New Shushan Biography

Chapter 247 Three sword fights, white lotus and golden lamp to protect the Dharma Body, Wan Yingluo

Chapter 247 Fighting swords three times, white lotus and golden lamp to protect the dharma body, thousands of wreaths and slaughtering gods (first update, 200 votes thanks)
Shan Tao hurriedly calmed down, so as not to be careless for a while, and something went wrong again.With great difficulty, he suppressed his excitement and continued to sit on the sidelines.

Fortunately, the Dao Primordial Divine Spiritual Root that Shantao split out did not undergo any changes due to the sudden fluctuation of his emotions, and continued to seep into the Xue Pozhu, and with the intrusion into the interior, the mana that was united with the divine mind again Since he lost a lot, Shan Tao tried to replenish it, but this time it was not as obstructive as before, and it was difficult to penetrate.It is easy to unite with the divine mind and form a spiritual root.

After a while, the first root of the primordial spirit firmly took root in Xue Pozhu.Shan Tao was not in a hurry to plant the second spiritual root, but carefully practiced the "inner alchemy" - Xue Pozhu with the formula of "Great Gold Xuandu Treasure Pill".

Under the sacrificial training of the Fa Jue, Shan Tao found that the spiritual root he had planted in the Xue Po Pearl was really like a seed, from which there were countless strands of silk, like straws, taking root Within the Xue Pozhu, the evil spirit of the Xuanbing Gang that has been condensed for thousands of years is drawn away, and is being bred.

Shan Tao found that it was not appropriate for him to compare the spiritual root of the primordial spirit to a seed, and it should be called an embryo instead. "Can the monsters of the strange way cultivate a dharma body of the human race with this method? That's how it is!" Shan Tao thought to himself.

"However, it seems that the benefits are far more than that!" Shan Tao continued to think.

The most distressing thing for mortals to practice Taoism is to transform acquired nature into innate nature, which is the foundation of Taoism cultivation.When every baby is conceived in the mother's body, there is only one innate qi in the body. If you can cultivate at this time and make good use of this innate qi, even the poorest aptitude can be converted. Moreover, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.But it cannot be said that there is no such thing, it can only be said that it is very little.There are also those ancient gods.At least Shan Tao has never heard of such a legend in any descendant.

Before the baby is born, part of the innate energy will be fused into the body. The more fused, the better the aptitude. Qualification changed.And as soon as it is born, it will be contaminated with the acquired turbidity, the world is boundless, and the baby is young, the boundless turbidity will quickly swallow up the remaining innate qi in the baby's body.

Therefore, generally speaking, if you want to accept a person who inherits the mantle, it is best to take him under his family when he is born, and guide the remaining innate energy in his body to fuse with his body, making his aptitude higher. This can also make its future achievements higher, if it is later, the innate energy will completely disappear.

Everyone is born with an innate aura, although they are different, they all have their own mysteries.There are so many ordinary people in the world who look at Shu, so there are many people who are dissatisfied with their aptitude in this life, or they seize their souls, or reincarnate under the protection of their teachers, just to have a physical body with good aptitude.

Fang has awakened the memory of his previous life since birth, guided the innate vitality to fuse with the body, and obtained excellent qualifications. However, in the mother's body, it has never been heard of someone who consciously awakened when the embryo was born.

However, after practicing this "Great Jin Xuandu Treasure Pill", it is quite different. This embryo is formed with its own primordial spirit root as the core, and you can manipulate it at any time, that is to say, this inner alchemy The dharma body conceived in it has absolutely no poor qualifications. As long as the person is not stupid, his achievements will definitely not be low.

After Shan Tao planted the spirit root of Yuanshen into Xue Pozhu, he realized that in fact, people can also cultivate dharma bodies in the inner alchemy. Since there is such a good opportunity to change the qualifications of the physical body, why do people use it to conceive magic weapons more often? Isn't it the law body?

Thinking of this, Shan Tao's mind sank into thinking again.

"Embryon? Innate? Magic weapon?..." Thinking about it, Shan Tao was overjoyed again?
It is often heard that in ancient times, magic weapons were not rated according to the current division method.Nowadays, the grades of magic treasures are generally the highest grades of ancient relics, followed by rare treasures of Tianfu, and then top grade, middle grade, and low grade.Of course, this method of division can only roughly explain the level of a magic weapon, and it is not entirely correct.Some treasures of later generations may not be as good as the ancient relics of the past.The ancient relics may not all be high-quality goods.

However, I heard that in ancient times, there was only one standard for evaluating magic treasures, the congenital spirit treasure and the acquired spirit treasure.Although not all congenital spiritual treasures are stronger than acquired ones, most of them are. Congenital spiritual treasures, produced in the chaos, have the essence of good fortune, are born with nature, and are born with the principles of the great way. Naturally, they are better than many spiritual treasures. Acquired things are much stronger.

It is not known how many years have passed since Pangu created the world, and I am afraid that the innate treasures in the corners of the corners have also been collected by those ancient gods and immortals, and there are not many left.

Moreover, as far as the current level of the monk world is concerned, even if someone really got an innate spirit treasure, there is no way to confirm it, and they can only let it be buried.However, Shan Tao really has one of this innate spiritual treasure, but so far, he has not been able to use it!This congenital spirit treasure naturally refers to the congenital one-qi primordial fetus.

Putting the congenital qi in the Jiuyi Cauldron, Shan Tao can only use it to disperse other people's Yuan Ling and boost the power of the Jiuyi Cauldron itself. Once it is taken out, it will be of no use at all.Although it is possible to use Lidoro's method of breaking the ban to carry out sacrificial training, but it is hard to say how long it will take to perform sacrificial training?

Shan Tao guessed that those ancient gods, immortals, Buddhas, and saints must have a set of special methods to use these innate things.

But if you can't use the innate qi and primordial fetus, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't use the innate spirit treasure?
Shan Tao reckoned that the reason why those ancient golden immortals used them to conceive the magic weapon was also similar to the situation of the dharma body?It is likely that what it conceived is not an ordinary magic weapon, but an innate spiritual treasure!Only in this way can it be explained!
After all, human beings are different from monster races, what they cultivate is the primordial spirit, a good physical body, as long as you are cruel and merciless, you will be able to find a satisfactory physical body after all, but the innate spiritual treasure is hard to come by. Yes, comparing the two, the latter is obviously more precious.

There is a saying in the Buddhist scriptures: one flower, one world, one tree, one bodhi!This inner alchemy is also like an unopened world, and the primordial spirit root is like the essence of the Dao in the chaos, the opportunity of good fortune, with the primordial spirit root as the core, the inner alchemy as the supplement, and the situation where the magic weapon is bred , it is also similar to the situation in which the congenital spirit treasure was conceived in the chaos, so it should also be regarded as the congenital spirit treasure!

However, these innate spirit treasures may be much worse than the innate spirit treasures bred in the real chaotic world, but in today's world, the gap between innate spirit treasures and ordinary magic weapons is heaven and earth!
Thinking of this, Shan Tao was once again convinced that meeting the disciples of the Heavenly Obscenity Sect was the luckiest thing he had ever encountered in this world over the years!
Although all this is nothing more than a conjecture, Shan Tao is already [-]% sure, and his guess is definitely correct!With this kind of judgment, Shan Tao has to be cautious, he has to think carefully, what kind of magic weapon is he going to conceive in his special inner alchemy?
The first is the Snow Soul Orb, and now the spiritual root has been planted, although it should be too early to take shape!But it's better to start manipulating it from the very beginning to make it follow your own thoughts!Thinking about it, the situation of the ancient Golden Immortal Dharma Body echoed in Shan Tao's mind.

"Since many ancient golden immortals are like this, there must be a certain reason, let's use this as a blueprint and modify it a little!" Shan Tao thought in his heart. "Although Xue Pozhu is the condensed air of thousands of years of ice, its essence is still water, and it is the most convenient to defend. Just use it to breed thousands of white lotuses! The treasure of education, the self-defense effect should be the best!
Then there is the Qiantianhuo Lingzhu, its essence is fire, and it contains the skyfire-the golden flame of the sun, and the earth fire-the poisonous fire of the earth lungs. It is a pity to use it purely for defense. It is most suitable to breed thousands of golden lamps, which can be used for both attack and defense.

The last one is the Huabi Pearl, which can be said to be the best of the three jewels.Although turning into a blood flame lotus can fully exert its effect, Shan Tao doesn't intend to do so! In the lineage of "Blood Nerve", although there are countless top-level supernatural powers, such as the blood shadow god light, ten finger blood light, mysterious Yin blood flame god gang, etc., but in terms of the mysterious and powerful attack, the blood god son is the most powerful. "
Shan Tao always remembered that Yuanshen and Ling Hun, who were stronger than him back then, both fell under the blood god son. "If you don't make good use of this point, you'll call yourself good at planning in vain! In this way, you can turn the Huabizhu into thousands of necklaces and silk ribbons, which can be used as protection at ordinary times. When you need to use it, you can sweep all directions at any time." !"

Shan Tao imagined the scene of thousands of blood god sons flying in the enemy's formation, and couldn't help nodding, thinking to himself that this idea is really good.He first conveyed the idea of ​​turning into a thousand white lotus to the spiritual root in the Xue Po Pearl, and then he prepared to plant spiritual roots in the Qiantianhuo Lingzhu and Huabizhu.


I was overtaken by Comrade Sefo again, and now it is equal, all fellow Taoists support me a lot!The eagle is over!
(End of this chapter)

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