New Shushan Biography

Chapter 231 3 Sword Fighting Chapter Transfer 5 Units, Discuss Countermeasures

Chapter 231 Fighting swords three times and turning five sets, discussing countermeasures (third update, asking for a monthly ticket)
Shan Tao smiled and said to Zhu Ling, "Since you are already Sister Bin's closed disciple, it just so happens that I have seven magic weapons here, which are ancient weapons taken from the golden boat in Yuanjiang, originally intended for Sister Bin Assigned, give it now, you look at the assignment!"

As he said that, Shan Tao took out the seven ancient weapons from the Shanhe Cauldron and handed them over to Zhu Ling, and then said to Zhu Luan and the others, "I came here to fight with your master Let’s go back to the Central Plains together, since your master has already gone first, I still have a lot of things to do in the Central Plains, so there is no delay! Turn around now, and you all go your separate ways!”

Shan Tao exchanged a few words with Long Xuan and Dong Yang, and then he was about to leave. At this time, Yuan Mo said, "Shan Zhenren, I have been here for so many years, and everything is safe in the small light realm. There is no danger, I think it is better to go back to the Central Plains with you!"

Shan Tao didn't know much about the current defense problems of the Little Bright Realm. Hearing this, he looked at Zhu Luan. Zhu Luan smiled and said, "Senior Yuan Tuo is right. There is really nothing in the Little Bright Realm that needs his care. , if Master Uncle has something to do in the Central Plains, it is better to ask Senior Yuan Yu to help!"

"In that case, then you can go with me!" Shan Tao nodded to Yuan Tuo.

Yuan Kai was very happy to see this, although Xiao Guangming Realm is a good place, but he has been trapped underground for thousands of years by Wanzai Hanyu, and now although he is free, he was banned by Shantao and ordered to guard this place for more than ten years. Already tired of it.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Shan Tao immediately flew to the Central Plains with Yuan Tuo.Like Wanzai Hanjie, Yuan Kai is also the kind of old monster who has been around for thousands of years. Although his strength is a little weaker than Wanzai Hanjie's, his mana is extremely powerful, and he has already reached the peak of the earth immortal.Since Shan Tao taught him the Seven Star Escape Method, he has been running smoothly, using it with ease, and his speed is not slower than Shan Tao's at all, regardless of the consumption of mana.

But after a little more time, the two had already returned to the Central Plains.Shan Tao didn't stay for a moment, and went directly to Dongtai Wanghai Peak.

Shan Tao first let Yuan Yu enter Guanshan Tingtao Pavilion, while he went directly to Hunyuan Pavilion to meet Wanmiao Fairy Xu Feiniang.As soon as Xu Feiniang saw Shan Tao coming back, she immediately complained, "Junior brother, you are finally back, you know, our elders are waiting for you to come back and discuss matters together! It is not a few days before the opening of Emei !"

"That's not right!" Shan Tao joked, "Besides me, there must be other elders who haven't arrived!"

"Where is there?" Xu Feiniang blurted out the words, but in an instant, she thought of the green-robed ancestor who had disappeared ten years ago, and she said angrily, "The green-robed ancestor who has been missing for more than ten years If he didn't show up, he would have been killed by his traitorous disciple Xin Chenzi long ago! This time we gathered for business, and just happened to remove his position as an elder!"

After a short pause, Xu Feiniang continued, "Now that you're back, we don't need to waste any more time. Junior brother, let's go to Cuiyan Peak in Zhongtai first, and I'll inform the elders of other peaks!"

"That's good," Shan Tao also understood that the matter was a little urgent, so he didn't object.

Not long after, Master Xiaoyue, the head teacher of Wutai, and all the seven elders except for the ancestor of the green robe arrived at the scene.Before Reverend Xiaoyue could speak, Sikong Zhan, the Venerable Maha, sarcastically said, "Reverend Shan is really a master! It's not easy to meet him! I thought Reverend Shan got many magic weapons in the golden boat of Yuanjiang After that, I will no longer admit that I am a disciple of the Wutai Sect!"

Shan Tao glanced at Sikong Zhan coldly, and said calmly, "After Senior Sister Xu and I got the treasure, in addition to sharing a few pieces with our own disciples, we also gave ten magic treasures to the disciples of the other peaks. It can be regarded as a small contribution to the sect.

As a man who is so loyal to the Wutai faction as senior brother Sikong, he must have made more contributions than me as a junior brother!I don't know if you can tell me about it, so that I can learn more from Brother Sikong in the future! "

"You—" A trace of embarrassment appeared on Sikong Zhan's face, but it was erased in an instant and turned into a sneer, "I'm on the periphery, but I just got a magic weapon, which is just right I use it myself, if I am like you, no matter how much I get within the purple cloud barrier, I will only take one piece, and the rest will be dedicated to the real person in charge, who will distribute it to the disciples of the school according to their needs! The overall improvement of the school! Strength!
But you!Who doesn't know that you get the most treasures, but you only care about improving the strength of your own disciples.Look at a few of your own disciples, what kind of cultivation base they used to be, and now all of them have achieved the status of Sanxian, and they must have been promoted by the Guangcheng Golden Elixir!It could be said that the magic weapons you gave were all things that your disciples looked down upon, and they were taken out as favors! "

"Oh?" Shan Tao smiled and said, "Then senior brother Sikong, what is the law enforcement elder planning to do with me? Abolish my mana, or take away my magic weapon? Or worse, expel me from the Wutai faction ?”

With his hands on his back, Shan Tao stood proudly, looking at Sikong Zhan quite playfully.Sikong Zhan's complexion changed, he couldn't hang on immediately, his shoulders trembled, and he was about to send out the double hooks, but he was stopped by Master Xiaoyue, and he looked at Shantao with resentment.

"It seems that all the brothers and sisters are here today to talk about my crimes. I don't think I have any crimes, so I will not accompany you!" Shan Tao turned and left without even looking at Daoist Xiaoyue.

But before reaching the entrance of the main hall, she was stopped by Xu Feiniang, who also sneered and said, "Senior brother Sikong, what you just said is too much! It's better if we have favors than you don't have." !Since this favor has been given to the wrong person, please brother Sikong return the magic weapon!

It is said that the talisman I gave to one of Senior Brother Sikong's disciples was taken back by Senior Brother Sikong, and he gave it to his beloved concubine Renli Fairy Fang Yurou!I don't know if I'm right! "

Back then when Xu Feiniang presented the magic weapon, she did exactly what Shan Tao said, and gave two pieces to the disciples from other peaks who came to Wanghai Peak. Among them, four pieces were given to Xiaoyue Daoist's disciples, and they didn't care about these people. Is it a favored disciple?Among them, the magic weapon of the unfavored disciple was naturally recovered after returning and given to the favored disciple.For this kind of thing, the other elders, who didn't do it, immediately said that Dao Sikongzhan was wrong.

Daoist Xiaoyue also spoke again, and said, "Okay, no matter how many magic treasures Junior Brother Shan has obtained, they belong to him personally. It is already very good for him to dedicate ten pieces to our school. Junior Brother Sikong, what you said just now is really true. It's over!
Furthermore, all our elders gathered together today, not to discuss these trivial matters, but to discuss how to deal with the opening of the Emei Sect!Now is an important moment, and the elders of our peaks should be more united.Brother Shan, don't lose your temper, after all, you belong to the same sect, so you have to think more about the sect.

For such an important event, since the green-robed patriarch did not come, he should be dismissed from the position of elder!Elders, do you have any comments? "

Everyone nodded their heads, Master Xiaoyue changed the topic a little bit like this, and everyone didn't mention the matter just now.

Daoist Xiaoyue continued, "Junior Brother Shan has just returned to Mount Wutai, so he may not be very clear about it. This time Emei opened the mansion, and the Emei Sect sent invitations widely. , the cave masters of each cave also invited each other. It seems that the momentum this time will definitely not be small!
If Emei succeeds in opening the mansion this time, coupled with the fact that he used the Liangyi Mochen Formation to resist Wusuo, the secret demon of the stars and stars, I am afraid that the position of the world's number one faction will be unshakable in a short time!This is not a good thing for our Wutai faction. How should our Wutai faction deal with it? This requires a few of us in charge to discuss it!

What do you elders think about this, you might as well say it out, let's discuss it! "

After listening to Master Xiaoyue's words, Seven-handed Yasha Longfei spoke first, and he sneered, "It's fine for Emei to invite me to wait for the cultivators, and even the suzerain of the Demon Sect is invited, either to hide evil intentions, to catch them all in one go, or to kill them all." Proclaiming his powerful prestige in front of him, I am afraid that no Demon Cult suzerain will go! At least, the family teacher Bone God Lord will never go to watch the ceremony!

Of course, if all the Demon Sect Masters unite and plan to do something, that should be an exception! "

"The poor monk doesn't think it's just a gesture of the Emei sect, it's more like a method, a method on the surface!" Zen Master Qian Xiao, the sun and moon monk, immediately interjected, "For this opening ceremony, The Emei Sect has been preparing for more than a hundred years, so it is natural that they will have enough momentum to establish the status of the sect of all sects in the world in one fell swoop!

If Miao Yi sends out invitations to those Demonic Sect Masters, if he can do so, he will scare them from going. I am afraid that not only will he establish a great prestige in the hearts of the Orthodox Churches and casual cultivators, but also the Demonic Sect will fight against them in the future. It's a lot shorter than the Emei pie!This is a big problem for those demon sect suzerains! "

(End of this chapter)

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