my fox girl

Chapter 220 What Are You Holding In Your Hand?

Chapter 220 What Are You Holding In Your Hand?
In the early morning, Lin Yi opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a sleeping face, he was inexplicably startled.

She was the first thing she saw after waking up, and this seemed to be the first time she had encountered such a scene.

Usually when I wake up, she is no longer in my arms, replaced by a rabbit.

Picking up the mobile phone next to the bed and looking at it, I instantly realized that it was not yet five o'clock.

The air conditioner was blowing out cold wind, and the curtains on the balcony were tightly covered, blocking the early morning sunlight, and the whole room was slightly dark.

Looking around, Lin Yi withdrew his eyes again, and looked at the little fox curled up in his arms again. His long black hair was scattered on the pillow, and his usually bright and beautiful eyes were closed at this time, and his long and curled eyelashes , trembling rhythmically with breathing.

Her rosy lips were slightly parted, and she was breathing lightly. Through the gap in the thin blanket, she could see that the nightdress on her body was a little messy.

From the slender and fair neck down, there is a large expanse of fair and tender skin.

Showing a peaceful sleeping appearance.


Lin Yi couldn't help kissing her forehead lightly with his lips.

Although the movement was very light, it still caused the little fox demon to frown slightly, her small nose wrinkled, and she made an unconscious nasal sound, which was soft and sticky, and there was a hint of coquettishness in it.

The whole body shrunk into a small ball, arched into his arms, pressed his head against his arms, and stretched out a white and tender arm to wrap around his lower back.

Lin Yi licked his lips, and his body stiffened inexplicably. The liking and attachment between words were never as direct as such an intuitive feeling.

So much so that I dare not move now, for fear of waking her up.

After hesitating for a long time, he still stretched out his arms to hug her back. Seeing that she hadn't woken up, he was relieved, and then closed his eyes contentedly.

Embracing the warmth in his arms, he fell asleep again unconsciously.

When I opened my eyes again, I was awakened by a rustling sound.

The little fox demon in her arms was carefully pulling her hands out of her clothes, her face was slightly red, and she was still muttering something in a low voice.

The sound is very light.

Listen carefully, it seems to be a color batch or something.

As if sensing Lin Yi's gaze, Xiao Bai quickly turned his head, only to find that he was closing his eyes and snoring at the right time, he seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Inexplicably relieved, he sat up gently, tidied up his messy nightgown, and stared at Lin Yi for a while.

I found that he seemed to be really sleeping soundly, and the snoring had never stopped, so I was relieved.

Immediately, she lifted her long hair gently with her hands, leaned down and touched his lips lightly.

Just as he was about to get out of bed, he remembered something, took the rabbit doll at the end of the bed, and stuffed it into Lin Yi's arms.

"Instead of stuffing this, you might as well stuff yourself into my arms and let me hold you to sleep for a while."

Just halfway through the stuffing, Lin Yi's voice suddenly sounded, and the movements of Xiaobai's hands suddenly froze, and then he saw his eyes open with a smile on his face.

"Also, your good morning kiss just now was too short. You can kiss longer. Anyway, I slept soundly and didn't know anything."


As soon as he uttered a syllable, Xiao Bai felt a pair of arms hugging him tightly, and then he felt his body sink.

Immediately afterwards, a greedy lip covered his own mouth.

After a long time, Lin Yi opened his eyes, looked at the delicate girl under him, saw her white and tender face showing a layer of ruby-like dizziness, her slightly parted lips were panting.

The usually crystal clear eyes are full of confusion at this time, and the exposed skin is white and tender, as if it can be broken by blowing bullets, as if glowing with a layer of soft light, it is indescribably coquettish and charming.

"I still want to kiss you, okay?"


The voice was very soft and slightly trembling.

In the slightly dim master bedroom, the two figures on the bed hug each other tightly.

Lin Yi lowered his head slowly, and kissed her neck little by little. Feeling the covering of the fabric, he stretched out his hand to gently caress her shoulder.

Immediately, the two shoulder straps on the nightdress slipped from the sides.


The sky was clear and cloudless.

Lin Yi came out of the bathroom to wash up.

Wrapped tightly in a thin quilt, the little fox demon huddled into a small ball and lay on the bed pretending to be asleep. Hearing the sound of the door opening, his body froze slightly, and his eyes closed a little tighter.

"You really don't want to get up?"

"Well, I'm sorry."

"We agreed last night to go shopping today, why are you still in bed?" Lin Yi stretched out his hand and pushed her twice.

"I don't want to go out."

"Really?" Lin Yi continued to push her, thought about it and said: "Don't you like to squeeze wool? Recently, another supermarket is holding an event. Let's hurry over to get the eggs."

"I don't take eggs."

"Then what do you want to do?" Lin Yi pulled down her quilt, revealing her blushing little face.

"Don't pull my quilt." Xiaobai hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover his head again, and said in a muffled voice, "I want to sleep now."

"Even if you want to sleep, you have to change your clothes before going to sleep, after all, you just woke up again"

"Don't tell me!" Xiaobai bit her lips tightly, her voice was super loud.

"Okay, I won't say, I know you are shy, but didn't I explain it to you before? This situation is normal, just like when you helped me before."

Lin Yi squatted beside the bed and comforted her softly, and even used herself as an example, but she just didn't speak, and just huddled her whole body under the quilt, shrinking into a small ball.

Seeing this, he simply put his hand under the quilt, pulled her tender little hand out and kissed her, "Get up quickly, and then let's go out to get the chicken."

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't help but pause and asked, "What is that in your hand?"

"Nothing." Xiao Bai swished his hands back under the quilt, and tightly clenched the wet panties in his hands.

The two feet were tangled together in a panic, and the little face was flushed. Just now, one of them was pulled out by his hand without paying attention.

Why is this person so annoying.

Lin Yi thought about it for a moment and instantly understood, and then groped in the bed for a while, but she really couldn't touch the panties she had just taken off.

"What are you holding that thing in your hand for?"

"I didn't hold it in my hand." Xiaobai curled up on the bed, clenched the thing in his hand a little bit tighter.

"I saw it clearly just now, take it out quickly, you go change your clothes and wash up, and I'll wash it for you."

"I don't want it, I, I just wash it myself."

"Okay, you wash it yourself, shall we go out today?"

"Yeah..." There was an insignificant hum, and after a while, an equally slight voice sounded, "You, get out, I want to take a shower and change clothes."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in the living room."

Lin Yi walked out of the bedroom step by step, turning his head back and forth, always feeling that he had to wait outside for a long time before the little fox demon could come out.

And it is very likely that as soon as she goes out, she will lock it.

Just as he was thinking, two clicking sounds suddenly came from behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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