my fox girl

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

As soon as Lin Yuguo left, Xiaobai couldn't help but exhaled lightly, feeling relaxed instantly.

Lin Yi peeled the orange in his hand, and said in a low voice: "If there is any movement in the kitchen, don't ask anything, just sit quietly."


"There is no reason." Lin Yi pursed his lips, and handed over the peeled orange in his hand: "Come on, eat another one, top it first, and you can eat right away."

Seeing her quietly start eating again, Lin Yi turned his gaze towards the kitchen.

I remembered the expression on my mother's face just now.

He frowned, looking a little annoyed.

in the kitchen.

Yu Shuhui was frying vegetables in an orderly manner, while Lin Yuguo stood aside in a daze, looking at a loss.

He said he was looking for him, but he came in for a long time and didn't see her speak.

What is this trying to do?
"Daughter-in-law?" Lin Yuguo asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Yu Shuhui nodded, her tone was very steady: "You've been sitting outside for a long time, how do you feel about that girl?"

"Okay, very good, sweet-mouthed, polite, and pretty."

Lin Yuguo praised sincerely, stretched out his arms and gave a thumbs up, expressing his satisfaction.

"Yeah." Yu Shuhui continued to nod, and asked again: "Then how did you talk?"

Lin Yuguo was taken aback, recalling the embarrassing experience just now, hesitated for a while, and replied, "Yes, it's also very good."

"What a fart." Yu Shuhui grabbed his ear and said: "You pretend I didn't see it, you ran out and drank tea, and you still can't make a fart for a long time."

"Hiss, daughter-in-law, let go first, and talk if you have something to say."

"Okay." Yu Shuhui let go of her hand, "What did I tell you when you went out just now?"

Lin Yuguo rubbed his ears, thought for a while and whispered: "You said let me go out to chat with people, entertain them well, and leave a good impression."

"Well, what about you?"

Yu Shuhui squinted at him, and continued to scold him: "Don't you usually talk a lot, let you go out and chat with someone for a day, and you can't hold back three sentences for a long time. You don't want to be ashamed."

"Aren't I a little nervous?"

Yu Shuhui sneered: "You are so nervous. During the rehearsal last night, you clamored for an extra play, and even said that I would leave it to you to ask. You must be able to ask clearly."

"Daughter-in-law, stop talking, I'll go out and ask now." Saying that, Lin Yuguo blushed, turned around and was about to leave.

"Come back." Yu Shuhui knocked on the side of the pot with a shovel, gave him a glance and continued: "Take out all the dishes and prepare to eat. I will ask myself later."


"Son, take your girlfriend to wash your hands, and let's eat."

Lin Yizheng and Xiaobai were gnawing their heads on the fruit. Hearing his own mother's greeting, Lin Yi quickly stood up and asked Xiaobai to go to the bathroom to wash his hands first. Then he ran into the kitchen and washed his hands under the faucet.

"Mom, you are busy with your work, I will serve the meal."

Taking advantage of the time when his parents were serving food outside, Lin Yi hurriedly took a bowl and began to fill the rice, and gave Xiaobai a solid bowl.

That girl has an amazing appetite. She can usually eat half a pot of rice by herself at home. This bowl is not big. According to her appetite, it is estimated that there will be seven or eight bowls. I still have to press it down a bit. Try to make one bowl worth two bowls. In terms of quantity, it is not too scary.

After washing his hands, Xiaobai came out of the bathroom, looked around, looked at the seven or eight dishes that had been placed on the dining table, and looked at Lin Yi's parents who were serving dishes outside, seeming a little hesitant.

"Girl, sit down quickly, don't look outside, treat it like your own home."

Seeing the girl in the living room staring blankly, Yu Shuhui took off her apron and waved with a smile on her face.

"Well, thank you, thank you, Auntie."

"You're welcome, as my mother said, treat it like your own home, come and take your food."

Before Yu Shuhui could speak, Lin Yi came out with two bowls of rice, handed the bowl of compacted rice to Xiaobai, and then handed her a pair of chopsticks: "Don't stand, sit down quickly."


Xiaobai nodded lightly and sat down on the chair, looking at the table full of dishes, some she had eaten before, some she had never seen before, but every dish looked delicious and could smell the aroma clearly.

Unlike when she and Lin Yi ate, they only had two or three dishes at most, and most of the time it was just one dish.

And the atmosphere was completely different, the TV in the living room was still playing, and Lin Yi's parents were sitting opposite, it was very lively.

When I was in Qingqiu before, I always ate wild fruits with my sister Xiaoyu in a deserted manner.

There is a very special feeling inexplicably.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lin Yi sat down on the chair beside her, seeing that the girl was in a daze again, he couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Do your parents have so many dishes every time they eat?"

"What are you thinking, they are not rich landlords." Lin Yi smiled, and then said softly: "These many dishes are specially used to entertain you."

Am I entertained?
Xiao Bai was startled, feeling a sudden warmth in his heart.

"Come on, this is braised pork ribs. I brought it back for you to eat last time, but this time it's freshly made. Try it. It's definitely more delicious. And this, this is sweet and sour fish. It's sweet and sour. , be careful when eating."

Lin Yi didn't know what this girl was thinking. She probably felt reserved, and she kept picking up food for her. She also had a special feeling in her heart. Her parents were sitting across from each other, and she didn't even know that she was sitting on the same table with them. The daughter-in-law eating at the table is actually a fox demon.

This feeling, um, is very exciting.

Lin Yuguo and Yu Shuhui looked at the two people on the opposite side whispering each other, and then Lin Yi started serving food for his girlfriend again, and he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, it was very unreal.

The two looked at each other, a little dazed.

There is always a feeling that my son has grown up suddenly, and it's been a long time since I last saw him when I called him. He will not talk about cabbage, but he will also take care of others, and he is quite considerate.

"This is your first time here, and we don't know what you like to eat, so we just made something casually, and we don't know if it suits your taste."

"Auntie's cooking is delicious."

"Eat more if it tastes good, don't be restrained, just like your own home."

"Thank you auntie."

"Don't keep saying thank you, see more."


Although Lin Yi's family didn't pay much attention to eating and sleeping, they tried not to talk too much at the dinner table, and the meal was uneventful.

Lin Yuguo lowered his head and ate his food, feeling like an outsider.

Yu Shuhui was smiling, and secretly glanced at the girl who was sipping a meal. She felt satisfied from the bottom of her heart, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it. This girl was more beautiful in real life than in the photo.

I don't even know where my son was abducted from.

The dishes on the table disappeared little by little, and the rice in the pot gradually bottomed out. Seeing Xiaobai's appetite, Lin Yuguo and Yu Shuhui couldn't help but stare.

I didn't expect this girl to look weak and weak, one of them could eat three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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