my fox girl

Chapter 222 Wedding

Chapter 222 Wedding
Helping to clean up the sticks, the two walked out of the Taoist temple. Before going in, they said that there might be a Taoist nun inside, but they didn't see anyone until they left.

Lin Yi reckoned that the nun might be hiding in her bedroom and taking a nap. The so-called sleepiness in spring, lack of autumn and summer naps, these days cultivators have to follow the seasons.

Walking down the dirt road when he came here for a while, he suddenly remembered that the snacks he bought before he came were still in his backpack, and he ate outside at noon, so the snacks in the bag hadn’t been touched much, so he just carried it back like this Always feel awkward.

It was still early at this time, and there was still a long time before sunset. After looking around, he took her to hide in the shade of a tree and planned to eat something, and then went back after resting for a while.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Yi was sitting on a large flat rock, drinking mineral water in his hand, seeing the little fox with a biscuit in his mouth, his eyes still not idle, looking back from time to time, he couldn't help asking.

"I always feel that someone is looking at me." Xiao Bai frowned and looked back a few times, and then retracted his gaze.

"Is someone looking at you?" Lin Yi also looked back. The surrounding vegetation was lush, and the only things he could see were trees. He stood up and looked into the distance. The Taoist temple on the top of the mountain was faintly visible.

"There is no one around here, how could someone look at you, I guess it's your illusion, this illusion is normal, I also feel this way sometimes."

"Will you have one too?"

"Of course, especially after watching ghost movies, this feeling will be stronger."


Seeing this person talking nonsense to him again, Xiaobai didn't say anything, and looked back again, the feeling of being stared at just now suddenly disappeared.

I couldn't help but feel even more strange.

The sun gradually turned to the west, and at dusk, the two came down from the mountain and drove towards home.

And in the mountain forest that had just left, a towering tree shrouded the sky. From a distance, it looked like a big umbrella standing on the top of the mountain.

There was a woman in a white dress standing on a branch at the top of a tree, quietly staring at the passing vehicles.

A gust of wind blew slowly, shaking the branches and leaves under her feet, and at the same time wrinkling the long skirt on her body.

The long skirt rippled and was spotless.

June 28, weekend.

The temperature is appallingly high.

However, it is written in the almanac that it is suitable for marriage.

After Lin Yi had breakfast, he put on a suit and tie in front of the mirror, and also used a hair dryer to blow dry his hair, and picked up a comb to comb it a few times.

Comb your hair like an adult.

Then fix with hairspray, and work together.

Seeing Lin Yi coming out in a neat suit, Xiaobai's eyes lit up, but he couldn't help but pouted his mouth, and said aggrievedly, "Are you really not taking me?"

"It's not that I won't take you there. The main reason is that the wedding I'm going to attend this time is different. It's very sad. To be honest, I don't even want to go."

After all, Lin Yichang sighed.

Marriage is a good thing for others, but Liu Jian's marriage is different, mainly because his marriage partner is that little girlfriend.

Originally, when Liu Jian came to the house and was kicked out during the Chinese New Year, the two had already broken up. After all, this matter was too bloody, but who knew there was another one hidden in his belly.

Calculating the days should have happened years ago, and I didn't know how to hit it at the time, probably because the quality of the small umbrella was not good.

He was pregnant with a child before he was married, and the situation was so special that his husband was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and his ex-girlfriend's sister-in-law also ran away.

Then, the family ran to the hospital, planning to abort the child, but after examination, it was found that it was impossible to induce labor.

The result of the examination said that the woman was born with low fertility, and it was really not easy to conceive a child, which can be called a miracle, and if the labor was induced, the damage to the body would probably lead to infertility.

After several months of tossing and going, I have been to all major cities, but all the inspection results are like this.

I was thinking of finding a taker, but I felt that my conscience couldn't bear it.

Afterwards, the two families sat together, negotiated and communicated, and finally reached a consensus.

Let the two get married quickly.

Although I always feel aggrieved, the old man can only pinch his nose to recognize this son-in-law who is connected to Huo Huo's two daughters.

If you admit it, you must admit it, and your teeth will itch with hatred.

The old man who gritted his teeth, plus a sister-in-law with the name of ex-girlfriend, plus a bride with a big belly.

Good guy, this wedding is definitely a Shura field.

If it weren't for the years of friendship between friends, Lin Yi would not have waded into this muddy water.

Holding the little fox demon in his arms, he explained in a soft voice, and promised to take her there if he meets someone who gets married again, and the aggrieved expression on his little face gradually dissipated.

After admonishing a few precautions at home as usual, Lin Yi went out worriedly and went downstairs.

I always feel that the mood of attending this wedding is heavier than attending a funeral.

Walking to the gate of the community, Yang Ming parked the car at the gate of the community and was waiting for him.

"The people who are still dressed look like dogs. I almost didn't dare to recognize the clothes and hairstyle."

"You can pull it down."

Lin Yi put on his seat belt, "Don't you look like a dog?"

"Can I be like you?"

"Yes, I am more handsome than you."


Yang Ming was too lazy to speak, pulled down the handbrake, started the car and drove away from the entrance of the community, into the traffic on the road.

The wedding starts on time at twelve o'clock.

The two drove slowly along the way, and finally arrived at the restaurant where the wedding was held at 11:30.

Parking the car in the parking lot, the two took the elevator up to the third floor and arrived at the wedding venue.

Seeing Liu Jian leading the bride standing at the door to welcome the guests, the two quickened their pace and walked over.

"Congratulations, happy wedding, I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years." Before the bride and groom could speak, Yang Ming gave a congratulatory speech first.

"Then I wish you two will live in harmony and grow old together." Lin Yi followed closely behind, and looked at Liu Jian who was wearing a wedding dress.

With a smile on his face, he looked a little haggard, and he didn't know if he was cleaned up by his father-in-law, or he was tired from getting married.

The bride next to her was also quite beautiful, and her wedding dress was slightly loose. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't tell that she was pregnant with Liujia.

It's just that the abdomen is slightly raised.

"Thank you, thank you." Hearing the blessings from the two, Liu Jian thanked them again and again with a smile, but there was something different in his smile.

After exchanging greetings at the door and meeting the bride by the way, Lin Yi and Yang Ming entered the venue together.

The wedding music was playing in the hotel, and there were quite a few guests who came to sit at the same table. The two walked in, looked around, and couldn't find the specially arranged private seat for the table that Liu Jian had just ordered.

"Lin Yi, Yang Zi, this way!"

Following the sound, Sun Yan was sitting alone at a round table in the corner of the banquet hall, shouting loudly, and afraid that the two of them would not see him, he stood up and waved his hands vigorously.

Judging by this posture, his physical condition is recovering well. He was either on crutches or in a wheelchair when we met a few times ago, and now he is alive and kicking.

(End of this chapter)

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