New Shushan Biography

Chapter 277 The three times of sword fighting, everyone is determined, and the murderous intention i

Chapter 277 Three times of sword fighting, everyone is determined, with murderous intentions in their hearts (first update, thanks for 340 votes)

Seeing that the thousands of reddish golden gossamer were about to hit Ji Nangong, at this moment, Shan Tao made a move, and the Jiuyi Cauldron in his hand shook slightly, and the cauldron's lid immediately floated up, and a hole stretched out from inside. From the huge mouth, endless Venus red threads spewed out from it, rolling towards those faintly reddish golden hairsprings with incomparable speed.

It turns out that Shan Tao has been paying attention to the changes in the Gengjin Palace. Although the golden ge disappeared and thousands of sharp blades came overwhelmingly when Nan Gong made a move just now, Shan Tao is very familiar with the innate laws of the five elements, so naturally Knowing that these are normal changes in the Gengjin Palace, there is no need to introduce yourself and others into the Gengjin Palace to do it directly.Obviously, this is not the real purpose of the Emei Sect.

That being the case, there are naturally unavoidable changes in it!Therefore, Shan Tao has been observing carefully.The changes derived from the congenital Gengjin law prohibition, whether it is gold or silver, are all incomparably sharp, but under the method of reversing the invisible method of Yinangong's Yimu Green Smoke Ball, all the Qi of Gengjin is reversed. system.

However, Shan Tao suddenly discovered that some of the needle-shaped golden swords were faintly reddish, which was a bit weird, as if he had seen it somewhere before. The scene of the ancestor's fierce and powerful Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu being shot down by thousands of red threads suddenly flashed across his mind.What's more, Shan Tao also saw the presence of the real person Li Jingxu before, and immediately realized that these red-glowing gold threads must be disguised by the real person's Qiankun needle.

Although the Qiankun Needle contains the quality of metal, it is beyond the five elements after being practiced by the real person of Jile with the immortal method, so it is not subject to the anti-five elements method of Bu Nangong.

Thinking of this, Shan Tao didn't even think about it, and immediately made a move from the Nine Doubt Cauldron, and when the Venus red thread was rolled, he swept away the thirty-six thousand Qiankun Needles and retracted them into the cauldron.Unexpectedly, when the Venus Red Line was about to take back the Jiuyi Cauldron, another change occurred.

More than a hundred faintly red golden threads suddenly got rid of the red line of Venus, and burst into five-color glow, which is impressively the rays of the Great Five Elements Extinction God.At this moment, the distance is really too short, Shan Tao doesn't even have time to urge the energy of Jiuyi Ding Qingbai Liangyi, so he can only use the power of Haotian Baojian as much as possible to resist.

Just when Shan Tao was thinking that he would inevitably get a little injury, the same brilliant and dazzling five-color glow flashed across his eyes, but it felt a little more real. It was Zheng Yin's Great Five Elements Extinction Light Needle .

When the Great Five Elements Annihilation Light Needle and the Great Five Elements Extinction God Light paired off, Zheng Yinfang said solemnly, "In the future, we need to be more cautious!"

Shan Tao nodded his head hastily, at this moment he realized that the real target of the Emei Sect was himself.But thinking about it, after all, now that Liangyi Liuhe Banner Gate is in his hands, and he disturbed the Emei Sect's opening ceremony that had been prepared for hundreds of years, Master Miaoyi should be even more resentful towards him.

But at this time, seeing that the danger was eliminated, Ji Nangong immediately put all his heart into the attack, when all four knives, arrows, spears and spears were sucked by the emerald smoke ball, he suddenly rubbed his hands together and flicked them outwards, immediately there were countless silver sparks facing forward shoot.The power of the real fire fired this time is surprisingly powerful, all kinds of knives and arrows transformed by such powerful and magical Gengjin true energy will melt after eating this real fire bomb.Although it is born as it dies, more and more are gathered, but the sparks also change from less to more, transforming into tens of millions, combining with the power of the emerald smoke ball to completely eliminate this Gengjin transformation in an instant.

Suddenly, Zheng Yin's voice resounded in everyone's hearts, "Now, fellow Taoists, do you still insist on taking the magic weapon in this magic wave pool?"

Everyone naturally understands that this is the method of mind transmission, in order to prevent the Emei sect from finding out, they all communicate through mind transmission.The first one to speak was Xingxiu Shenjun, "I don't think it's necessary, the most important thing now is to send the Liangyi Liuhe Banner Gate in the hands of Master Nephew Shan Tao to the Demon Sect Mountain Gate, so as not to delay it any longer, what are you thinking about for Emei?" The method will be taken back!"

The rest of the people naturally knew that the most important thing of the Emei Sect was the two dust formations. They were already very satisfied with this harvest, and they all had the idea of ​​impatiently studying it.In their view, the last time Shan Tao was able to escape from the dust array of Liangyi erected on Ningbi Cliff, it was entirely the result of comprehending the Liuhe Banner Gate of these two instruments.

You know, for thousands of years, whenever the Emei Sect uses the Liangyi Mote Formation, there must be a sect or a great master of the Demon Sect. Tao, a disciple of the younger generation of the Devil's Cult, was broken.They naturally also want to have this ability.

Of course, Master of Hundred Birds Yehuang who knows all the inside information is naturally excluded, but he is more aware that Xuanwu plays a greater role in this.However, of course he wouldn't tell the truth.

Just when everyone agreed to directly destroy the magic wave pool, Shan Tao raised objections.

The Magic Wave Pool is naturally going to be destroyed, because it is obvious that it is impossible to take this place and open it up as a Beppu of the Demon Sect, but Shan Tao thinks that it is better to take this opportunity to rebuild the people of the Demon Sect. He has a lot of heart, so he is not so anxious to use the Great Sumeru Pros and Cons Nine Palaces Immortal Array. After all, the Emei Sect must also think that the Great Sumeru Pros and Cons Nine Palaces Immortal Formation has been placed in the mountain gate of the Demon Sect to protect the foundation .As long as they don't use it, they won't be discovered at all, and there will definitely be unexpected effects.

Shan Tao also said with his own thoughts, "Actually, it is not impossible to snatch the magic weapon now. Apart from other things, it is still possible to suppress the magic weapons of these five palaces. If we form an array now , at least the golden weapon in the Gengjin Palace is bound to be available.

But I think it's best to wait until we find the Palace of Li Fire before making a move.First of all, the location of Lihuo Palace is not as important as that of Guishui Palace in the north. It is the center of the magic circle, but it is also the easiest to destroy among all the palaces. It can be said that we can't use the Great Sumeru Pros and Cons Nine Palaces Immortal Formation. With our strength, we can destroy it.

The Qianling Lantern Flame is a key fulcrum to maintain the operation of the Magic Wave Pool, destroying the Lihuo Palace, the forbidden method of the Magic Wave Pool is equivalent to half collapsed.Moreover, the Qianling Lamp is a rare treasure in Tianfu, and it is also the best among the magical artifacts in the five palaces!

Without the protection of the Great Five Elements innate law prohibition, we are using a large formation at this time, making a sudden move, we may not be able to directly kill the masters of the Emei faction who preside over the forbidden method of the Lihuo Palace, weaken the strength of the Emei faction, and improve the strength of the Emei faction. The prestige of our Demon Cult among monks all over the world boosts the morale of our disciples. "

After hearing this, Zheng Yin and many old demons thought about Shan Tao's idea, and they all thought it was feasible. With everyone's contribution and improvement, a plan was immediately formed.

It may sound like a long time, but it is actually just a short time.At this time, the Gengjin transformation was born again, and thousands of gold or silver, crystal light Gengjin thunderbolts were born, and they bombarded everyone.Zheng Yin and the others remained calm, following the previous approach, they resisted first, and then used their magic weapon to break it.Zheng Yin and Shan Tao carefully observed the changes around them when they shot, hoping to see some flaws as soon as possible.

Sure enough, as they expected, after a while, the Gengjin Thunder and Lightning also entered the Yimu God Thunder, and the Ten Thousand Thunder broke out, and after blooming its final brilliance, it began to move and change.But in an instant, the local situation has changed, and the up and down are in a mess, and the edge can't be seen.It was so dark that I couldn't see the end.All of a sudden, they heard the fighting between Fengshui and the sound of waves, only then did they know that the people of Emei Sect had changed their formation and moved them from Gengjin Palace in the west to Guishui Palace in the north.

It seems that the members of the Emei Sect are determined to consume everyone's magic power this time, and the forbidden method will be activated automatically without waiting for Zheng Yin and others to trigger it.In an instant, the sound of the waves suddenly became louder, the raging waves roared, and the wind rose.At the same time, no matter how dark it was before the eyes, thousands of water jets appeared, and the electric swirls and stars flew, rushing to them.

And the sound of the wind and waves became stronger and stronger, like an earthquake and tsunami, extremely violent.The tens of thousands of water jets are of different sizes, first they are white shadows, with great pressure, squeezing each other, and suddenly, a thunderbolt erupts.Just as it was scattered and collapsed, the ones from behind poured in again, and several jets of water surged up like electricity from the black shadow.

When it first appears, it is as fine as a finger, and it spins and grows in a dazzling manner, connecting with the sky above.The white shadow also changed from light to thick, turning into off-white crystal light, surrounding it.There are so many bright water column crystal forests, the sky is dark as paint, densely packed, Zheng Yin and other nine people, each with wisdom eyes, and they are good at seeing the sky and listening to Dafa, they can't see far.

The pressure also gradually increased, and two clouds of gray-white light appeared on the upper and lower sides and flowed relative to each other, and the pressure was about to come up.Everyone understood that they couldn't act too normal, otherwise, it would be easy for Master Miaoyi to detect something was wrong, so Zheng Yin only let Sha Shen Boy take action.

Because the Sand God Boy banned the source of the water veins of the Yangtze River, and the magic weapon of the water palace is naturally a source of water veins banned by the saint. Of course, compared with the sand god boy's means, it is naturally far It's not as good, after all, there is a specialization in the art industry!It couldn't be more appropriate to let the Sha Shen boy take action this time.


In the last week, the goal is the color Buddha in front, everyone can help and support!

(End of this chapter)

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