my fox girl

Chapter 215 I want to study

Chapter 215 I want to study
07:30 in the evening.

The dark clouds that had been accumulating in the sky for a whole day finally started to rain, with the sound of pattering raindrops.

Lin Yi looked towards the balcony and asked in a casual tone: "Do you know what is the best thing to do on a rainy day?"

"What is it best for?" Xiaobai asked intently, staring at the computer screen.

"Best for reading with a cup of hot tea."

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded perfunctorily, and continued to look at the computer screen. The little master of China in it was really good, and the food he made would still glow.

"No, don't you think you should read and study now?"

"But you are hugging my legs and groping around, I can't move, and I can't go to the study to get a book."

"You're all excuses, and I didn't mess around."

Seeing her serious appearance, Lin Yi glanced at the straight white legs in his arms, raised his head and asked, "You mean, as long as I let go of your legs, you will obediently read and study?"

"No." Xiaobai shook his head honestly, then stared at the computer screen again and said, "I don't want to study, I want to catch up."

"You're not called chasing fan, but Bufan." Lin Yi corrected subconsciously, and then suddenly realized, "This is not important, why don't you want to learn?"

"Why do you want me to learn?" Xiao Bai frowned, imitating his tone and asking back.

"Because I'm worried that you will be fooled by others and become someone else's daughter-in-law."

"I won't!" Xiaobai stared at him with puffy eyes. This person clearly knew that he would not like others, and that he would only be his wife, but he kept saying that, which made him very angry.

Thinking of this, she said, "That's not what you're worried about at all."

"Then what am I worried about?"

"I don't know, but I just know that's not what you're worried about." After that, Xiaobai thought for a moment, then added confidently; "This is my intuition."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help being happy, moved over and hugged her in his arms, then hugged her and fell on the sofa, glanced at the computer screen, then set his gaze on her bright little face, and said with a smile: " Do you think a Chinese young master can cultivate intuition?"

"No, I already had intuition."

Xiao Bai changed into a comfortable position and snuggled into his arms, raised his eyes to look at the face that was close at hand, the light from the living room shone on his face, covering his face with a hazy halo.

Let yourself be a little unreal, but suddenly want to kiss him.

Realizing this, he hesitated again. If he took the initiative to kiss him, he would definitely be taken advantage of by all kinds.

Although I will not feel very resistant
But you should still wait for him to kiss yourself, so that you can pretend that you have failed to resist and then be forced.

Shaking his head, he put his messy thoughts behind him, and said after thinking: "You always let me learn, but I don't think I need to learn those things anymore. I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division now, and I can also recite the multiplication table. , It’s enough for grocery shopping, there’s no need to learn Chinese, and it’s not like I can’t speak.”

After patiently listening to her, Lin Yi frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, what you said is correct, and it is well-founded, and the thinking is very clear."

"Then I don't need to study anymore, do I?"

"You're thinking beautifully, why don't you use it? The real purpose of my letting you study is not to let you buy vegetables, the main reason is"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, sorted out his thoughts a little, and said: "The main thing I want you to be is not a naive little fox demon who can only do laundry, cook, give birth to children and buy vegetables. This is unfair to you." .

You should enjoy this world better and integrate into this world, and the premise of all this is to receive education, not too high education, but at least you have to have the level of nine-year compulsory education.

Only in this way can you clearly understand most of the things in this world, even for things you have never seen before, you can also conceive of the principles, instead of constantly lamenting that the cow B is so powerful, and "

"I wouldn't say that."

"Well, I know you won't, I'm just giving an example."

Comforting the little fox demon in his arms, Lin Yi picked up the words she had interrupted before, and continued: "Another point is that you should go out and meet some friends, instead of being locked up in the house every day like a canary. in this house.

But now that you are so stupid, I don't worry about you going out or making friends. I'm afraid that you will be cheated. Do you understand? "

"Well, but it's okay if I don't go out. I think it's fine now, and I don't need to know friends."

Speaking of this, Xiaobai bit his lip, hesitated, and added in a low voice: "I am already satisfied with you."

"Although I'm very happy for you to say that, but one day you will feel tired of this kind of life, and even feel bored."

Lin Yi gently stroked her belly, narrowed his eyes and said, "What I want is not to simply fall in love with you, get married and have children.

What I want is that you are like a modern human being, with your own cognitive ability and friends, and you can go shopping with your friends in your spare time, but you won't feel lost because you don't understand what they say, and you won't feel lost. You will be laughed at by them because you don't understand anything, and..."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but pause and asked, "What are you doing up?"

"I'm going to study." Listening to his blah blah blah blah blah, Xiao Bai felt extremely ashamed. He thought about himself wholeheartedly and worked hard.

I still think of ways to avoid studying every day, and I feel guilty.

"Wait for me to hold you for a while, can you go again?"


Seeing her curled up in his arms again, Lin Yi hesitated and said, "Actually, if you don't want to learn, I won't force you."

"I don't want to learn."



"Come on, I'll reward you." As he said, Lin Yi buried his head into her neck and kissed her from her slender neck to her fair and delicate collarbone.

"Yeah..." Xiaobai was flustered by him, couldn't help but groaned softly, pushed him a few times with his hands, and said with a blushing face, "You, don't do this, I think it's weird."

"Well, I'm not like this, let me inhale the fairy air." Lin Yi closed his eyes, put his face on her neck again, carefully sniffed the fragrance of her body, and his heart became unprecedentedly peaceful.

"But I don't have immortal energy, and I'm not an immortal."

"Who says you are not, you are my little fox fairy."

Hearing this, Xiaobai subconsciously narrowed his eyes, feeling his heart beating violently.

Suddenly a little happy.

Want to kiss him.

Thinking of this, she didn't hesitate any longer, took up the face buried in her neck with her hands, took advantage of his dazed effort, raised her head slightly and kissed it directly.

After a while, she felt a little regretful, obviously it was her own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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