my fox girl

Chapter 177 I Think You Will

Chapter 177 I Think You Will

in the living room.

Lin Yi sat on the sofa and looked at the big rabbit beside him, and then looked up at the closed door.

If you think about it with your butt, you know that the girl must be secretly searching for the question of whether sleeping together will give birth to a child.

And definitely use Yaji browser.

If I hadn't had to, I really didn't want her to search, after all, it's easy to find some weird things with UC search.

But if she is not allowed to clarify this matter, I am afraid that before getting married, she will have to stay alone in the vacant room, and such things as hugging and sleeping together can only be thought about in her dreams.

After all, childbirth is a terrible thing, and that girl has a great resistance to such things.

just myself
Thinking of this, Lin Yi let out a chuckle for no reason, it was a bit absurd for him to think about having a child.

Let's not talk about whether she and I have the problem of reproductive isolation, even if there is no problem, she can't go to the hospital to give birth even if she wants to.

And giving birth at home undoubtedly increases the risk of giving birth several times.

Even if it is born smoothly, maybe the baby still has a tail.

When the time comes, my parents will come over and take a look, and they will definitely be confused.


Hearing the sound of the door lock turning, Lin Yi couldn't help shaking, and subconsciously sat upright.

What should come will eventually come, if she asks to let herself hug her and sleep with her.

Should I agree directly, or should I be a little reserved before agreeing?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

When Xiaobai came out of the bedroom, he met Lin Yi's expectant gaze, and subconsciously took two steps back.

Seeing her pretty face blushing, and trying her best to put on a nonchalant appearance, Lin Yi straight to the point, "How is it, have you figured it out now?"

"Find out what?"

Seeing that her eyes were avoiding him and she was still asking questions knowingly, Lin Yi had no choice but to continue to remind: "It's the question of whether they will have children if they hug each other. Didn't you search the Internet just now?"

"I didn't search."

"Not honest at all." Lin Yi curled his lips and asked again: "Then what did you do in the bedroom just now?"

"I put the rabbit to bed."

"You kept a rabbit for so long?"

"I..." Xiaobai lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the ground and continued to speak firmly: "I just went in to let the rabbits go."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

"I think you will."

"Well, I do, I'm sure you didn't search, but."

As he said that, Lin Yi held back his smile, walked over and pulled her to sit on the sofa, and then continued: "But you must now know that we won't have children if we hug and sleep together, right?"

Xiao Bai raised his eyes to look at him, then quickly lowered his eyes, hesitated for a long time, and then nodded slightly with a blushing face.

Seeing her shy face, Lin Yi couldn't help holding her in his arms, carefully sniffing the fragrance of her hair, and asked softly, "Then can I sleep with you in my arms tonight?"


"Why not?" Lin Yi was surprised, "Didn't you already know that if you sleep together, you won't have a baby?"

"I, we are not married yet."

"It's not that we're married, but we don't have a bridal chamber, we just hug and sleep together."

"But I don't think that's a good idea."

Lin Yi caressed her back, "Look, we are a couple, it's normal to hug and sleep together, and it will feel very warm, and then you don't have to worry about having a baby. What's wrong?"

"It's just not good." Xiaobai continued to shake her head, she still felt that such things as hugging and sleeping together need to wait until they get married.

Seeing her resolute attitude, Lin Yi sighed and didn't say anything else. He began to think about some other tricks, such as pouring cold water on his quilt or something.

Hearing his sigh, Xiaobai turned his head to look at his calves under the skirt, then took off his slippers and nestled on the sofa, put his head in Lin Yi's arms, and said softly: "We can hug and sleep together on the sofa. "

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but startled, and became happy again. He hugged her and lay down on the sofa, and asked with a smile: "Is there any difference between sleeping on the sofa and sleeping on the bed?"


Xiaobai rubbed against his arms, then put her head in his arms, feeling the warmth of this moment, couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

As long as you don't fall asleep while hugging and sleeping on the sofa, it doesn't count as sleeping together.

"Okay, if you say yes, then there is a difference."

Seeing the girl curled up in his arms like a kitten, Lin Yi held his arms tightly, then leaned his face close to her forehead and asked softly, "But can you tell me the difference?"


"Then can you let me kiss you?"

"I..." Xiaobai stared at Lin Yi's eyes, which were as bright as a galaxy and shone slightly. They seemed to be full of doting on her. When she realized this, her heart trembled inexplicably, and she quickly closed her eyes.

Lin Yi fixedly looked at her blushing little face, embellished with exquisite facial features, her skin seemed to be broken by blows.

The slightly trembling eyelashes revealed the tension in her heart at this moment.

Then she tilted her head slightly, avoiding the barrier of the tip of her nose, and kissed those soft and thin red lips.

At the same time, his hands climbed up her waist

Xiao Bai couldn't help but make an unconscious nasal sound.

Realizing this, he quickly pinched it with his hands.

Lin Yi resisted and did not let go, nor did he let go.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Lin Yi looked at the little fox demon in his arms full of embarrassment, felt the pain in his hands, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and asked knowingly, "Why did you pinch me just now?"

"Touch it with your hands!" Xiaobai blushed, thinking of what happened just now, she felt ashamed and angry again.

Lin Yi caressed her back and explained: "This is my factory setting. The factory setting is instinctive. It means that when kissing, I will subconsciously reach out to touch it. It cannot be avoided."

"Then why didn't you touch it before?"

"There may have been some malfunctions before, so I didn't touch it."

"Do you think I'll take your word for it?"

"I think you will." Lin Yi smiled, reached out to wrap her arms around her slender waist, looked at her pretty blushing face, couldn't help but kissed her cheek, and then said: "How about it, You touch mine."

"I don't want to touch you."

Xiaobai buried his face in his arms, rubbed against him twice, took a breath carefully, smelled the warm smell on his body, and narrowed his eyes reassuringly.

I can't touch it with my hands.

I rubbed myself with my face.

 Thanks to 1138372333348151296 children's shoes for the 500 points.

  Thank you, but I am the 100 points rewarded by the flower in your hand.

(End of this chapter)

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