online game world gate

Chapter 185 Die!die!die!

Chapter 185 Die!die!die!

Eighteen years ago, a boy was born on earth, turning a family of two into a family of three.According to the usual setting, this family should be full of happiness at this time, but in fact it is not.

Later, when the boy grew up and matured, when he mentioned his childhood, he would always mention it in an understatement, and at most he would add a sentence, "So safety measures are really important." Such an evaluation that I couldn't understand at once.

He didn't seem to care about all of this, he grew up ordinary, studied ordinary, looked for entertainment ordinary like most other ordinary people, and then fell into the world of fantasy and couldn't extricate himself.

If we really want to say, we can also think that he became what he is now in order to escape the misfortune and pain in real life, but he himself does not agree with this.

No matter what his reason is, indulging in fantasy, apart from allowing him to avoid the negative things that reality would bring to him, of course, other things that are usually considered positive also have nothing to do with him.

He doesn't have a girlfriend, and actually doesn't care about it; he has little contact with his family, lives independently and never feels lonely; he doesn't think he has any real friends, so no one wants to be his friend; All other social interactions with teachers, passers-by, etc., he considers unnecessary and avoids as much as possible.

He doesn't care about everything in reality, so his actions and words are rarely bound by reality, so he looks more withdrawn and surly in the eyes of others, and in reality, no one else is willing to be with him. He gets in touch, and in the end, he never takes any interest in reality.

This is a vicious circle, although he himself does not care.

Human beings have one-sided cognition of things and are often solidified.When a person grows up, he will have his own judgment and evaluation of all things, which are the so-called formed three views.

As he grew up, he couldn't escape this rule.In his eyes, the boundary between "reality" and "fantasy" is no longer the criterion of "whether it exists in reality". "Reality" is "reality". On the macro level, it follows Newton's laws of physics, on the micro level, it follows various laws of chemistry, and on the micro level, it follows some laws that he doesn't even know what it is...

Besides that, there are all sorts of other things that determine whether a thing is "real" or not.

Therefore, it may be "reality" for monsters with tentacles to suddenly appear in the mountains without warning; it is "unrealistic" for a group of weird people with abilities that cannot be explained by science to be resurrected suddenly out of thin air; From a scenic spot, inexplicably thrown into the copy under the premise of being fully awake, the soul can still leave the body, which is very "surreal".

Although these are all things encountered in the real world, for him who has become a young man, this does not belong to the "reality" that he is not interested in, but the category of "fantasy" that he is fascinated by.

So, he began to work hard for his "fantasy".He managed to escape to some extent from the "reality" he was tired of before, he watched the world change, and created his own world, and now, finally, the final moment.

"I like this sound effect very much. Not just because I like to play the old eagle." Shuang Seqiu put his hands in his pockets, and the body lying on the ground behind his back had stopped breathing at some point. The scarlet blood flowing on the ground was like boiling magma, tumbling and bubbling , exuding an unusual smell, and around him, scattered stones fell from the sky, like a torrential rain, but there was no trace of dust.

Most of the living people around were terrified. They didn't quite understand what happened, but they all knew that it would be difficult for them to protect themselves in the face of such a crisis of natural disaster level.The reason why it hasn't been completely messed up is mainly because the silent tortoise has been presiding over the situation before, and it has always been more reliable.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, everyone is still willing to trust the tortoise's judgment first when they have nowhere to go.The silent tortoise is well aware of this situation, so although he doesn't know what's going on and his heart is flustered, he still pretends to be as calm as ever on the surface.

He cleared his throat, although the sound around him was as loud as an explosion, and no one could hear it at all, but this is a habit that can calm his heart down a bit, then, he took a deep breath: "... What is that for?"

Shuangseqiu glanced at the silent tortoise with weird eyes, as if he sneered, then slowly raised his head, stretched his hands at his sides, his voice echoed in everyone's ears, as if he stuck Whisper around people: "Because, I believe in justice, and I like justice. Justice will fall from the sky one day, and I firmly believe in it."

The tortoise frowned. He wanted to hear words that were more closely related to the current bad situation, so he was not in a good mood, which made his attitude a bit bad: "Oh? You expect justice to come from the sky? Justice is not that kind something?"

"Heh..." This time, Shuangseqiu's sneer became very clear, "There is always someone who wants to uphold justice, but that person will not be me. Isn't this justice that fell from the sky? Don't you think so?"

"It's not interesting to tell you this, let me tell you something that you are interested in. Let me tell you a good news. In the structure of this copy, the core area is the end of all collapses. That is to say, the floor here will never be broken. Come on, as long as you have practiced the technique of avoiding barrage and have enough experience in games like Touhou, it is not very difficult to survive."

"Of course, there is also bad news. Because it is a place similar to the bottom layer, after the collapse of this copy, you will be trapped in the deepest part of the ruins. Then, there is only one thing you can do, find a way to outlive others For a little longer. For example, **** drinking urine or something, well, this is also a survival challenge."

"Come on everyone, I still have something to do next, let's take a step first."


As Shuangseqiu said before, in this rematch, the so-called "trials" that exist in each room to screen contestants, reduce the number of contestants, and provide points for contestants essentially take the contestants' souls from They are dragged out of their bodies to carry out the "trial" independently. At the same time, the setting says that to protect their safety, their bodies will be temporarily moved.

The process described by Shuangseqiu is of course true, but he has concealed two small details.

First, in fact, at the end of the first day of the semi-finals, when there is a "trial", as long as the contestants enter the door of the room, they will immediately separate their soul and body. They are in the state of souls. Before the trial, they could not open the door of the room again; and after completing the trial and leaving the room, they would regain their bodies.

This process is very fast and covert, even those who keep coming in and out of the door can't notice it.

Second, these moved bodies will all be moved to the same place, and it is within this copy.

Speaking of this, everyone probably understands.The deepest room in the "core area" where Shuangseqiu, the tortoise and others stayed just now is where the bodies of these contestants who are participating in the "trial" are concentrated.And the Shuangseqiu came here to kill the contestants whose points did not meet the requirements at the end of the second day and who were in the process of trial.

You may have noticed that this entire trial system is completely out of touch with the dungeon settings of the two-color ball.In Shuangseqiu's plan, the "core area" was a meaningless space, but now it has become very important; running around.

Then, there is another point, the position of the contestant's body will move instantly at the moment of opening and closing the door.

The bug catcher who was the first to notice this bug in the group of five.The reason is simple, after they enter the room and the door closes, until they leave the room and the door opens, they can't see any other contestants except themselves.

This is very unreasonable.So, after a simple experiment, they found a key problem.After the first person enters the room first, close the door, and with the cooperation of someone, turn the door back to the corridor. When opening the door and entering the room, although the first person does not leave the room, the people behind No one can see.

Of course, even if they wanted to break the heads of the five people including Xiao Yi and the bug catcher, they would not understand that it was because the soul and the body were separated from each other, but this did not prevent them from understanding this phenomenon.After the start of the second day, each room is an independent space for the contestants who open the door and enter the trial.

Assuming that this setting was specially added for the rematch, rather than the original setting of Shuangseqiu—we know that this is indeed the case—then, it is very likely that even Shuangseqiu cannot enter the room where it is being tested.

There are many possibilities for encountering "bad things", the biggest of which is that Shuangseqiu, who is the boss of the dungeon, came to kill people in person.Then, maybe there is a way to use this bug to target the double-color ball.

Open the door, enter the door, and enter the "trial" state, which will become invisible to people outside the door. However, if the door is not closed like this, the contestants who enter the door can still come out like this, thus leaving the "trial" state.

In the room in the core area, the body of the contestant, who is constantly coming in and out, will constantly switch between being and not, and constantly changing positions.Even if it is a two-color ball, there is no way to kill a body in this state.

Therefore, on the second night, the contestants with less than 1000 points had to encounter the "bad thing" double-color ball. After solving all the other unlucky people who did not have enough points, he had to go to the door of the room to solve this matter.

However, Shuangseqiu had not even had time to obtain various information from the surrounding breath, light, etc., just as soon as he appeared in this position, his body became riddled with holes, and he was in dire straits in the true sense...

It wasn't until his clothes and mask were shattered into slag that he heard angry and distorted roars around him, one after another, as if he was in hell.The roar was so chaotic that it was difficult to understand its meaning—perhaps because the two-color ball became fragmented, causing his ability to process information to significantly decrease.

In short, it took him a long time to sort out the simplest word from these roars.

"Go to hell!" "Go to hell!" "Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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