my fox girl

Chapter 124 I Can't Take This Breath

Chapter 124 I Can't Take This Breath

After several autumn rains, the weather is getting colder and colder.


on the podium in the classroom.

"The survivors of the sixth generation, vigorously pursued their strategies to control the inner world, and the Qin Empire, which stood out from the Spring and Autumn and Warring States when a hundred schools of thought contended and disputes among nations, was finally heading for destruction.

Although Guozuo was only 15 years old, it is undeniable that the Qin Dynasty was an extremely important part of our history, and his influence has not faded to this day. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yi glanced around the immature faces in the classroom and asked, "Students, who are you most interested in about the historical figures of the Qin Dynasty?"

"Qin Shihuang won the government, swept the six countries, and unified the world. I think he is very powerful." A boy gave his opinion.

"I think so too, I still have his skin." Someone echoed.

"Xiang Yu is talented, and he can stand up to beating when he is out of flesh."

"I use Jing Ke, the jungler is very powerful."

"Fart, Jing Ke has been cut off, okay?"

"Shangguan Wan'er is a good jungler. I can take her to the silver."

"Shangguan Wan'er is not from Qin Dynasty, is she?"

"What do you know, Shangguan Wan'er and Ying Zheng are both fighting dragons in the same canyon, why isn't it Qin Chao's?"


"Quiet!" Lin Yi had no choice but to knock on the blackboard helplessly as the topic went off track again, and he didn't bother to get the students of King Pesticides to stand up, and asked, "Are none of you interested in Xu Fu?"

"Who is Xu Fu?"

"Xu Fu seems to be a captain."

"Does he know Pirates of the Caribbean?"

"Isn't Xu Fu a sugar seller?"

"Does he sell chocolate? I like chocolate."

"Quiet!" Lin Yi continued to knock on the blackboard as he saw a group of little kids whispering to each other.

"The sugar seller is Xu Fuji. It has nothing to do with Xu Fu. He is a sorcerer. He once went to overseas fairy mountains to seek the elixir of life for Qin Shihuang. Later, after taking three thousand virgins and virgins to sea, he completely disappeared."

"Is this guy great?"

"It shouldn't be very powerful. King Pesticide doesn't have this hero."

"Quiet! Whoever dares to mention the king's pesticide again, I will let him stand and listen to the class."

Seeing the classroom finally quiet down, Lin Yi sighed, supported the desk with his hands, and asked in a bewitching tone, "I won't talk about Xu Fuli if he's not very good, but you don't want to know how he disappeared. Is it?"

"I want to know." Dozens of people nodded unanimously. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, there is always an inexplicable strong interest in such weird questions.

"Well, children can be taught." Looking at the eyes full of curiosity, Lin Yi nodded in relief, coughed a few times and said: "The question of how Xu Fu disappeared is left as your vacation homework. Read ancient books, or you can search online slowly, or ask your family, relatives and friends, and then write an essay of no less than [-] words, and remember to hand it in after the National Day."

"A thousand words?"

"Teacher, this is too much."

"Teacher, I'm suddenly not interested in the issue of Xu Fu's disappearance."

"Me too."

"Quiet!" Lin Yi tapped on the blackboard as he watched the little kids start complaining, "What's the fuss about a thousand words? You guys can't write it in seven days?
It’s not for you to write argumentative papers, you can record his life, and then sort out the information, write how Xu Fu disappeared, where is his whereabouts, such as where was his destination when he went to sea for the last time, make bold assumptions, be careful beg……"

"Jingle Bell"

Hearing the sound of the bell ringing after class, Lin Yi stood up straight and continued to knock on the blackboard: "Remember to go to the library or other places to read more ancient books, or ask your parents to find out how Xu Fu disappeared. Legends are fine, as are unofficial secrets.”

After finishing speaking, he threw the chalk in his hand into the box, "get out of class is over!"

in the office.

Lin Yi took a sip from the water glass on the table and sighed softly.

There has been no clue about Qingqiu's clues, and he only knows that Qin Chao has a connection with Qingqiu, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why Qingqiu's writing is Qin Zhuan.

And most importantly, he was a little worried.

After all, Xiaobai came to this world suddenly, and even she herself couldn't explain why.

However, since you can come here inexplicably, it is very likely that you will go back inexplicably.

What should he do if she suddenly returns to Qingqiu one day?
After getting along for so long, Lin Yi found that he liked this ignorant, innocent and cute little fox demon more and more.

At that time, I will definitely have to follow to find the past.

And he just vaguely felt that Xu Fu might be a breakthrough, after all, he was mysterious enough, and there were different opinions about his whereabouts.

That's why he thought of giving his students this kind of evil holiday homework. There are three to four hundred students in eight classes, plus their relatives and friends, there are at least one to two thousand students.

With so many people checking together, there should always be some gains.

This can be regarded as being prepared and planning for a rainy day.

"Tomorrow is National Day, do you think that kid will come back?"

Lin Yuguo sat on the sofa holding a big tea mug, looked at Yu Shuhui who was eating melon seeds and watching TV beside her, and couldn't help asking.

Yu Shuhui didn't turn her head back, she continued to stare at the TV, "Why do you keep asking him to come back?"

"I can't swallow this breath in my heart."

Lin Yuguo took a sip of the tea mug, remembering the tragic experience of being betrayed by his son during the Mid-Autumn Festival, biting his teeth angrily, and couldn't help but continue: "It's been more than half a month, and the kid hasn't come back yet, Why don't you call and ask?"

"How can I ask, if you let him come back alone, he must feel something is wrong."

"Then let the two of them come back together."

As he said that, Lin Yuguo unconsciously glanced at the study room, thinking that even if the two of them came back, it would not be a big problem. When the time came, he would pull Lin Yi into the study room alone, close the door and beat him hard. As for the problem of sound insulation, just find a piece of cloth to cover his mouth. .

Yu Shuhui didn't say a word. Ever since she taught Lao Lin a lesson last time, this person has been thinking every day to trick her son back.

After thinking about it until now, I still haven't given up, and I will call my son back whenever I have time, and let him beat him up to vent his anger.

"Daughter-in-law, hurry up and ask."

"I don't ask, call him back, you must beat him."

Yu Shuhui glanced at him, it was rare that she was not on the same front as her husband this time, she decided to protect her son, although what Lin Yi said last time was suspected of causing fire, but it was considered a caring little cotton trousers.

If Lin Yi hadn't told her, he really wouldn't have known what Lao Lin was messing with his son every day.

"Daughter-in-law, just ask, I promise not to beat him up." Lin Yuguo rubbed the big tea mug in his hand, feeling that he still couldn't swallow this breath.

"You ask yourself."

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo frowned and held back for a long time, "He doesn't answer my call, even if he does, he hangs up as soon as he hears my voice, and he doesn't reply to text messages, what are you talking about?"

Seeing that the other party was still ignoring him, Lin Yuguo changed his strategy and leaned over and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't you like that girl very much? You call them over, and you have a good chat with her to bring the relationship closer."

Yu Shuhui listened to him rambling on the side, but didn't respond, she felt a little moved in her heart, she felt that what her husband said was reasonable, she really liked that girl, she was cute and sensible, and she really wanted to see her again.

Thinking about it this way, he suddenly felt that betraying his son was not unacceptable, anyway, he was resistant to beating.

Thinking of this, she took out her mobile phone to take a look, then glanced back at Lin Yuguo, "Wait, I'll ask for you."

"Okay, okay." Lin Yuguo nodded hurriedly, happily picked up the tea mug and took a big gulp, narrowed his eyes and began to think about how he should beat Lin Yi when he came back.

 Thanks to book friend 20200210174053769 for the 100 points rewarded by children's shoes.

  By the way, are you really not going to change your name?
(End of this chapter)

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