New Shushan Biography

Chapter 296 There is a "small gift" before the 3 sword fights, and a "killer mace&quo

Chapter 296 There is a "small gift" before the three sword fights, and a "killer mace" after it (480th update, thanks for [-] votes)
Looking at the ferocious beasts and birds rushing towards the golden glow of the Nine Doubt Cauldron wave after wave, Shan Tao couldn't help thinking, "Is it true that all the ancient remnants in the world are all gone?" Concentrated on Long Night Island?"

It is really not surprising that Shan Tao has this idea, the five-inch long spirit-inducing incense has been burned less than half, and there are probably no less than [-] beasts and birds that have been swallowed by the golden glow of the nine-doubt cauldron However, there are still endless ferocious beasts and birds pouring out from the mysterious frost black energy, quickly filling the vacancy in front.

And the result of the disappearance of the previous fierce beast was almost unaware of the recent arrival of the former ancient fierce beast, and it was still advancing one after another, which also made Shan Tao lament the miraculous effect of attracting spirit incense.He secretly said in his heart, "Xu Feiniang may not have strong mana, but she has quite a lot of good things in her hands. Rather than being an ally, it is a wise choice!"

With the burning of the spirit-inducing incense, those beasts and birds that surged out from the black air of Xuanshuang seemed to be getting more and more crazy. Seeing this scene, the mountain waves in the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat did not dare to neglect any longer. Both hands began to pinch out all kinds of odd-shaped spells, and in an instant, the Tao Fuyao Tianwen on the belly of the cauldron of nine doubts immediately began to shine, pouring into the golden glow.

Jin Xiacai was so angry that she got the help of these demon-subduing spirits, and immediately the flames rose, and suddenly, she absorbed all the vicious beasts and raptors in the vicinity. But after a while, more ferocious waves of beasts gushed out again, endlessly.

After the spirit incense was completely burned out, Shan Tao estimated that there were nearly 20 ancient beasts and birds absorbed in the Jiuyi Cauldron. 20 is indeed a terrifying number, although most of them are just The strength of the Sanxian level, but based on this number, it is really a terrifying strength.Shan Tao believes that this power alone is a huge threat to both good and evil forces.

I just thought that I was a person who protected animals in my previous life, but now I completely use these extremely rare birds and beasts as cannon fodder. It may not be a bad thing for Jiuyi Cauldron to absorb it. After all, in Jiuyi Cauldron, there is Hunyuan Qi protecting each other, and Yuanling is immortal. too much.

"I should be considered a different kind of protected animal!" Shan Tao thought inwardly, "When I have the ability, I will definitely help them to condense and shape their bodies, or help them reincarnate! In this way, will my sins be reduced a little!" Compared with the spirit world, Shan Tao still hopes to ascend to the heaven.But to ascend to heaven, merit is an indispensable thing.

Quickly turning away these strange thoughts, Shan Tao got out of the Taiyi Golden Scale Boat alone, stood in front of the Jiuyi Cauldron, activated his mana, and slapped the belly of the cauldron fiercely, and the mighty Xuanmen mana surged out Go in and help Jiuyi Ding better control those ferocious beasts and birds of prey.With the infusion of Shantao's mana, those subduing demon astronomical lights flashed again, and a strange power was generated in Jiuyi Cauldron again, making all the ferocious beasts and birds obey the orders of the tripod master's emissary.

It took about half an hour for Jiuyi Ding to control 20 beasts and birds. According to the ancient rules, these beasts and birds should no longer be called beasts and birds, but Spirit beasts and birds.Although it seems that there is no change, Shan Tao understands how effective such a name can be.

It is because of the name of an orthodox sect that the Emei sect was able to kill all directions without being disgusted by too many casual cultivators. If this kind of thing is done by the demon sect, many people who interfere will jump out immediately !It may even be attacked by groups.This is also the reason why Shan Tao and Zheng Yin, like this, deliberately purify the Demon Cult and turn it into an orthodox one.

To put it bluntly, everything is for survival, everything is for better survival!That's all!

After finishing all this, Shan Tao pointed with a finger, and the Nine Doubt Cauldron immediately floated in the air, and at the same time began to shrink, and when it reached Shan Tao's hand, it turned into a height of about a foot, and Shan Tao swayed slightly, Immediately, hundreds of clouds of five-color smoke rose from the Jiuyi Cauldron, surrounded by countless brilliance of different sizes and lengths, showing the true appearance of poisonous dragons, god owls, and various strange birds and monsters, flying out in all directions.There are more than tens of millions of them, all kinds of strange and various forms, all kinds of fierce and evil, presented at the same time, it is difficult to see, and they are just collected by Jiuyi Cauldron.

Apart from Xuan Wu who has seen such a scene before, he is not surprised, not to mention those disciples of Shan Tao, Ye Bin, Xu Fei Niang and other well-informed people are also horrified, because so many beasts and birds fly at the same time To rush out without any confusion, the ability of the Nine Doubt Cauldron is really extraordinary.

Fortunately, the Nine Doubt Cauldron itself can generate the Yingxu World, and after Shan Tao puts the innate one-qi primordial body back into the Nine Doubt Ding, the power of the Yingxu World he can control is much greater, otherwise, the 20 entities Wild beasts and birds, if you want to release them all, you will have to spend a lot of effort!

With the help of Yingxu World, all the beasts and birds were released by Shan Tao in an instant.Of course, after they were released, Shan Tao naturally manipulated them to lurk according to certain rules. At the same time, there were at least a group of dozens of them, and there was absolutely no one left alone. A batch of them were lost in the fight between the beasts on Long Night Island.

At the same time, Shan Tao also controlled these beasts and birds to open a safe passage in the dark frost and black air that permeated Changye Island, and did not allow other beasts and birds to approach this place, so as to ensure that the people who come again can go as fast as possible. The safest way to enter the core of Long Night Isle.

The speed of the second group of people coming was not too slow. Not long after Shantao Fang opened the safe passage, he saw them coming through the eyes of the birds patrolling outside.Among the people who came this time, the demon sect side was headed by Ji Nangong and Xingxiu Shenjun, and the sect side was headed by the Patriarch Liehuo, the head teacher of the Huashan School, each with fifty or sixty disciples.

Shan Tao didn't waste any time, and asked Qian Lai to ride a bird to bring Bu Nangong and others in.As soon as they met, Ji Nangong praised him consecutively, "Nephew's methods are really not slow!" Then he asked casually, "How many beasts have been subdued in total?"

Shan Tao also replied casually, "It's only 20 yuan!"

When Ji Nangong and the others heard the words, they didn't react at first, but they thought about it in an instant, and they were shocked immediately. Qi Zi looked at Shan Tao in astonishment, and seeing Shan Tao nodded calmly again, Fang Zi was ecstatic in his heart , Patriarch Li Huo laughed loudly, "It seems that we have great hope of winning these three sword fights! I hope that this 'little gift' can be accepted by the Emei Sect safely!"

Shan Tao also laughed to himself, "We must not be careless. The Emei Sect has been the leader of the Orthodox Church for thousands of years, and the leader of the group naturally hides a deep strength. To the Emei Sect, it is really just a What about a 'little gift'! I don't know what the Lord of Fire brought?"

Patriarch Lie Huo came out from a deep and profound old man, and Shan Tao's speech and behavior subclass just now, also said lightly, "Forbidden circle!"

Patriarch Lie Huo smiled and recommended to Shan Tao, "This is my uncle Yi Peizhang!"

"No need to introduce, Senior Yi, I have met him during the Red Lotus Ceremony!" Shan Tao smiled and bowed his hands, but he didn't ask what kind of taboo circle it was. He guessed it must be from the Huashan School The secret will not be revealed, otherwise, so many Huashan disciples will not be brought here.

But from the word "taboo", Shan Tao can imagine the power that this magic circle can display, it must be earth-shattering.Immediately afterwards, Shan Tao looked at Ji Nangong and Xingxiu Shenjun again, and said, "The ones brought by those two masters must also be..."

Before Shan Tao finished speaking, the two nodded in unison, and then Ji Nangong said, "Naturally, it is also a taboo circle! As the saying goes, it is the victory that counts, and the defeat first! Only when everything is well prepared can there be a chance for a comeback. Like Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, he was too hasty and died on the spot. Naturally, we can't repeat the same mistakes again!

In the deep axis of Changye Island, there is really a precious land. The power of the taboo magic circle does not need to be fully displayed, it can collapse the earth, stir up the poisonous fire in the center of the earth, and burn everything!Of course, this is just a last resort, it's best not to use it!After all, we have already lost two matches in a row in Emei Sword Fighting.

This time, compared to the previous two times, it can be said that we have shown our strength. If we lose again, we will have no face to compete with Emei! "

"In that case, let's prepare quickly! After all, time is running out!" Shan Tao immediately replied.

He didn't feel that way about what Ji Nangong said, after all, he had only been in this world for a few decades.But I thought in my heart, "Since I have made all the preparations, if I lose three sword fights, I can try again for the fourth time. What's the big deal?"


The Eagles are about to start working hard, everyone vote for it! (The sword fight will officially start tomorrow)

(End of this chapter)

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