Chapter 56

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Shan Tao picked up the demon banner, examined it carefully, and found a big-headed mullet embroidered with black gold thread on the lower left corner of the banner, and immediately understood that the demon must be the disciple of the mullet island.

At this time, Shan Tao is quite clear about the Antarctic boundary. Except for that day, Shenshan Antarctic Night City and Xiaoguangming Realm are separated by polar magnetism, light, and polar fire. The remaining islands are collectively called 47 Islands.This does not mean that there are only these 47 islands in the small Antarctic circle. There are nearly a thousand islands in the Antarctic circle, each with Sanxian real people living on them.

The reason why it is so called is that the owners of 47 islands have their own unique magical powers, and their skills are superior to everyone.Admiralty Island was originally one of the 47 islands, but now it has been split into Admiralty Island and 46 Islands.

Some of the island owners of the 46 islands are overseas branches of the Demon Cult, some are abandoned disciples of the Orthodox Church in the Central Plains, and some are native Antarctic spirits who cultivated into demons.Among them, Wu Lingzhu, the owner of Wuyu Island, practiced orthodox magic, with powerful mana, and was the leader of 46 Island.

Under the leadership of him, Wu Shenshi, the four gods and others, 46 islands became more and more rampant. They often plundered from all over the world, slaughtered the rest of the islands, seized their magic weapons, captured their souls, and used them to sacrifice magic. , Refining magic weapon.

Ye Bin has always been a kind person, so naturally he can't see such a thing, he often stops it, and is gradually excluded from the 47 islands.Those casual cultivators on each island, headed by Ye Bin, fought against the persecution of the disciples of 46 islands.

Ye Bin has powerful mana, and is the well-deserved number one master on Island 47. The seventeen disciples under his sect also have their own magical powers, but after all, the number of people is small, and they are incapable of doing things. It is difficult to look left and right. Turbulent, plus there are one or two smart people among the scattered cultivators in Zhudao, I am afraid that Ye Bin will not be able to support it for so many years.

As for what I heard in the Central Plains that Ye Bin single-handedly suppressed the evil in the 46 islands so that he would not dare to do evil, after Shan Tao arrived in Antarctica, he already understood that it was pure nonsense, and Ye Bin is nothing but a The Earth Immortal is comparable to Qian Kang, the lord of the Antarctic Nightless City, how can he be so strong.

Things like today, when Shan Tao went out to practice the Ice Soul Divine Light Sword, he has already encountered many incidents, and Shan Tao naturally helped him if he didn't care, but when he met the evil person with advanced methods, Shan Tao did not Also powerless.Only now did Shan Tao understand why the orthodox religion is becoming more prosperous and rich in blessings, while the members of the demon religion are repeatedly condemned by the heavens, even elders like Xingxiu Demon Lord are hidden from the world.It's really that the evil that the disciples of the Devil's Cult did was too deep.

Before he came, he originally wanted to make friends with the people of Island 46 in secret, thinking that he would be the help of his master in the future, but now it seems that most of these people are murderous, and it would be good if they could not be implicated by him.

However, Shantao is not all fruitless. There are also some people in the 46 islands who are afraid of the destiny due to the approaching catastrophe or other reasons. Not only have they stopped doing evil recently, but they have secretly helped others and accumulated merit.For these people, Shan Tao has made every effort to make friends.Among them, when he rescued people, Shan Tao got acquainted with Li Wang, the master of Liyi Island among the 46 islands.

Master Yunlei, Li Wang, was originally an abandoned disciple of the Orthodox Church, but later switched to the Devil's Cult. The Yunlei Immortal Net he refined was incomparably powerful, and it was one of the backbone of Island 46.Under Shan Tao's deliberate befriending, especially after giving him a few vermilion fruits to help him integrate the good and evil mana in his body, the friendship is even deeper. Lingzhu, Wu Shenshi and others were dissatisfied.

These days, Shan Tao often has conflicts in his heart, whether he should help Ye Bin unify the 47 islands.If Ye Bin were in charge of Island 47, presumably the loose cultivators here would have a much better life, but when she was in contact with Ye Bin, she often admired the orthodox religion in her words, and often lamented that as a sect, she had cultivated so much Earth Immortal is already the ultimate.

If you don't want to find a way to become a celestial being, the earthly celestial calamity every thousand or three hundred years will become more and more severe, and you will not be able to survive once in the end, because God does not allow such a powerful monk to exist in the world.If you are like the gods of the stars, you can avoid the catastrophe by stealing the sky, and you are careful, but you are just lingering on your last breath!

But Shan Tao didn't know whether doing so would give Emei a lot of help in the future, and he didn't know how much influence he could exert on Ye Bin.In my impression, Ye Bin always had such a gentle and friendly smile, as if he treated everyone the same.

But now, this kind of thing is happening more and more!As the saying goes, people are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless!Shan Tao has only practiced for more than ten years, seeing so many tragedies happen in front of him, he is obviously capable, but he is indifferent, which makes him feel quite uncomfortable!
This is not to say how powerful he is, and with his help, Ye Bin will definitely be able to win the battle against Island 46, but Shan Tao understands a truth that fortresses are often breached from the inside. He believes that, As long as he works hard to make connections, there is still hope for Ye Bin to form an alliance with those returnees from the 46 islands.

Witnessed another tragedy this time. On the way back to Admiralty Island using the Thousand Miles Tengguang Method, this question was tossed and turned in Shan Tao's mind again, but he couldn't make a decision for a long time, so he was very distressed.

When we arrived at Admiralty Island, it happened that Zhu Luan was out. Since Shan Tao was always kind, Ye Bin's seventeen disciples all had a good relationship with him.Since Zhu Luan was the first student from Jinzhong Island that Shan Tao knew, his relationship was even better.Zhu Luan gave a salute and said with a smile, "Master Uncle, you are back from practicing!"

Shan Tao nodded, looking at Zhu Luan's face, he immediately knew what she was going to do, and said with a smile, "I'm going to have a private meeting with my lover again! This kind of thing should be made clear to the senior sister earlier. Good thing, you look like a thief for being so sneaky!"

Zhu Luan was a bit shy, and said, "During this period, the demons of Island 46 have become more and more rampant. Master and all the sisters are very busy every day. I don't want to talk about this now, lest they say I am ignorant! Uncle, please don't say it. what!"

"I know that," Shan Tao frowned, and asked, "Are senior sister and you guys so busy these days?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Luan said bitterly, "It's not those monsters. The uncle is going to practice in the shadow of the aurora, and he doesn't come back often. Maybe he doesn't know, but there are many more monks on Jinzhong Island now! I’m here to seek the protection of the master! Well, let’s not talk about it, if you want to know anything, the uncle can ask the master himself!”

Shan Tao nodded and said, "Then you should be careful when you go out!" After Zhu Luan left with his sword light, Shan Tao stood there for a long time before walking towards the center of the island.

(End of this chapter)

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