my fox girl

Chapter 165 I Reward You For Kissing Me

Chapter 165 I will reward you with a kiss

"You now have more than 8000. I did the math just now. Before you became a girlfriend, your debt was exactly [-]. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

"I don't think so."

"Why?" Lin Yi wondered.

"Because you were wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"It's just wrong. I remember that I owed more than 8000 a long time ago."

"Since it is very early, then you may remember it wrong." Lin Yi tried to confuse her memory.

"I remember correctly." Xiaobai shook his head, recalled a little, and said: "The mobile phone is more than 5000, there is a camera, and the clothes you bought for me in the previous summer, all of which were bought a long time ago."

"Okay, let's do this." Lin Yi suddenly thought of something, then stood up, pulled her into the master bedroom, and opened the closet.

Looking at the dozens of dresses and clothing inside, he directly stretched out his hand to take out all the clothes inside.

Seeing this, Xiaobai couldn't help but say, "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing, I decided to take back all the things I bought for you before." Speaking of this, Lin Yi spread his palms again, "Give me back your mobile phone and camera as well."


"Give it back to me first."

Looking at Lin Yi's outstretched palm, Xiao Bai bit his lip, not understanding what this man meant.

After hesitating for a moment, he still silently took out his mobile phone and camera from the drawer and put them in his hands.

"Now these are all my things, and they have nothing to do with you, right?" Lin Yi asked.

Hearing this, Xiaobai nodded with a sullen expression.

Seeing her nodding, Lin Yi asked again: "That means you don't have to pay back the money for these things, right?"

Xiaobai hesitated, then continued to nod.

"It's normal for a boyfriend to give something to his girlfriend. There is no need to keep an account or pay back the money, right?"


"I'm your boyfriend, right?"


Seeing her nodding again, Lin Yi suddenly laughed and asked the last question: "Then I will give you these things again as a boyfriend now, so you don't have to pay back the money, right?"

Xiaobai just wanted to nod subconsciously, but suddenly reacted, shook his head and said, "No."

"What's wrong? You wait, I'll help you with a strand, let's analyze it a little bit."

With that said, Lin Yi put all the clothes and mobile phone camera in his hand on the bed, and then pointed at these things and began to be persuasive.

"These are all my things now, it has nothing to do with you, you don't need to pay back the money, and it's normal for a boyfriend to give something to his girlfriend, and you don't need to pay back the money, then we are boyfriend and girlfriend, these are all yours I just admitted it myself, am I right?"

Seeing the smile on Lin Yi's face, Xiao Bai hesitated for a moment, then nodded hesitantly.

Immediately, Xiumei frowned slightly, feeling as if she had entered a trap.

"Ah, very good."

Seeing her nodding her head in acknowledgment, Lin Yi's expression was very gratified, and he asked again: "Since that's the case, then when I said to give these things to you as a boyfriend, and you don't have to pay back the money, what would you do?" Why do you feel wrong?"

"It's just not right."

"What's wrong?" Lin Yi spread his hands and said, "Come on, tell me what's wrong."

"I..." Xiaobai opened and closed his lips a few times, but couldn't help but stop.

The man said it seemed like there was nothing wrong with it.

But something still feels wrong.

"In short, I will give you these things again now, so you don't have to pay me back."

As he spoke, Lin Yi hung the clothes on the bed back into the closet one by one, and then glanced back at the girl with a dazed expression, with an unconcealable smile on her face.

With this girl's stupid IQ, you still want to analyze the loopholes in logic?

Absolutely an idiot, no, an idiot talking about a dream.

in the living room.

"After a series of careful calculations, after excluding the clothes and mobile phones, there are only shoes, socks and daily necessities left. The total is 820 yuan."

Lin Yi put down the notebook in his hand, and glanced sideways at Xiao Bai. Seeing her frowning and thinking expression, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Why, you're still thinking about what's wrong?"

"Well, I just don't think it's right."

"It's useless, do you know?" Lin Yi rubbed her head, and continued to smile: "What you have to do now is to use your mobile phone to transfer money to me. It's a total of 820 yuan, not a cent less."


Xiaobai nodded in a daze, took out his phone, opened WeChat, and then tapped the screen to transfer the money to Lin Yi.

"Well, very good, all your money has been paid, and" Lin Yi tore off the pages of the notebook that recorded the bills, tore them into pieces in front of her, and threw them into the trash can .

Only then did he continue to exhort: "And you don't need to keep accounts anymore, and you are not allowed to keep accounts, you know?"

Xiaobai nodded lightly, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Is it really paid off?"

She felt as if she had gotten into a dead end, and she couldn't get out of it.

"Of course, after paying off, you still have a lot left, and then you can go shopping on Taobao when you have nothing to do, buy yourself some new clothes and shoes, or buy something you like."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi glanced at her again, seeing that her little face was still troubled, he changed the subject and said, "If you think this kind of repayment is not really repayment, you can also use the remaining Buy me something with money, just like I bought something for you, this is the normal way of getting along between lovers, instead of always thinking about paying back the money like you."

Hearing what he said, Xiaobai's expression relaxed, and his heart suddenly stopped being entangled, and he asked, "What do you want to buy?"

"En." Lin Yi thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what he wanted, so he simply said, "You can give me a surprise."

"Surprise?" Xiaobai was taken aback, and asked, "What surprise do you want?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help being happy, and couldn't help stretching out his arms around her slender waist, holding her in his arms, "Why are you always so stupid, since it's a surprise, of course I can't tell you, you have to Think about it, then think it out and then buy it for me, unknown expectations are called surprises, understand?"

"I'm not stupid!"

"Yes, you didn't. I was stupid. You are not only smart but also witty."

Seeing her face soften, Lin Yi paused, and said seriously: "And now because of your cleverness and reason, I decided to reward you with something."


"This thing is."

As he spoke, Lin Yi put his arms around her waist and made her lean in his arms, then pointed to his lips, "I reward you for kissing me, how about it, do you feel very happy?"

Xiaobai was startled when he heard the words, his eyes widened slightly, and he didn't quite react.

Good guy, can this person still have some face?
(End of this chapter)

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