my fox girl

Chapter 106 Didn't expect you to have this kind of configuration

Chapter 106 Didn't expect you to have this kind of configuration
Hearing Lin Yi's words, Yu Shuhui nodded contentedly, and was about to ask some more questions about skin care when she saw her husband secretly winking at her, and finally remembered today's business.

"Girl, where is your home?"

Xiaobai subconsciously said: "Qing"

Lin Yi hurriedly continued: "Green mountains and green waters, the Qinling Mountains shrouded in clouds and mist."

After finishing speaking, he secretly wiped off his sweat. This girl is still too innocent, she has not fully mastered the skill of deceiving people, so much so that she almost said the word Qingqiu.

And my own mother didn't follow the routine, knowing that Xiaobai was an orphan without a home, she still asked this kind of question.

I guess I was trying to see if I was lying to them last time, or if I hadn't been clever enough to reveal my secrets.

"Well, green mountains and green waters, clouds, and the Qinling Mountains shrouded in mist."

Yu Shuhui nodded, and then whispered a few words in her husband's ear.

The voice was too low, Lin Yi couldn't hear it at all, but the next moment he knew what he just said.

"Son, come with me, let's go to the study and talk." Lin Yuguo stood up and beckoned for Lin Yi to follow.

"Can't we talk here?"

"Follow up quickly."

Lin Yi turned to look at Xiaobai again, gave her an encouraging look helplessly, then got up and went into the study with Lin Yuguo.

In an instant, there were only two women left in the living room.

After a moment of silence, Yu Shuhui said, "Girl, Auntie asked you, when did you and Lin Yi meet?"

Hearing this question, Xiaobai suppressed the nervousness in his heart, recalled the speech he had prepared before coming here, and then said: "Auntie, we have known each other for a while."

"You two live together, don't you?"

"Yes." Xiaobai nodded, and continued following her words, "Auntie is right, we live together."

"Since you live together and you are both young people, you have to guard against certain things..."

Speaking of this, Yu Shuhui couldn't help but paused, seemed a little hesitant, and continued after a while: "Actually, Auntie doesn't know whether I should tell you these things, but I think it's better to say it.

You are young people, and Auntie doesn't quite understand the thoughts of you young people, so don't be angry if what you say is wrong. "

Seeing the other party nodding slightly, Yu Shuhui thought about her words a little, and then said tactfully: "Auntie just thinks that you two are young people, since you are young people, it is easy to do things without considering the consequences.

This consequence can be big or small, for example, you young people are very impulsive when doing certain things, but you can't be impulsive in this kind of thing.

In short, don’t take this precautionary measure if you can’t just enjoy it for a while. After all, you are only 19 years old, and you are still too young. Once that happens, it will cause great damage to your body. What do you think? "

"Well, I think what Auntie said is right." Xiaobai didn't understand, and just nodded his head pretending to agree.

Anyway, Lin Yi had told him before, just follow what they said.

Yu Shuhui nodded gratifiedly, this girl is smart, she can see through everything, she is a sensible person.

in the study.

Lin Yi and his own father stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Dad, if you have nothing to do, I'll go out first."

"We haven't talked yet, don't run, come back."

"But you haven't spoken for a long time."

Lin Yi pursed his lips, turned around with a helpless expression on his face, his mother was really too, and sent his father to hold him back.

I don't know what she is talking to Xiaobai at the moment, and whether Xiaobai can handle it.

"Wait a minute, let me think about what to talk about."


Lin Yi fell silent, although he knew that the other party was here to hold him back, and the father-son conversation he said earlier was just an excuse, but can you respect me a little bit.

Even if you just talk about something, what's the matter with dragging it so bluntly?

Lin Yuguo supported the desk with one hand, and looked Lin Yi up and down. He really didn't know what he should talk about. He used to talk a lot with his son, but seeing him getting along with his girlfriend today, there is always a feeling that his son suddenly The feeling of growing up.

This made his old father at a loss for a while, and he was a little uncomfortable with the sudden change of his identity. It felt like he was still wetting the bed yesterday, but suddenly he was going to start a family today.

It's very abrupt.

After holding back for a long time, Lin Yuguo asked, "How's work going?"

"It's okay, it's not bad."

"Well." Lin Yuguo nodded, hesitated for a moment, felt that he had to fulfill his responsibilities as a father, and educated: "I didn't support you living together, but he is an orphan and has no place to go, girl It’s not safe for a family to live in a rented house outside.”

Speaking of this, he changed the subject and said again: "Although you are in a relationship, you are not married after all, and you are not young. There are some things you should do and some things you shouldn't do. You have to have a plan in your heart. Don't end up making a fuss."

"What do you mean it can't end?" Lin Yi was a little unhappy. Hearing what his father said, he seemed to want to be a scumbag and break up with others.

Lin Yuguo sighed: "Don't you don't like to hear this. No one can say for sure about feelings. Yes, you are doing well now, but there is a contingency in everything. Have you ever thought about the future?"

"Don't worry about it, I know it well."

"As long as you have the numbers." Hearing what he said, Lin Yuguo didn't say any more, and said: "Although your mother and I feel that you are a bit unworthy of others, we still hope that you two can get married and have children together... ..."

"Well, okay Dad, I understand what you said, you sit down, I'll go out first."

"Come back, I haven't finished talking yet, why are you rushing out?"

Lin Yi leaned against the door and asked weakly, "Dad, what else do you want to say?"

He felt that what his father said was not listenable at all, and he couldn't be worthy of it, it was obvious that the two of them were made in heaven.

"I didn't want to say some things at first, but I am your father, so I have to say them." Lin Yuguo tapped his fingers on the table with a serious expression.

"The two of you live together every day. I think you have done what you should and should not do, but you are not married yet. You must pay attention to some things and take responsibility for you, especially her. "

"Dad, why do you mention this again? I really didn't do anything with her. It's very innocent."

"You are innocent!"

Lin Yuguo glared at him, took a few sips from the teacup on the table, and suddenly felt that it was awkward to talk about this kind of topic with his son, but he couldn't do it if he didn't talk, and he was very irritable.

Then he straightened his collar with his hands, coughed a few times, and continued to educate: "Actually, I don't mean to stop you, after all, your generation is the same as ours at that time. My hands are blushing, and my heart is still beating wildly, but my girl."

Just as Lin Yuguo was halfway through speaking, he saw his son start to laugh, and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"No, nothing to laugh at."

"Hold back!"

"Oh." Lin Yi suppressed his smile and asked hesitantly, "Dad, what was it like when you were in love with my mother?"

Lin Yuguo looked at him vigilantly: "Why are you asking about this?"

"It's nothing." As he spoke, Lin Yi looked his father up and down, slammed his mouth and said, "I just didn't expect that your old man would have such a configuration as blushing, and you can also bump around like a deer, which is a bit unbelievable. "

Damn it, where is my knife!
The corners of Lin Yuguo's eyes twitched, and he looked left and right, looking for someone to take advantage of, but then remembered that his future daughter-in-law was still sitting in the living room, resisted the urge to do it, slapped the table hard, and cursed: "Get out!"

"Eh, okay."

(End of this chapter)

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