New Shushan Biography

Chapter 287 Three Sword Fights in the Lower Realm

Chapter 287 Three sword fights in the lower world (first update, thanks for 400 votes)

On Tianqing Mountain, there is a rather delicate bamboo house.Ai Zhenzi, Taiyuan Zhenren, Xisanzi, and Changmei Zhenren, four immortals who can be said to have played a major role in laying the foundation for Emei's current reputation and status, are gathering together to discuss matters.

Seeing that his disciple's magic power has surpassed his own, Xi Sanzi was even more happy in his heart. Teaching a good disciple is sometimes more enviable than his own achievements.Xi Sanzi looked very relaxed, obviously living a good life here, he asked with a smile, "Ren Shou, since you have been favored by the Taoist ancestor, you have become a saint's gate wall, and you don't practice in heaven, so you came here What does Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm do?"

Daoist Changmei was originally an orthodox person, and he always respected his teachers. Even though his current cultivation base and status were much higher than that of Xi Sanzi, he still respected him very much. After a salute, Fang Zi opened his mouth and said, "Menshi Mingjian, if there is nothing wrong, how can the disciple go down to the realm for no reason? This time it is indeed the order of the Supreme Taoist ancestor, ordering me to go down to the realm to take care of my Emei lineage.

The disciples are also quite puzzled about this, thinking that I have been in business in Emei for many years, and I have continuously accumulated merits and virtues. Now that He is at its peak, what needs to be taken care of?Therefore, the disciple had no choice but to come to the Lingkong Immortal Realm first, and ask his mentor, senior uncle, and senior Ai, is there any great demon lower realm in the Lingkong Immortal Realm recently? "

Among them, Ai Zhenzi had the longest attainment of Taoism and the longest time in the fairyland of Ling Kong, and his mana was also profound. There are clues to the old devil's lower realm in the spirit world!After a while, Ai Zhenzi said to himself, "The human world is supervised by the heavens, and the spirit world never dares to intervene casually. The emperors of the five directions have always supervised the passage of immortals very strictly, so this kind of thing should never happen!

It is easier for us to say that someone can go down to the lower realm. I have an inseparable friendship with Dongtian Qingdi, and the immortal passage guarded by Qingdi is connected with Tianpeng Mountain, the holy mountain in the east of the world. Among them, there are many Tianfu elixir, and in the name of collecting herbs, they go to Lingqiao Immortal Mansion in Tianpeng Mountain, and the Qing Emperor will generally not object. "

"Is it impossible with other emperors of the four directions?" Master Changmei didn't know much about these specific situations.

"It should be impossible!" Ai Zhenzi continued, "The interfaces of the immortal passages guarded by the other four emperors are all absolute domains, and there is no excuse to find! Besides, there are rules in the fairy world of Lingkong. If any emperor dares to send Anyone who meddles in the disputes of the world will be besieged by the other four emperors!"

After a short pause, Ai Zhenzi continued, "But it's hard to say about this. It's impossible to say that someone dares to risk the world's dissatisfaction by doing such a thing! After you go down to the realm, you can take a closer look. If there is such a thing You can send a letter to Immortal Chizhang at the Lingqiao Immortal Mansion on Tianpeng Mountain, and he will naturally have a way to give us the information!"

"Thank you, Senior Ai, for that!" Daoist Changmei hurriedly thanked him.

"No, after all, I am also a cultivator of the Taiqing lineage!" Ai Zhenzi said. "Okay, since you want to take care of the Emei Dao Lineage, you shouldn't spend too much time in the Lingkong Immortal Realm, it's better to go down to the Realm as soon as possible!"

After talking with Ai Zhenzi and the others, Master Changmei had a clear mind, so he didn't delay too much. After all, the three sword fights were approaching, and after he descended to the realm, there were still many things to prepare. "I also want to ask Senior Ai to help me go down to the lower realm. The Taiqing Jade Talisman Edict can be used, but it is better not to use it!"

"That's right, I'm going to see Emperor Qing right now, you can stay here for a while!" After finishing speaking, Ai Zhenzi drove away in Xiangyun.

The three of them chatted for a while, and Xi Sanzi suddenly said, "When Emei is fighting swords three times, maybe we will go down to the lower realm to have a look!"

"I'm afraid this is not very good!" Daoist Changmei said in amazement, "Didn't Senior Ai just say that there are rules in the Lingkong Immortal Realm? Do you know if doing so will implicate Qing Emperor?"

"Don't worry!" Daoist Taiyuan also smiled to himself, "Aren't your master and I ignorant of the importance? This is just in case, to prepare in advance! When the time comes, we will also go to Ling Qiaoxian's mansion collects herbs for the name of the lower realm, and it is estimated that three sword fights in Emei will be enough for three or two days.

If there is no problem, we will just watch from the sidelines and not intervene. There should be no problem. If it is really the magic way that broke the rules first, we will naturally not begrudge the shot. As for whether it will implicate Dong Emperor Tianqing!I think your Taiqing Jade Talisman Edict is enough to solve this problem! "

"Since that's the case, after the disciple descends to the lower realm, he will prepare to honor his mentor and uncle!" Master Changmei heard this and couldn't help objecting, nodding his head.

"These are just trivial things. After you go down to the realm, you still need to investigate carefully. Where exactly is threatening the orthodox status of my Emei world? This is the most important thing!" Xi Sanzi warned.

"Teacher, don't worry! Disciple, don't worry!" Daoist Changmei replied.

While everyone was talking, Ai Zhenzi had already returned, holding a jade talisman in his hand, and said to the real person with long eyebrows with a smile, "Do you have a secret method to hide your whereabouts? If not, I need to borrow an invisible treasure for you." , if this is not the case, people will not find out that the number of people is wrong!"

"No, although I didn't bring any magic weapon with me this time, the Taiqing Jade Talisman Edict itself is a treasure, so there is absolutely no problem in hiding my whereabouts!" Changmei Daoist said firmly.

"That's good!" Ai Zhenzi nodded, "If that's the case, then let's go!"

Reverend Changmei bid farewell to Reverend Taiyuan and Xisanzi, the Taiqing Jade Talisman in his hand shook, a misty blue light flashed, Reverend Changmei disappeared immediately, and there was no more feeling, Ai Zhenzi and the three couldn't help it Admiring the Taiqing secret technique, it is really extraordinary.After confirming that Daoist Changmei followed him, Ai Zhenzi set up the auspicious cloud again and flew towards the fairy passage.

At the passage of the immortals, there are two angels guarding them. Seeing Ai Zhenzi coming, they all bowed their hands and saluted. From this, it can be seen that Ai Zhenzi's status here is not low.Ai Zhenzi shook the jade talisman casually, and the two immortals immediately activated the formula, opening the forbidden method of the immortal passage.

Ai Zhenzi flew down without the slightest delay, and the long-browed Daoist who was hiding at the side naturally followed him like a shadow. The two guardian angels didn't feel anything wrong at all, because there was no reaction in the mirror in their hands.

In the fairy passage of Lingkong Immortal Realm, there is no such thing as forbidden law, and it is extremely easy to walk through, but in a short while, it flies out of the fairy passage.

After exiting the Immortal Passage, the Long-Browed Daoist naturally didn't have to hide his whereabouts anymore, and immediately appeared in shape.This is the Qiantian Gangfeng layer of the two worlds. The Xunfeng doesn't seem to be violent, but if you don't have the cultivation base of a celestial being, I'm afraid it will be eroded by it in a short while.

Daoist Changmei is no stranger to this Qiantiangang wind layer. Before he ascended to the heavens in the past, he also went deep into it, absorbing Qiantiangang's evil spirit, and condensing divine thunder and other things.However, he was very surprised at the large section of the mountain that was stolen from the Qiantiangang wind layer.Although he had also heard that Tianpeng Mountain, the sacred mountain in the East Pole, was as tall as the Spiritual Sky and Immortal Realm, but what he heard was just what he heard, and there was still a big gap between seeing it with his own eyes.

After sighing for a while, Master Changmei walked down the auspicious clouds and walked quickly down Tianpeng Mountain under the leadership of Ai Zhenzi. In front of Dajinxian's bodyguard Baoguang, it didn't have any impact.

Daoist Changmei estimated that he had traveled more than [-] zhang, and the Xun wind gradually softened, and his eyes were no longer as gray and black as before, and gradually became brighter.When the two of them were completely out of the Qiantiangang wind layer, they could immediately see that they were surrounded by white clouds, and gradually there were some trees, and some rare birds and animals loomed among them from time to time.After rushing across a cloud layer, the scenery along the way became more and more beautiful, with strange ravines everywhere, Yao grass and beautiful flowers everywhere.

After going down for more than [-] zhang, a huge flat land immediately appeared in front of the eyes of Daoist Changmei, with fragrant grass on both sides and flowers like embroidery.Among them, Yushi Yonglu is wide and long, and it is as flat as a mirror.At the end, with the mountain behind and the lake facing the lake, stands a palace garden, which covers tens of hundreds of hectares.The inner hall is majestic, resplendent and resplendent, with flying pavilions and lofty towers, hidden between Lingfeng Jiamu and Baishi Qingquan.

Most of the trees are more than one hug, and the branches are full of exotic flowers, like brilliant brocade, many of which are unknown.There is a gentle breeze, and the wonderful fragrance is heard from time to time. In the forest of thousands of flowers, there are groups of Youhe reindeer flying and swimming in groups.Above is the clear blue sky and misty white clouds; below are Qionglou Yuyu, with thousands of households.There are also strange peaks supporting the sky, clear springs gushing out of the ground, not a speck of dust, warm as spring.The beauty of the end is beautiful and strange, although it is in the world, it does not let the fairy world.

Immortals go down to the world, the real person Chizhang naturally feels it, and he has already led the disciples there to greet him. It is not surprising to see Ai Zhenzi, but when he saw the long-browed real person next to Ai Zhenzi, he knew that there must be something going on this time. Weird!Immediately dismissed the disciples and welcomed the two of them in.


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(End of this chapter)

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