my fox girl

Chapter 108 Wang 8 eats weights exclusively

Chapter 108 The bastard eats weights exclusively
Mu Yun was overwhelmed with coldness, and Yin Han turned the jade plate silently.

The night has come, a full moon hangs high, and the lanterns are just beginning to light up the lights of thousands of families.

The second floor of the library.

As a northerner, I basically have to eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year. If I don’t eat them at noon, the dumplings will naturally fall in the evening.

Yu Shuhui took Xiaobai to work in the kitchen for half an afternoon, and made a bunch of dishes. After all, it was a festival, and she was entertaining her daughter-in-law. Apart from dumplings, there were also many more dishes than in previous Mid-Autumn Festivals.

When all the dishes were on the table, Lin Yuguo came out of the study, holding a bottle of white wine in his hand, and put it on the table, adding a sense of ritual to the festival.

Staring at the dishes on the table, he said cheerfully, "Hey, the dishes served tonight are so rich?"

Yu Shuhui greeted everyone to sit down with a smile on her face, and glanced at her husband unconsciously, the smile on her face couldn't help but grow stronger.

"Let's be rich, there will be a special meal for you in the evening, and it will be even richer then."

"Night supper?"

Hearing his wife's nonsense words, Comrade Lao Lin didn't know why, so he sat down in the seat that symbolized the head of the family.

Seeing this, Lin Yi felt inexplicably unbearable, sighed secretly, opened the wine, poured a glass for the father and son each, raised the glass and said, "Dad, I toast you a glass."

"Okay, okay." Lin Yuguo picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it down.

Lin Yi quickly filled him up again, and persuaded him: "Dad, you should drink more at night."

While talking, I silently added in my heart, at least I won't feel pain when I'm drunk, and I can last a while longer.

"Well, you're right, drink more tonight if you're happy."

Lin Yuguo didn't doubt it either, he was still cheerful.He picked up the glass and drank it down again.

After two glasses of white wine, the confidence of Lin Yuguo's culture came up again, and he greeted: "Come on, eat vegetables, eat more vegetables, today is the holiday, everyone eat more, um this, the moon is shining on the sea, and the end of the world will share this time, I hope everyone For a long time, thousands of miles will share beauty."

"Dad, your two poems are not next to each other."

"I am your father and still use you to teach?"

Reflecting the noise from the pedestrian street downstairs, the dining table was full of joy, Lin Yi held the food for Xiao Bai beside him, clinked glasses with his father from time to time, and then took a sip of the wine.

Xiaobai took a mouthful of dumplings on the left and vegetables on the right. He ate with great joy. After several glasses of fruit beer, two blushes rose on his delicate and fair cheeks.

Yu Shuhui looked at the two sitting opposite with a smile on her face, especially when she looked at Lin Yuguo, her eyes narrowed involuntarily, and her smile became even wider.

"It's strange, it's not the day yet, why do I always feel a little cold." Lin Yuguo shrank his neck, muttered softly, picked up a dumpling and was about to stuff it into his mouth, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Who made this dumpling? Why is it so ugly, like a weight."

Seeing that the dumplings made by himself were belittled, Lin Yi was a little unhappy, and shouted: "What kind of weight, that is the ingot I made."

"Return the ingot, which ingot have you seen grow into such a virtue?" Lin Yuguo curled his lips, a little disdainful, and threw the dumpling into Lin Yi's bowl: "Here, you keep this ingot for yourself."

Lin Yi frowned and looked at the dumplings in his bowl, and said with disgust, "Dad, you put them in your bowl, and you took them out and threw them to me. Is this appropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate, I am your father, can you still dislike me?"

"Well, I really dislike it."

Lin Yuguo's lips trembled, and he was not easy to attack. He said tremblingly to Yu Shuhui who was beside him: "Daughter-in-law, listen, listen, this little bastard still despises us."

Yu Shuhui glanced at him coldly, and said, "It's you that he dislikes, so don't take me with you."

Lin Yi chimed in: "Yes, I didn't say I hated my mother."

"Don't say a few words." Yu Shuhui rolled her eyes at her son, then looked at the dumplings in his bowl, and said, "Hurry up and eat, bastards only eat weights."


Lin Yi looked at his own mother resentfully, and felt that he was not like his own. Sure enough, Xiaobai was the best, she would never put herself down.

The girl beside him watched the scene quietly, although they were arguing, they felt very warm.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little sad. She had no parents since she was a child, and everything in front of her didn't belong to her. She was just a fox demon from outside.

The meal was finally finished. Although Lin Yi drank some liquor, he didn't drink too much. After all, he had been playing the role of persuading him to drink, while Lin Yuguo's face was flushed from drinking, and he drank half a catty of liquor. Some are delusional.

Helping to clean up the dining table, seeing the wink from his own mother, Lin Yi immediately understood, and hurriedly pulled Xiaobai to leave.

It is the night of the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are many pedestrians on the pedestrian street, showing the festive scene amidst the hustle and bustle.

At nine o'clock in the night, Lin Yi took the girl's hand and paced slowly.

He brought the little fox demon he picked up to meet his parents. He didn't reveal his identity, and he didn't leak anything. It was worth all the preparations they had made before coming here. This was a successful completion.

As he was walking, Lin Yi suddenly stopped and slapped his forehead: "Damn it, I forgot to take a few flower pots when I went out."

"What flowerpot?"

"There are several empty pots for planting flowers on the balcony of the study. I originally planned to take them back to grow our carnations."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi turned back to look in the direction of the bookstore. It was a little far away, and he could only see that the lights were still on inside, but after thinking about it, he knew that Quan Wu Xing must be going on inside right now.

After hesitating for a moment, he still gave up his plan to go back to get the flower pot, after all, it would easily hurt the fish in the pond by running back now.

Xiaobai also turned around to look in the direction of the study, raised his head and asked, "Then shall we go back to get the flowerpot now?"

"No, let's spend money to buy a few."


"How about it, student Xiaobai, have you had enough to eat tonight?"


The girl nodded and drank some fruit beer in the evening. Her little face was red and her eyes were squinted, she looked very cute. After thinking about it, she asked, "Shall we come again in the future?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Why, are you still addicted to eating big food?"

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Well, the dishes cooked by Auntie are delicious, and the dumplings are also delicious."

"You just think about eating all day."

While standing on the side of the road waiting for a taxi, Lin Yi looked her up and down by the street lamp, and continued: "I feel that you are a little fatter than when you first came here. If you continue to eat like this, maybe you will become a little fatter." Become a little fat girl."

Hearing his words, Xiaobai lowered his head to look at his chubby belly. He didn't know what to think, and his expression was a little sullen, and then he whispered: "I, I will eat less in the future."

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you eat. You're so skinny. You'd look better if you got fatter. I'm just worried that you'll overeat, and you won't be able to walk like last time, and"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused for a moment, and said again: "And even if one day you really become a little fat girl, I still like you."

Xiao Bai was silent for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Do you like fat people?"

"I don't like fat people, but it's okay if you're fat."

The girl didn't speak, she lowered her head slightly, her eyes fell on the ground, reflecting the light of the street lamp, the shadow of the two holding hands was stretched very long.

(End of this chapter)

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