my fox girl

Chapter 167 Can You Let Me Go?

Chapter 167 Can You Let Me Go?

In the living room on the second floor of the study, there is still sufficient heating.

Although the whole room was warm, the air pressure was suffocatingly cold.

There are still a few peanuts on the ground that are rolling forward.

Lin Yi looked at the few peanuts rolling to his feet in a daze, and then looked up at his own father.

The expression on his face was extremely complex, melancholy, shocked, puzzled, sad and indignant, with a bit of doubtful confusion about life.

Turn around and look at your own mother again.

The expression on her face was also extremely complicated, she was of the same origin as Lin Yuguo, she deserved to be a husband and wife.

Subconsciously, he took a mouthful of the apple in his hand, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it whole. Then Lin Yi said cautiously: "Then what, Mom, I might not have made it clear just now, you don't want it."

"You haven't said clearly enough? You have no children, and you haven't remarried. Your father often goes to other people's houses, heh"

Yu Shuhui smiled coldly, then turned to look at Lin Yuguo, took a deep breath, and asked calmly, "Old Lin, tell me the truth, do you know any middle-aged widow?"

"You asked me that." Lin Yuguo continued to explain with a bitter face, "I really don't know any middle-aged widows, and I don't know what this kid is talking about, can you?"

"Dad, you really know each other. You took me to someone's house several times when I was young."

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo's breath became short again, and he asked tremblingly, "Can you fucking let me go?"

"Lin Yuguo, can you show some face?" With extreme disappointment and shock in Yu Shuhui's eyes, she subconsciously took a few steps back and looked her husband up and down, as if meeting him for the first time.

I thought it was nothing at first, but this person denied it again and again, so I always felt suspicious. What is he hiding?

Others at least know that they are behind their backs when they do this kind of thing, but this guy even took his son with him.

"No, why am I shameless? This kid is obviously framing, can't you hear that?"

"Okay." Yu Shuhui nodded, then turned her gaze to Lin Yi, and asked, "Son, Mom wants to ask you a question. After you think it over, is what you just said true? Are you framing your father? "

"It's true, but it's not what you think"

"Lin Yuguo, did you hear that, you are still here to argue with me!"

"Daughter-in-law, I really don't know you."

"Don't call me daughter-in-law! Who is your daughter-in-law? Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow, and you go live with your middle-aged widow. You call her daughter-in-law." Seeing that this person is still denying it here, Yu Shuhui was furious. Do not call one place.

"Dad, Mom, can you stop for a while and listen to me?"

Lin Yi grimaced, and then turned to look at the dazed girl beside him. He just wanted to find an adopter for her, and then register for a household registration when the census came, but why is it so difficult?

"Come on, tell me, if you don't say you're ugly today, I'll do it." Speaking of this, Lin Yuguo paused, with a bit of determination on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll kill you !"

"Lin Yuguo, who are you talking about here? I'm standing here. Do you dare to hit my son today?"

"Speaking as if your son is not my son."

"Heh, it's your son now, but it may not be your son tomorrow. You can go and have a son with your widow then." Yu Shuhui sneered.

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo's evil fire went straight up, and he retorted: "No matter what, he is still my son, and let me tell you, it's not certain whether my son will follow you or not."

"You fart, my son was born by me, who will he not be with me?"

"Mom and Dad, can you listen to me?"

"Shut up, it's none of your business here."


Seeing the two of them quarreling and the whole family in a state of chaos, Lin Yi was eager and helpless. He wanted to stop him but couldn't get in the way, so he could only pull the girl who was still in a daze to hide away.

It is very puzzling.

Don't you just want to find an adopter? Why did it develop into what it is now?
Seeing the quarrel between the two intensified, Lin Yi couldn't help but say again: "Can you wait a moment, it's not too late to quarrel after listening to me, and it's nothing to do with me, who am I to talk to?" It's up to me to decide who not to talk to, and it's useless for the two of you to fight over this, you know?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo and his wife couldn't help but pause, then turned their eyes to Lin Yi and said, "Who do you want to be with?"

Seeing that the two finally calmed down, Lin Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I'll talk about this later, Mom, you have been with my dad for so many years, do you really not know who he is?"

"Yes, don't you know who I am?" Lin Yuguo also hurriedly echoed.

"Okay, let me ask you again, do you know any middle-aged widow?"

"I really don't know him." Lin Yuguo continued to shake his head.

"If you say you do know, it's nothing. The more you say you don't know, the more angry I feel. What are you hiding here?" Yu Shuhui believed in her husband's character, but the more she believed, the more she felt angry.

If you think about it casually, you will know that even if he really knows any widow, it is absolutely impossible to have that kind of relationship, but the more this person denies it, the more he feels that he has something to hide from himself.

"But I really don't know him." Lin Yuguo had a bitter expression on his face. He really didn't remember knowing any widow.

Now he felt that it must be Lin Yi, a cheater who wanted to mess with him.

"Dad, think about it carefully. More than ten years ago, when I was still in kindergarten, you took me to a small village, a very remote and remote village. After entering the village, you took me I walked into a small room with all my might.

I remember that the room was very dark, and there was a woman sitting on a big bed. The bed was very strange, round, and seemed to be made of stone. I was quite scared at the time. You told me that this person was a widow. It's poor, you don't have to be afraid or anything. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yi recalled a little bit, and said: "I remember when we came back, I asked you what you meant by widow, you said"

"I said...meaning that the husband died?" Lin Yuguo frowned and asked subconsciously.

"Yes, Dad, do you remember?"

"No, but I have a little impression of the scene you just mentioned. I also remember that I seem to have answered your question, but I really don't think there is a widow."

Lin Yuguo tried his best to recall for a moment, with suspicion in his eyes, he asked, "Are you sure what villages I really took you to, and what widows did you see?"

He felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his memory, and he had a vague impression, but he couldn't recall it at all.

If there were really no widows, why would I remember answering such a question.

(End of this chapter)

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