my fox girl

Chapter 101 Receiving red envelopes is a test of acting skills

Chapter 101 Receiving red envelopes is a test of acting skills
"After a while, my parents will definitely ask you a lot of questions. The questions they ask may be weird and weird. You have to be prepared."

"Then what if I can't answer?"

"It's okay, if you can't answer, I will cover it up for you, and you don't have to be nervous, and there is a saying"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, and continued: "An ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws, and there will be such a process, you."

"I'm not ugly!" Xiaobai puffed up his cheeks and glared at him, his little face flushed a little, and he quickly added: "I'm not your wife either!"

"I didn't say you were ugly, I just used a metaphor, do you understand?"

"I'm not your wife, I, I'm just pretending to be your girlfriend."

"It's all the same, a girlfriend will become a daughter-in-law sooner or later."


"Okay, it's different." Lin Yi pursed his lips and said, "But you are playing my girlfriend now, that is to say, Su Xiaobai is Lin Yi's future wife, understand?"

"I don't understand." Xiaobai shook her head, and she didn't want to understand, this human being was always thinking about lying to herself to give birth to him.

"In the future, you will gradually understand, let's go, let's get out of the car."


"Relax a bit, my parents don't want to eat you, when they ask you something, you just follow their words, just perfunctory, remember to adapt to the situation, I will cover it up for you."

"You, why are you hugging my waist?"

Xiaobai was listening carefully, when he suddenly felt Lin Yi's arms around his waist, and his body tensed instantly.

"I told you, we have to do some intimate moves, which can increase our persuasiveness. You can see that most of the couples on the street are like this, it's normal."

Lin Yi had a very good reason, and with a serious face, he walked slowly towards the study with his arms around her slender and soft waist.

Walked a little further.

"Hiss, I didn't mean to, don't pinch!"

Lin Yi endured the pain and put his hand back on her waist. He frowned and looked at the red mark on his wrist. He didn't know who this girl learned to pinch people from.

"Look, you pinched me."

Xiaobai looked down at the red mark on his wrist, concern and guilt welled up in his eyes, then wrinkled his nose, muttered with a blushing face, "You deserve it, why are you always touching your hands randomly."

Knowing that it was his fault, Lin Yi changed his expression and changed the subject: "Oh, there is one more thing."

"what's up?"

"After we meet in a while, my parents might give you a big red envelope."

Lin Yi's words were not aimless, his parents were thinking about meeting their daughter-in-law every day, and they would definitely give them a red envelope when they came to visit this time.

"What is a red envelope?"

"It's just a red paper bag with a lot of money in it."

"But why did your parents give me money?"

"I am their son, and you are playing my girlfriend, who is their future daughter-in-law. According to the custom here, daughter-in-laws will give a red envelope when they come to the door for the first time. In short, when they give it to you, you receive it." Just go."

"I, I can't ask for their money." The girl shook her head and continued: "I'm not their real daughter-in-law, it's a fake."

"It's okay, you are real in their eyes, you can just keep it boldly, if you don't accept it, they will definitely be angry, so when they give it to you, you must take it, understand?"

"Oh" Xiaobai nodded his head, inexplicably feeling that this custom is a bit strange, how can people give money, and others will not be angry.

Lin Yi thought of something again, and continued to exhort: "Also, it is also very particular about receiving red envelopes."

"What's the point?"

"When they give it to you, you can't accept it immediately. You have to decline twice first, which means rejection, but this is not a real rejection, um."

Facing the girl's confused eyes, Lin Yi scratched his scalp, thinking about how to explain this confusing human behavior to her.

I don't know how this kind of atmosphere came about. Anyway, when I was a child, when I collected the New Year's money, I always had to give up three times, just like Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty gave up the throne to Cao Pichan.

While yelling things like uncle, uncle, aunt, aunt, I can't take this money, I have to tear open my pocket and signal them to throw the red envelope directly into my pocket.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi explained patiently: "In short, when they give you a red envelope, you should quickly wave your hands and shake your head by the way, saying something like I can't take it, but remember not to shake your head too often , don't shake it hard, do you hear me?"


"You shake your head vigorously, don't tell me if you are dizzy or not, my parents will definitely think you are taking drugs, and it will look fake, and your acting skills are not natural enough, understand?"


Xiaobai nodded half understanding.

"Then when you refuse, they will definitely force it into your hands. Remember, you must continue to refuse, but you can't refuse too hard, um. It's that kind of half-push and half-acceptance feeling. After tossing for a while, you will show a With a helpless expression, I reluctantly accepted the red envelope, understand?"

"not understand."

"Uh, you will have a helpless expression."

Lin Yi was trying to teach her what is self-cultivation as an actor, and when he turned his head to meet her frowning little face, his eyes lit up, and he praised: "Good acting, that's the expression."


Xiaobai didn't want to understand, secretly wondering if his acting skills were really good.

However, his expression just now was obviously confused.

Seeing that the bookstore was already in the distance, Lin Yi suddenly felt that there were still a lot of unprepared things. Looking at the frowning girl beside him, he reminded: "Take back the expression, you don't have to keep this helpless expression, this Emoticons are prepared for receiving red envelopes."


Xiaobai opened her mouth, seeming hesitant to speak. She really wanted to tell Lin Yi that she was actually thinking just now, and her expression should also be confused.

"Remember, there is an old saying that a show is bigger than the sky. Once you start singing on stage, no matter what happens, you can't stop it. If you are pretending to be my girlfriend, it means that the show has already started. Since it has started, it must continue. Whether there are audiences in the audience, no matter whether there are people watching, and no matter how well you perform."

Lin Yi blah blah blah blah blah, I don't know if this girl listened.

After speaking, he came to the downstairs of the study, and Lin Yi looked at the familiar furnishings inside through the glass door.

For some reason, he was inexplicably nervous, and then he let go of the girl's waist, and took her little hand instead, feeling the softness and delicateness in his palm, and his heart settled down a little.

"Come on, let's go in."

The two of them were like Wusheng Huadan who were about to go on stage to sing, and there seemed to be flags planted behind them faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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