my fox girl

Chapter 205 You Are Really a Little Clever Ghost

Chapter 205 You Are Really a Little Clever Ghost
After suffering for several days in a row, Lin Yi finally felt that his condition was basically cured, and his body had returned to the former crispness.

It's just that I have been alone in the empty room these days, and I always feel empty in my heart.

Look at the calendar, Saturday is suitable for weddings and funerals, and suitable for housewarming.

After finding the reason, he couldn't wait to pack his bedding and move it to the master bedroom again.

Xiaobai sat on the sofa and watched quietly, his lips moved slightly, feeling that he should stop it a little bit to show his reserve.

To prove that I am not the kind of shameless girl, and I didn't want to be hugged by him to sleep or anything. After a series of resistance to no avail, I was forced to move in by him.

And if you don't do this, you will definitely be eaten to death by this person.

During this period of time, I also learned a lot of things online.

For example, a girl should be reserved and not rely on the other party for everything, otherwise he will push forward and not cherish himself.

Just as he was hesitating, Lin Yi had already finished all his moving work, and clapped his hands as if he was done.

Returning to the living room, seeing the little fox demon who hesitated to speak, he walked over and pinched her little face, "How about it, seeing that I moved back again, are you happy now?"

"Happy what?"

Xiao Bai slapped his hand away, pursed his lips and asked back.

"Huh?" Lin Yi was a little dazed. According to this girl's character, I should say something loudly at this moment, so I am not happy!
This is in line with the naive and arrogant character of the little fox demon.

Otherwise it always feels wrong.

Could it be that the way I asked is wrong?
Thinking of this, he asked again: "You can sleep with me again tonight, do you feel particularly happy now?"

"I'm not happy!"

"Well, that's right." Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction, and instantly felt comfortable. This should be the reaction of the little fox demon, who looked naive and very cute.

Xiaobai looked at him strangely, and asked, "What is it?"

"It's nothing, come on, give me a hug."

Lin Yi stretched out his arms and hugged her into his arms. He hadn't hugged her for several days. Today, he felt her soft and warm body again, smelled the fragrance of her body, and instantly felt satisfied.

"Aren't you touching my feet today?"

Xiao Bai wrapped his arms around his neck, rubbed his face against his chest twice, took a light breath, narrowed his eyes comfortably, and asked in a lazily voice.

"No, why touch your feet when you can hold you? Although I am a foot controler, I am not a pervert. Compared to this, I prefer to hold you."

"You are a pervert, you took my foot before..."

Thinking of what happened two days ago, the little fox demon felt blushing, and her heart began to beat faster unconsciously.

The man actually put his foot in that place.

still holding him
Definitely a pervert.

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help being startled, and his lips were inexplicably dry, and he explained with a guilty conscience: "Well, I just feel uncomfortable, and I need to solve it once in a while, otherwise it's easy to get sick."

If he was called a pervert by this little fox demon before, he would definitely refute it, because he is not.

But now he feels that his confidence is a little lacking, as if he really is.

Although there was only one time, when the mind was hot at that time,
But I still don't think it should be. Now that I think about it, it's really abnormal, even though many couples will play this kind of boudoir fun.

But he still felt a little conflicted, after all, he always claimed to be a gentleman.

As an upright gentleman, it is not in line with his usual style of doing things to play so flamboyantly now.

Although I thought it was pretty good at the time, but after thinking about it, it really shouldn't be.

After all, it is easy to lead the simple and naive little fox demon astray.

There is a sense of guilt.

"This, this will still make you sick?"

"Well, no matter what, I'm still a young man. I'm just at the age of blood. I'm like a wolf. In short, it's easy to do that, and then I feel very uncomfortable. And if I don't solve it, it will cause Anyway, the consequences are serious."

Lin Yi's body stiffened a little, and even the hand that was caressing her body stopped. It was just a feeling right now.


"Well, you solved it before, are you holding back?" Xiaobai's face was blushing, and his voice became very soft uncontrollably.

Although she felt ashamed to ask such a question, she couldn't help being curious.

The main thing is a strong thirst for knowledge.

"Eh, you don't have to worry about such things. Craftsmen can't die of starvation in famine years." After finishing speaking, Lin Yi paused and asked, "Can we skip this topic?"


Seeing her softly echoing without saying a word, the air was completely quiet, and a strange and awkward atmosphere began to permeate.

Feeling this atmosphere, Lin Yi was silent for a while, feeling what he should say, and then changed the subject: "What shall we have for dinner?"

"are you hungry?"

"Oh, no, I just wanted to ask."

"How about we have rice tonight?"

Although it was an inquiry, before Lin Yi could answer, Xiaobai said to himself, "There are pork ribs and chicken wings in the refrigerator, and there are a lot of Coca-Cola at home. Let's make Coca-Cola Chicken Wings, and then garlic ribs. I recently saw that there is a garlic pork ribs on station B, and I want to learn how to do it.”

After all, she waited for a while, seeing that Lin Yi hadn't said a word, she couldn't help raising her face to look at him, and after seeing the thoughtful expression on his face, she asked a little puzzled, "What are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything." Lin Yi came back to his senses and explained: "I was just thinking that if you can take out some of your culinary learning spirit and focus on learning other things, such as mathematics, Chinese, etc. , will definitely become a very smart little fox demon right now."

This girl is obviously a foodie, and she has a mysterious interest in cooking. She spends most of the day holding the computer and watching videos of other food bloggers, learning how her colleagues cook.

After she learned it, she took a video and uploaded it to Station B to compete with others, and finally earned some money to put in her own bag.

Using other people's cooking skills to help herself earn money is the way to get rich that she has researched for more than half a year.

"I don't think it's useful to learn those things." Speaking of this, Xiaobai paused, and added: "And I'm already very smart now, so I don't need to learn those things anymore."

Although it is clear that he is indeed a bit naive, he absolutely cannot admit it.

As long as you don't admit it, you are not really stupid.

"If you study, you'll get smarter."

"I think it's fine now. If I'm smarter, you won't be able to lie to me in the future."

Xiaobai felt that he really didn't want to study. There was a person surnamed Lu in the Chinese book, and Xiaoming in the math book, they were definitely two nightmares for him.

"It doesn't matter. When you become smarter, if I want to deceive you, you can pretend to be deceived by me."

"It's like this now." Xiaobai wrinkled his nose, with a look of cuteness on his face, "Many times you can't fool me at all, I made you think you fooled me."

"You are self-taught, you are really a little clever ghost, I reward you with a kiss."

"I do not want it."

(End of this chapter)

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