my fox girl

Chapter 161 Are You Stupid

Chapter 161 Are You Stupid

It was the first time she kissed her lips proactively, Lin Yi didn't quite react.

It feels sweet like cotton candy, and like peeled lychees, with a hint of coolness in the softness.

Cold yet warm, soft yet firm.

The hot air exhaled from her nostrils fell softly on her face, and the scent emanating from her body was soft and fragrant, which touched her heart for a while.

I wanted to feel it carefully, but found that the softness on my mouth had left.

Opening his eyes, looking at the blushing girl in his arms, Lin Yi couldn't help tightening his arms and hugging her even tighter, "You can actually kiss longer, anyway, you are secretly kissing, and I don't want to kiss you." Know."

"I do not want."

"Why not?" Lin Yi looked at her with a smile, the white plush hat was in stark contrast to her flushed little face, the more she looked at her, the more she felt cute.

"Because." Xiaobai groaned twice, then lowered his eyes again, "Because you are a pervert."

"Yes, I'm a color critic." Lin Yi couldn't hide a smile on his face, he glanced at her pink lips, and raised his hand to touch his own lips, which seemed to still have her smell on them.

A taste that can melt away the cold winter.

The thin ice on the moat reflected the sun, making people's eyes hurt.

Seeing that it was still early, Lin Yi took her to buy tickets at the ticket office, and climbed the stone steps to the city wall.

Holding her hand, he walked slowly on the city wall, feeling the cold wind blowing from time to time.

Lin Yi reached out and lifted the hat on her head up, exposing her fair and smooth forehead, and couldn't help asking: "I brought you to see the city wall, why are you always staring down?"

Xiaobai turned his head to look at him, then looked under the city wall, then pointed to the gazebo by the river bank and said, "I'm looking at those people, and I want to see what they're up to."


Lin Yi looked in the direction of her finger, and there were more than a dozen old men and old ladies sitting in the pavilion, all of them had gray hair, and it seemed that they had just sat down for a while.

One by one, they are taking out erhu, erxian, banhu and other musical instruments from their carry-on boxes or backpacks, and a few of them are taking out gongs, suonas and the like.

"Oh, they should be singing an opera."


"That's right, pay attention to the things in their hands. There are erhu, suona, gongs, and most importantly, banhu. These are all musical instruments needed for singing."

As soon as the words fell, there was a crisp suona sound, followed by a few gongs, followed by melodious string music.

Then an old man in his sixties stood up from his seat, cleared his throat, and began to sing with the accompaniment of a group of musical instruments.

Hearing the sound of musical instruments from below the city wall and the faint tone, desolate and heroic, Xiao Bai couldn't help asking: "What is he singing?"

"Qin Opera is our local opera, and it is also a very ancient opera. It has probably existed for thousands of years, but no one wants to listen to it now."

"Why is no one willing to listen?"

"Because times have changed."

Lin Yi held her hand and continued to walk forward, explaining: "These are things from the early years, when people at that time would go to teahouses to listen to stories or listen to operas when they were free.

But in this era, there are many ways of entertainment, and the pace of life is very fast. Few people can patiently listen to this kind of slow singing. Instead of listening to this, it is better to listen to some popular songs, or watch movies or something ,so."

Hearing what he said, Xiaobai couldn't help but say, "I want to watch a movie."


Lin Yi was taken aback, and looked at her inexplicably, not quite understanding why this girl's mind jumped so fast, she suddenly switched from singing to movies, and it seemed that this was the first time she had asked for this kind of thing.

It's a bit puzzling.

Without thinking too much about this issue, he stood on the city wall and looked into the distance as far as possible, searching for any movie theaters nearby.

"There seems to be a movie theater over there, let's go, let's go."


Following Lin Yi down from the city wall and walking forward for a while, Xiao Bai looked down at the down jacket on his body, and suddenly changed his mind.

I wear such thick clothes, it will definitely be very hot to go to the cinema, and the last time I went to the cinema, it was pitch black inside, I couldn't talk, and I couldn't be too intimate, at most I could only hold hands.

It's better to watch it at home, you can listen to him rambling, he will still put his arms around you, it's okay
Thinking of this, she hesitated, and whispered: "I, I don't want to go to the cinema, I want to go home and watch it."

Lin Yi paused, looked at her sideways, and asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Because, because the clothes on my body are too thick, it will definitely be very hot to go to the cinema."

Hearing her explanation, Lin Yi waved his hands and said: "It's okay, you can take off the down jacket after you go, and put it on after you finish watching."

Xiaobai bit his lip, lowered his eyes slightly, and asked, "Then, what should I do if someone finds out that I have a tail after I take it off?"

"It's so dark in the cinema that no one sees it, and you're sitting, not standing."

"Yes, but I just want to go home and watch."

Lin Yi couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so he dragged her forward, "It's boring to go home and watch it, only the movie theater has the atmosphere."

"I don't want atmosphere."

"Watching a movie without atmosphere, what do you want?" Lin Yi wondered.

"I think." Xiaobai groaned twice, then lowered his head, not knowing how to explain.

It is absolutely impossible to say something like what I want you to put your arms around me, with her personality.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but frowned, thought for a moment, then relaxed his brows, and guessed: "Are you trying to save money for me?"

"Well, that's how it is." Faced with the reason he found for herself, the girl quickly admitted.

Hearing this, Lin Yi was suddenly moved, and inexplicably sad, and then comforted him softly: "Although I told you last time that I am poor, I am not so poor. I can still pay for a movie. Yes, you don't have to think about saving this for me."

"If you want to save money, you can really go home and watch it."

"No need to save, let me tell you, don't talk about one movie, I can still pay for a hundred movies."

Lin Yi held her hand and continued to walk forward, chattering endlessly, "One hundred games is worth tens of thousands of yuan. I dare not say it's a trivial matter to me. That's too crazy. It's a moderate meaning."

Xiaobai didn't know what to say, so he simply stopped, wondering why this person was so smart today, why he was so smart.

Lin Yi tugged her twice to see if she hadn't been tugged. Looking back, he saw that her head was hanging down, and she couldn't see her expression clearly, so she couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with you?"

"I just want to go home and watch."

"You really don't need to save money for me. Let's go to the cinema. If you don't believe me, I'll prove my financial ability to you. Let's book a movie theater today!"

Hearing this, the girl couldn't bear it anymore, raised her head to look at Lin Yi, and asked silently, "Are you stupid?"

This person is absolutely stupid, why can't he think of things that he can think of.

very angry.

 Thanks for the 100 points rewarded by Nian Zheng Yu Luo children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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