away, but after browsing all the content of the jade talisman, Fang Zi smiled and said, "This is indeed the jade talisman that my teacher dropped from the sky, and there is a piece of "Taiyuan Xianzhuan" in it." Compared with the "Ziqing Baolu" we practiced before, I don't know how much more mysterious it is!
But this is not the main reason for my joy, there is an even more gratifying news! "

Speaking of this, Master Miaoyi deliberately paused, and then said to himself, "Menshi is about to come to the mortal world!"

"What?" Xuan Zhenzi and Ascetic Toutuo were all taken aback. "Immortals are different, how is this possible? Could it be that my mentor also suffered..." The last two words were never said by the two.

"How can you two seniors think there? Your mentor is a member of the Taishang Taoist ancestor. If the Taoist ancestor doesn't open his mouth, that immortal official dares to relegate your mentor?" Master Miaoyi said in a somewhat excited tone, "The mentor came to the world in the name of the Taoist ancestor. , Everbright my Emei Taiqing lineage."

"That's great, with a mentor here, it's hard for my Emei faction to think about not being prosperous!" Xuan Zhenzi asked immediately, "Did the mentor Yufu once say when he will come to the world, we can do it too Get ready! Also, does the teacher have any orders for us?"

"Naturally, my teacher said that he will be able to return to the world in five years, so let us find a way to postpone the three sword fights in Emei!" Master Miaoyi said with a smile, "This, I think, is still very easy. The period of the three sword fights is set to be three years later, but it is only slightly delayed by two years, so there should be no problem."

"Well, it's really not difficult!" Kuxing Toutuo also interjected, "After all, the second sword fight didn't follow the original schedule, but was delayed for a few days. It doesn't matter how much it is before!"

"This is how I think about it. This month, even if it's the opening ceremony of my Emei Sect, we don't have to stick to just inviting the immortals from the orthodox sect and other sects. At that time, there will be many people helping us in the grand gathering of immortals, so those evil sect masters must not object!" Master Miaoyi said with a light smile.

"It's better for Junior Brother Qi to think carefully and do what Junior Brother said!" Xuan Zhenzi and Kuxing Toutuo replied in unison, their tone very relaxed.After getting this news, the little bit of unhappiness that Yuan Jiang had felt about not being able to get all the treasure before had long been forgotten.

"When a benevolent teacher comes to this world, who else in the world can be my opponent of the Emei Sect?" All three of Master Miaoyi thought this way.

After a little discussion, the three of them dispersed separately, but after a while, Xuan Zhenzi came back, and at the same time, there were two beautiful female disciples with excellent aptitude behind him, but Master Miaoyi didn't know each other. , couldn't help but smiled and said, "These two are the disciples that the senior brother asked for himself. It's really good! It looks like they are still brothers and sisters!"

"Although they missed, they are not far away!" Xuan Zhenzi said with a smile, "The two of them will be included in my Emei sect in the future, but not now. I'm willing to teach you. But now they come here because they have other important matters, and they can't say that it will be of great benefit to me, Emei, so I'd better listen to what they have to say!"

"Okay, what are you two doing here? Feel free to ask, if we can help each other, I will definitely not shirk!" Miao Yi said.

The two beautiful women glanced at each other, and then said freely to the taller one, "The two disciples are disciples of Master Niren, the god of Xiaohan Mountain. My name is Xie Ying, and my sister's name is Xie Lin. We are going to The person who came to see the real master teacher was ordered by his adoptive father Xie Shan to come here to borrow the most precious Ziwu Zhou disc from your sect!"

"Oh?" Master Miaoyi said with a smile, "It turned out to be Daoist Xie Shan. Daoist Xie Shan has been friends with me for two lifetimes. If he wants to borrow treasures, I have no reason to refuse. However, the CD-ROM of Meridian Universe is still in Mount Emei. Ningbiya's Liangyi is sealed in the dust formation, so it is very inconvenient to use.

However, the function of the Ziwu Zhou CD-ROM is mainly to break Yuanzheng’s true energy. I also have a few magic weapons to break Yuanzheng’s true energy. Tell me, where are you going?Let me see if the magic weapon in my hand is enough?If it is enough, it will save you sisters from running back and forth.If it is not enough, I have no choice but to let you go to Mount Emei with Senior Brother Xuan Zhenzi! "

"We are going to meet our aunt at the Little Brightness Realm on the Heavenly God Mountain. The Yuan barrier is so powerful that I am afraid that the non-Meridian Universe CD will not be able to pass through!" Xie Ying said softly and respectfully.

"Are you going to the Little Light Realm to meet your aunt?" Daoist Miao Yi asked suddenly, "Could it be that what you are looking for is Ye Bin, the former owner of the Admiralty Island?"

"Exactly!" Xie Ying replied respectfully, "Aunt Ye and foster father have a brother-sister friendship for three generations! In this life, we should be of the same family. Adoptive father asked us to go ahead to meet each other and tell the story of our relationship!"

Master Miaoyi was overjoyed when he heard this, and secretly said, "That Shantao has been drifting away from our sect, this time we take this opportunity to find out his real details!"

I'm sorry, the update is late, but I can't help it. Today, the computer screen is blurred three times, and the system has problems four times. It's okay to restart, but it's useless after restarting. I just restored the system and wrote a chapter quickly. Poor My previous original manuscripts, all 60 words are gone!
(End of this chapter)

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