my fox girl

Chapter 15 Makes You a Leader

Chapter 15 Makes You a Leader (Thank you for your favorites and votes.)
The bright moonlight poured down, blending with the lights of thousands of families into a prosperous scene.

The pedestrian street is already lit up with lights, and the living room on the second floor of the bookstore.

Lin Yi was reading this historical record in his hand, and from time to time glanced at Su Xiaobai who sat across from him and watched a popular science video.

As a little fox who has successfully penetrated into human beings, she is tirelessly absorbing human knowledge. Although she doesn't understand most of the content, she still takes it very seriously.

"Lin Yi, do you have a job?" The girl suddenly looked up at Lin Yi.

"Why ask this question?"

Lin Yi raised his eyes, a little puzzled.

"This person said that work is the best way to integrate into the world and the most convenient and fast social platform, but I don't know what work is."

The girl turned the computer screen to Lin Yi, and pointed at a middle-aged bald man who was talking freely inside, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"En." Lin Yi pondered for a moment, and said: "Work is a way for human beings to realize their own value, and obtain corresponding rewards through their own efforts, such as wealth and social status."

Seeing the girl's eyes getting more and more confused, Lin Yi said again: "In layman's terms, work is the role everyone plays in society.

For example, my role is um. As a middle school teacher, because there is nothing to do during the summer vacation, my parents take this opportunity to go out to travel, and leave the bookstore they run to me for temporary management.

So now I can only play the role of a bosom brother who guards this not-so-good bookstore alone and raises a naive girl, so, can you understand? "

The girl opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she didn't make a sound. With a look of confusion on her face, her head subconsciously nodded. Although she couldn't understand what he was talking about, she still felt very powerful.

"Then can I have my own job?"

After being silent for a while, she asked a second question. She wanted to adapt to this world quickly, otherwise she would always have the feeling of being hit by Lin Yi's IQ reduction.

"You want to work?"

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there would be such motivated young people these days.

"En." Su Xiaobai nodded seriously.

"Hiss..." Lin Yi took a deep breath, feeling a little distressed. Her identity is too sensitive. If she goes out to work, she will definitely be discovered. When the time comes...
Thinking of this, the honking of police cars, the swarming of reporters, the reports on the Internet, and the crowds at the zoo could not help appearing in his mind.

Strange, why did I think of the zoo?
Shaking his head and deleting the weird picture in his mind, Lin Yi looked at the girl who was looking forward to him with full expectation, and continued to fall into deep thought.

"No, can't you?"

Realizing that Lin Yi hadn't spoken for a long time, the girl's eyes could not help but droop, and the expectation in her eyes gradually faded, turning into frustration.

"Well, actually, it's not impossible. The main thing is that you are a black household and don't have an ID card. There is basically no other way except to work in the black coal mine. But the black coal mine eats people and doesn't spit out bones. You must not go there."

Lin Yi considered his words and continued: "Besides, your identity is very sensitive. If someone finds out, the consequences will be disastrous. Perhaps the only way for you now is to work here, but the summer vacation is coming to an end soon. I Your parents will be back in a few days. You are destined not to stay here for long, because this bookstore doesn't need manpower at all. However, you can take advantage of these few days to practice. As for the position, I am the acting store manager. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused for a moment and said, "You are the deputy store manager."

Anyway, for the past few days, it doesn't hurt to let her enjoy being a leader.

"En." Su Xiaobai nodded vigorously, his eyes lit up again, and after a while he asked in doubt: "What is the acting deputy store manager?"

"I am the acting store manager, and you are the acting deputy store manager. As the name suggests, you are the second-in-command of the bookstore, and you can be regarded as a leader, and I am your boss, that is, the person who manages you."

"As the deputy store manager, you have a heavy burden. The job content is to listen to the store manager, oh, that is to listen to me, and then clean the first and second floors every day. As for your salary."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi's speech slowed down. Thinking about his four-figure savings, he paused and said: "In terms of treatment, food and housing are included, and the stewed chicken is enough every day."

After all, he looked at the ignorant girl whose eyes lit up as soon as she heard the stewed chicken tube, and who was already immersed in a bright future, and couldn't help but sigh.

I hope she won't call the labor bureau after she knows the truth in the future.

After all, my current behavior is even more outrageous than those unscrupulous bosses who are desperately exploiting employees, not to mention five insurances and one housing fund, year-end performance red envelopes, and even not even a penny of salary. Kneeling, the Jews feel ashamed when they see it.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Lin Yi glanced out the window, ignoring the girl who was still immersed in beautiful fantasies, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket to make a call to his parents.

Lin Yi has deep resentment towards his parents.

More than a month ago, he had just had a summer vacation, which was also his first summer vacation since he became a teacher. He had already discussed with his colleagues to take this opportunity to go on a trip. To be honest, he was quite excited. Parents said, by the way, I packed my luggage, but I didn't expect
As soon as he got home, he saw his parents carrying two big suitcases, more excited than he was, and told Lin Yi that they were going on a trip, and they were going to travel all over the country. Of course the bookstore is left to him to manage.

Surprised or not? Surprised or not?

Until the moment they packed their bags and left home, Lin Yi was still in a daze.

He didn't expect that his travel dream would be shattered before it even started.

Especially in the first few days, the travel photos appeared from time to time in my work group, looking at the enthusiastic smiling faces, and comparing myself, I could only guard the bookstore silently waiting for the patronage of the guests.

And the purpose of his calling this time was nothing more than to ask when they would come back, and he had to prepare early to transfer the girl out, in short...not to be discovered by them.

"Sorry, the number you dialed has been forwarded to."

Lin Yi hung up the phone and sighed, it was indeed his own father, the phone was either disconnected or turned off.

After thinking about it, he called his mother again.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is out of service area."

Still not getting through, Lin Yi put down his phone and sighed again, this is definitely his mother.

He raised his head and glanced at Su Xiaobai who was opposite him. At this moment, the other party had broken away from his fantasy, and began to concentrate on watching the popular science video again.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi decided to send a text message to his own father, and he quickly edited a text message.

"Dad, when will you come back? Let me remind you that the school will start soon. If you don't come back, I will pack up the books in the bookstore, close the store and run away with the money."

After editing, click send, Lin Yi closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the phone to ring.

He now seriously suspects that the reason why the call cannot be reached is that his parents have dragged him into the blacklist again.

That must be the case, it's something they've done a lot to make sure their travels aren't interrupted.

So he had to put some aggressive information in the text message, such as closing the door and so on.

Sure enough, within 3 minutes, the phone rang.

(I ate a particularly delicious bowl of tofu nao this morning. I am happy. One more chapter will be added, and there will be two more chapters at [-] pm.)
(End of this chapter)

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