my fox girl

Chapter 235 Chapter 334 Of course it is taking advantage

Chapter 235 Chapter 330 Four is of course taking advantage
The room I booked online is a double bed room, located on the fifth floor of the hotel. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can clearly see the beach not far away.

The waves are rolling, and many men and women are swimming in the sea. In the local dialect, this is called sea bathing.

Putting down the suitcase, Lin Yi lay down on the big bed, couldn't help letting out a soft sigh, and rolled twice, seeing that she was still standing in front of the French window looking at the sea, he said, "Come here and lie down for a while." Oh, this bed is very soft."

Xiao Bai withdrew his gaze from the rippling blue sea, looked back at him, and then at the big round bed, "I don't want it. It's still daytime, so don't worry about it."

This person has a bad stomach, and he will definitely take advantage of him again if he lies on it.

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help chuckling twice, and asked, "You mean I can be restless at night, right?"

"That was not what I meant."

"Okay, that's not what you mean, and I'm not upset or kind. I just want you to lie down and see if the bed is soft."

"I don't believe it, you must want to take advantage of me again."

"Well, come here quickly and let me take advantage of it. Remember to close the curtains so that no one outside can see you."

"I won't let you occupy it."


The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows were drawn to block out the afternoon sun, and the ebb and flow of the tide could be faintly heard, as well as the sound of waves when the sea was churning.

Xiao Bai lay on the bed and watched Lin Yi wandering back and forth in the room, touching this and that, and occasionally lifted up the decorative paintings on the wall to take a look.

Seems to be looking for something.

After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you looking for?"

Just now he said that he wanted to take advantage of him, so he pulled up the curtains and climbed onto the bed, ready to be kissed and touched by him, and bullied by him, but he ran down and started wandering around looking for things.

"I'm looking for a camera."


"Well, some unscrupulous hotels will hide pinhole cameras in the rooms where couples only stay for peeping, and even take videos and upload them on the Internet."

While explaining, Lin Yi turned on the radio function of his mobile phone, found a program with clear listening effect, and started circling the room.

If there is an electromagnetic sound, or the program you listen to becomes stuttered, it means that there is interference from the equipment in the room.

But fortunately, after several rounds of investigation, this situation did not appear. When I turned around, I saw her looking left and right, her little face was still full of nervousness.

"Don't be so nervous, generally there won't be any, and this hotel has a high reputation on the Internet, and it is even less likely to install voyeuristic devices."

As he said that, Lin Yi reached out to turn off the light, and the whole room was plunged into darkness. Then he turned on the camera and took pictures of every place without missing any corner.

I even took a picture of the bathroom, and checked the mirror especially. I heard that some hotels have double-sided mirrors, that is, they can see through from the back.

He checked several times and found nothing suspicious, so he was relieved.

There are all kinds of birds in the forest, and various tools for peeping emerge in endlessly with the development of science and technology, especially in places like hotels where the flow of guests is high but very private, it is an excellent place to install cameras for peeping. Can't prevent.

What's more, it is not unheard of for couples to be secretly photographed when they stay in a hotel and do some favorite things.

Otherwise, where do so many candid videos from domestic regions on the Internet come from?
91 The Great God didn't grow two hundred kidneys, so he couldn't do it by himself.

Therefore, there is a great risk when doing something you like to do in the hotel, and if you are not careful, you will be searched out on the Internet.

Although the little fox demon has been refusing to do some things she likes to do with her, she sticks to the last line of defense.

But now there is only the last line of defense left. Everything else that should be done and should not be done has been done.

Unlike before, she even had to wear tight clothes to sleep with herself.

"Now I can rest assured that I am uneasy and kind, are you ready?"

"No." Xiaobai pulled off the quilt and covered himself, showing a small head to watch Lin Yi climb up, "When are we going to the beach?"

"We are already at the seaside now, and we are very close."

Lin Yi got into the bed, stretched out his arms to wrap her shoulders, and pulled her towards him, and a warm and soft body suddenly appeared in his arms, "If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of the waves."

"That's not what I said, I want to go to the beach."

"Wait until the evening to go to the beach. It's too hot and there are too many people. It's like dumpling inside. It's not worth seeing."

"Then, what are we going to do now?" Xiao Bai curled up in his arms, raised his eyes and secretly looked around the dim environment in the room, and asked in a low voice pretending not to know.

Lin Yi looked at her amusedly, then leaned over to her ear, and said softly, "Of course I took advantage of you."

After finishing speaking, he kissed her soft lips, and his hands became restless again.

Nine p.m.

The nightlife of this coastal city is awakened, and the high-rise buildings along the coast are lit up with bright neon lights, which look like glass from a distance.

The two came out of the hotel holding hands and started looking for food.

It was also the first time for Lin Yi to come to this strange city, and he didn't know what special delicacies were served here, but the taxi driver's devilish accent kept playing in his mind.

Ha beer, eat Gala and take a bath in the sea.

Just like brainwashing, it can be called the nine-character mantra.

"It's different from our house."

Looking around, Xiaobai couldn't help sighing when he saw that there were buildings of various styles mixed with the surrounding buildings.

"Of course they are different. Every city has its own style and characteristics, for example."

As he spoke, Lin Yi pointed to the commercial street not far away. Many passers-by were carrying plastic bags with icons printed on them, and yellow liquid inside.

"Look, people here buy beer in bags. We definitely don't see this kind of scene over there. After all, this is a beer city. You can buy freshly brewed beer at any time. This is called the city's characteristics. .

It is a special feature of beer. Beer is one of the business cards of this city, and the Oktoberfest is held here every August, which is very lively. Unfortunately, we came too early to catch up with this festival. "

For the Oktoberfest, Xiaobai has no interest at all, but thinks it's better not to catch up, so that this person won't get a chance to drink and stagger.

The smell of alcohol all over her body was particularly unpleasant, and she felt disgusted even when she was hugged by him, and even more disgusted when she had to kiss him.

Lin Yi didn't know what she was thinking, and kept looking left and right, paying attention to the restaurants along the way, trying to find a place to eat.

Turning across the commercial street, I saw a restaurant crowded with people. There were many aquariums in the store, and the signboard on the door said local specialties.

He didn't look any further, so he took her in and prepared to drink beer and eat gala.

Although the little fox demon won't let him drink, he has come all the time, so he has to do as the Romans do.

(End of this chapter)

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