my fox girl

Chapter 163 Yes, I really want to touch

Chapter 163 Yes, I really want to touch
"Just watch this, "Green Snake", which belongs to the mythological drama of ancient costumes, has something to do with the Legend of the White Snake you have seen before."

After a long while, Lin Yi finally confirmed what movie he wanted to watch. Just as he was about to ask her what she meant, he turned his head and found that the girl next to him was looking down at something, her face was still slightly red.

Naturally, she followed her gaze down, and then her eyes rested on those legs wrapped in silk stockings, which were slender, fair, and tender as far as the naked eye could see.

To sum it up in two simple words, want to touch.

It's a pity that it's under the body.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but said: "Take out your legs, you're prone to varicose veins if you press it like this."

"I don't want it, you want me to take out my legs for you to touch."

"Yes, I do want to touch it."

"I don't believe it, you must want to." Xiaobai was half-sentenced, but suddenly he was speechless.

How did this person admit it so quickly?


Filling in the last word for her, Lin Yi glanced at her leg again, "Can I touch it?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai's body couldn't help tensing up. He looked at the knee socks on his legs, glanced at Lin Yi, then looked away, and said with a blushing face, "No."

"Why not?" Lin Yi wondered, this girl let him touch her yesterday, so why wouldn't she let her today.

"It's just not possible." Xiaobai blushed, and her toes couldn't help curling up in the stockings, then stretching them out again.

It's already ashamed to show him wearing something like this, but it's even more shameful to think about touching him.

"Let me tell you, we are a couple. What couples have to do is go shopping hand in hand, eat and watch movies, etc., as well as some intimate actions."

Lin Yi touched her hand in a persuasive manner, and continued: "For example, touching her legs and feet, and kissing and hugging, these are all intimate actions between lovers, and they are very normal, so you don't need to feel shy. "


Xiaobai struggled for a moment, hesitantly pulled his legs out from under his body, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Then, then I will touch it for you."

I kiss and hug him every day, and he often touches his legs.

I feel that it's nothing to touch him like this, it's just an extra pair of stockings.

But still feel a little ashamed.

Looking at her outstretched leg, Lin Yi naturally held the little foot wrapped in silk stockings with his hand, gently kneaded it twice, and stroked her leg with his left hand a few times, and then loosened her leg. open.

"Don't you touch it?"

Seeing her eyes wide open with a dazed expression on her face, Lin Yi smiled and asked, "Didn't you just let me touch it?"

"Yes, but."

"But what?" Lin Yi caught her words and continued, with an unstoppable smile on his face, "But you never thought that I would really just touch it, right?"


Xiaobai hesitated for a moment before nodding, and looked at her legs again. She really didn't understand why this person suddenly changed his sex.

I thought he would touch it for a long time, and wouldn't let go no matter what.

"Although I really want to continue touching, I know that you are not used to this kind of thing, so I didn't touch again. We can do things between lovers little by little, and you can slowly adapt. Slowly like it, like"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, stretched out his arms to wrap her whole body in his arms, felt the lingering fragrance from the tip of his nose, and then continued: "It's like you have fallen in love with the feeling of being held in my arms. .”

"I, I don't like it."

"Yes, you didn't like it." Lin Yi tightened his arms, let her head rest on his shoulders, and then added: "I like to hold you in my arms."

This girl obviously dislikes being upright. She likes it a lot, but she always yells that she doesn't like it.

Although she is very thin-skinned and likes to be shy, it feels more cute this way.

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't continue to speak, Xiao Bai couldn't help turning his head to look at his side face quietly, and then quickly looked away.

Then he hesitated for a moment, turned sideways to adjust his sitting posture, and leaned against his arms with a reddish face.

Sensing her little movements, Lin Yi squeezed her little hands and said with a smile, "You can sit on my lap directly, so that we can get closer."

"I do not want."

"Okay, you don't want it." Seeing her blushing face, Lin Yi didn't tease her anymore, and turned his eyes to the computer screen again, continuing to watch the movie with a concentrated expression.

As a mythical drama that has been filmed for 30 years, the special effects of this movie are a little bit out of date now, and it is a bit of a five-cent special effect.

But this does not affect its classics or its brilliance in the slightest. Even in the past two years, this old movie has become popular again, rejuvenated, and has become a big hit.

Strictly speaking, the reason why this movie became popular has nothing to do with the movie itself, but mainly because of Fahai in it.

There is no other way, the Fa Hai here is indeed a bit evil, it is different from any previous version, the sentence Dawei Tianlong is very fanciful.

And the whole plot is also a kind of subversive cognition, for example, the green snake seduces Xu Xian, and then Xu Xian changes his mind because of it.

And Fahai asked the green snake to help him practice, and he still had a face of righteousness, but in fact the main purpose was to take a mandarin duck bath with him.

Looking at it this way, Lin Yi feels that this product is similar to himself, and it is a color batch anyway.

"This Fahai."

When he saw Fahai shouting out Dawei Tianlong and World Venerable Dizang, Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes wide and couldn't help murmuring.

"Do you think it subverts cognition? This movie is a derivative work of The Legend of the White Snake, and there are major changes. For example, Fa Hai is a young bald man, which is different from the new White Snake legend you have seen before. There is an old bald man in it. .”

Lin Yi knew what she was thinking without even thinking about it, and continued to explain: "And the protagonist of this movie is the Green Snake, which has little to do with the White Snake. It's mainly about"

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped, hesitated and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

What does this girl mean by staring at herself with such weird eyes?
Xiaobai looked away, looked at Fahai on the computer screen again, and said with a sullen expression: "So I was deceived by you when I first came here."

"Huh?" Lin Yi was taken aback, somewhat unable to understand what she was saying.

This girl's brain circuit seems to be getting more and more weird, and now even watching a movie reminds her of lying to her.

Let's not talk about whether he lied to her when she first came here.

But how on earth did she connect the two together?

Thinking of this, he glanced sideways at the girl with a sullen expression, and asked, "What kind of deception are you talking about?"

"It was when I first came here, you said that the white snake had crossed the catastrophe, and then suddenly jumped out with a big bald head, and..."

"Oh, there is such a thing, if you don't tell me, I can't remember it."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi finally remembered that he had indeed told her a nonsense story the night he just picked her up.

Nonsense to the point that it involves folklore, movies, anime, and even fairy tales.

Looking back on the scene at that time now, I always feel inexplicable and very subtle.

(End of this chapter)

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