my fox girl

Chapter 180 Let the country send you one

Chapter 180 Let the country send you one

When he arrived at school the next day, Lin Yi was absent-minded all day, and he didn't see her when he got up in the morning.

But there was breakfast on the table.

After staying up until the last class at four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Yi returned home with mixed feelings.

As soon as he opened the door and walked into the living room, he saw the little fox demon preparing to run into the bedroom.

"You stop, don't run."

"What, what?"

Xiao Bai's body trembled, he exchanged a glance with Lin Yi, and quickly looked away as soon as his eyes touched, his little face blushed, and then he continued to run into the bedroom.

Seeing this, Lin Yi threw the coat he had just taken off on the ground, and then chased after her in three steps at a time. While she was opening the door, he grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room. in his arms.

"I won't eat you, why are you running?"

"I" was hugged tightly in his arms, thinking about what happened last night, Xiao Bai couldn't help becoming flustered, her fair cheeks flushed, and she was a little at a loss.

She raised her head and glanced at him secretly, seeing that he was also staring at her, she quickly lowered her head again, hesitated, and whispered: "Yes, I'm sorry."


Hearing this, Lin Yi was startled, looking at the shy little fox demon in his arms, he didn't understand her brain circuit.

"No, why did you say sorry to me?"

"I, I shouldn't, I shouldn't have poked last night." As he spoke, Xiaobai's voice gradually weakened until it disappeared. It was obvious that he was ashamed to say the following words.

Hearing her talk about this again, Lin Yi was inexplicably embarrassed, but he still patted her back and comforted her softly: "It's okay, I didn't blame you, you don't need to apologize."

"Yes, but you said that thing is very fragile, or, still give birth to a child"

Xiaobai put his head in his arms, bowed his body slightly, and maintained a weird posture, afraid that he would bump into him again, and continued with a blushing face: "I, I think you will hurt a lot."

"It doesn't matter if it hurts or not. A mere five or six inches is completely pediatrics. I definitely won't blame you, but let's not talk about this topic, okay?" Lin Yi's face became even more embarrassing.

To be honest, he didn't expect that he would be caught by this little fox demon last night.
Although he was always scolded and criticized by her, as a young child, he was quite pure in his heart, and when he encountered such a thing at first, he was inexplicably at a loss.

Originally, my mood had calmed down today, but this topic was brought up again, and I needed to calm down.

"Then, can you let me go?"

"This is not allowed, I'm afraid you will run away again." As he spoke, Lin Yi subconsciously tightened his arms and hugged her even tighter.

"I'm not running, I'm going to cook in the kitchen."

Before he finished speaking, he realized that he was sticking to him again. Xiaobai couldn't help trembling in his heart, subconsciously pushed him a few times, and murmured: "You, don't do this, we can't stick too close."

"I'm not at the moment." Hearing this, Lin Yi retorted subconsciously, halfway through speaking, he let go of his arms in embarrassment, "Go and cook."

Xiaobai went into the kitchen with a flushed face, and came out after a long time to get vegetables from the refrigerator.

Glancing at Lin Yi who was sitting on the sofa, he hesitated for a moment before explaining in a low voice: "I, I didn't say you hit me, I just felt scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I, I don't want to have a baby." Xiaobai opened the refrigerator door and glanced at Lin Yi with erratic eyes, "So, so I feel scared."

"Uh" Lin Yi scratched his head in embarrassment, hesitantly explained: "You, you don't have to be afraid, this thing is out of control, it doesn't mean that it hurts you, it means that I want to have a baby with you or something, it belongs to instinct The reaction is the hormones at work, do you understand?"


Xiaobai's lips trembled, and he couldn't speak a word.

He took out a few eggs from the refrigerator and held them in his hands. Just as he was about to pick up the vegetables, he asked with a red face, "You, is what you said true?"

"Well, it's true, this reaction is just illustrative."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but paused, hesitated a little, and continued after a while: "It just means that I'm greedy for your body subconsciously, but it doesn't mean that I have to have a baby with you , After all, there are many security measures now, of course, if you want to have a baby, we can have a baby, I completely follow your opinion on this kind of thing."

"I, I don't want to have a baby."

"It's okay if you don't want to have a baby, it doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Yi, seeing his serious expression, quickly looked away, and whispered: "Yes, but isn't getting married just to have a baby?"

"Whoever said that getting married means having a baby, you are a demon and I am a human being, we may not be able to have a baby yet, and"

"Yes, it can be born."

"Huh?" Lin Yi was a little dazed, and subconsciously asked, "Can it be born?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded hesitantly, and then explained softly: "Qing, Qingqiu had this kind of thing before."

"What is the child born like?"

"I, I don't know, I haven't seen humans in Qingqiu, and if the fox clan and humans get married, they will be expelled by Qingqiu."

"It's okay. Your Qingqiu rules don't apply in our world. If we get married, we will definitely not be expelled."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi thought of something again, and gave her an example: "And it's not like you haven't read the Legend of the White Snake. Not only did Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian not be expelled after they got married, but their child was also admitted to the first prize. This is a precedent." , so we can safely marry and have children.”

Xiao Bai bit his lip and looked at him with a complicated expression, "You really still want me to give birth to you."

This person will lie to himself. Just now he said that there is no need to be born, and now he says this again.

"Hey, where did you hear that I wanted you to have a baby?" Lin Yi wondered.

"You just said you got married and had children."

"No, the reason why I say get married and have children is because these four words are too easy to pronounce, and it is easy to say it if you are not careful. It belongs to the mouth, do you understand?
And even if I say it, I don't have to let you live.

Leaving aside the fact that you are a demon and I am a human being, the child born is likely to have a tail, which is very dangerous.

Even if we are both human beings and have no such concerns, we can choose not to have children after we get married. There are many DINK families in this world who just get married and don’t have children. "

"I don't believe it, how can anyone get married and not have children?" Xiaobai instinctively felt unbelief, this person must be lying to himself again.

"Why do you have to have children when you get married?" Lin Yi asked back.

Xiao Bai was startled, and held back for a long time before saying: "Anyway, after getting married, there will be children."

All the couples I have met have children.

"After getting married, there will be a child, so you have to have a child, right? If you don't have a child, let the country send you one?"

"Does your country still send children?" Xiao Bai was shocked, he didn't expect this kind of business to exist in other countries in this world.

If it can really be issued, then I don't have to give birth myself, and let the country directly issue one.

(End of this chapter)

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