Chapter 1208 Take Back Your Home
It was getting late.

Yun Luoxi had already arrived in front of the old castle of the Sacra family, and many blood soldiers had already run out of it, surrounding Yun Luoxi in groups.

"Where's your blood king?" Yun Luoxi appeared to so many soldiers, but she didn't care, and asked Lu Ling's whereabouts directly.

A sharp-eyed soldier suddenly shouted in surprise: "Master Queen of the Sacra Family!!"

Hearing that it was Yun Luoxi's arrival, many blood soldiers had put down their weapons, many of them were soldiers of the Sacra family, and they had been waiting for their queen to come back.

Now that they saw Yun Luoxi, they were uncontrollably excited, and some soldiers, who didn't know why, asked, "What is she doing here?"

A soldier responded: "She is the queen of our Sacra family, our true blood king, and she is back to protect our homeland."

Yun Luoxi looked at the soldiers who spoke for her. Among those people, many were former soldiers of the Sacra family. It turned out that they always remembered her and remembered that she could come back.

That indescribable feeling made Yun Luoxi choke with sobs, she could only calm down quickly, and asked, "Lu Ling, where is she?"

"She, she hasn't come back for several days." As soon as Lu Ling was mentioned, the faces of some soldiers changed.

"Well...I see."

Yun Luoxi thought about everything, looked at the vast night sky outside, and turned to look at the soldiers, "You all go, this old castle, starting tonight, I will take it back."

Hearing Yun Luoxi's words so easily, many soldiers knelt down, "If we leave, it will be even worse if we are captured by the blood king."

"We've got nowhere to go."

"My Lady Queen, can you take us in, as long as you stutter!"


Their eyes are begging and longing, their voices are sincere and sincere.

Yun Luoxi glanced at them: "Go back to the castle of the Sacra family, report my name, and someone will arrange your whereabouts! In addition, Lu Ling will not trouble you anymore. Here, this city of darkness, I I won't let her take another step."

Hearing Yun Luoxi's promise, they all got up happily and quickly disappeared into the Sacra family's castle.

All of a sudden, the entire castle was empty. This castle was originally her home, but it was occupied by Lu Ling for 100 years.

Now that Yun Luoxi came back, the first thing was to take back the home that should belong to her.

Not far away, several figures approached slowly, and soon came to Yun Luoxi's side.

"My Luoxi, you'll be done in just a few minutes." Si's voice sounded evil.

"My family Luoxi is about to make a move, there is no doubt!" Gemini said showing off.

On the other hand, Ying Ning was sobbing in a low voice, crying like a ghost, crying very sadly.

But, they all know that the twins are crying with joy.

"Luoxi, we are finally home." Twins sobbed, tears flashing.

They all looked at the old castle of the Sacra family who lived here for an unknown number of years. It has hardly changed, but a lot of things that do not belong here have been added, that is, the things of Luling.

Lan walked to Yun Luoxi's side, "Luoxi, do you need to remove all these obtrusive objects?"

"Yes!" Yun Luoxi responded without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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