my fox girl

Chapter 263 I've Always Been Gentle

Chapter 263 I Have Been Gentle
the next morning.

Lin Yi lay on the bed indifferently, with the attitude of a sage, propped himself up on his arms, and watched the little fox demon hang his clothes on the small balcony.

Facing the morning glow, her two small clothes were dyed with a layer of halo, and her little face was also flushed red, and she tried her best to show a nonchalant appearance.

Maybe it was a photo, or maybe it was ashamed.

Who knows.

Lin Yi turned over, glanced at the stockings in the trash can unconsciously, and said with a lack of confidence: "You remember to finish the rest of the exercise book from last night later, and then we go out."

Xiaobai shook off the bed sheet a few times, hung it on the hanger, and said without looking back, "I don't want to do it."

"I didn't ask you to do it now, I said later."

"But I don't want to do it later." Xiaobai continued to refuse, thought for a while, and added: "Today is Saturday, I can rest."

"But this is what you promised yourself last night."


Xiaobai was silent for a moment, but he couldn't think of a reason to refuse. He looked back at him and reminded him with puffy cheeks, "I was here for you last night in stockings."


Lin Yi's expression froze, and he retreated and said: "Then let's go out first, and then do it when we come back."

"I do not."

"Then what do you want?" Lin Yi frowned, his tone subconsciously aggravated,

"Let me tell you, if you continue like this, you will have to wear the hat of the little illiterate for a lifetime."

"You are the little illiterate."

"Yes, I am a little illiterate, but I don't know whose household registration book says illiterate or semi-illiterate."

"You laugh at me."

"No, I'm just telling the truth."


Xiaobai was powerless to refute, so he could only snort to express his anger, and angrily turned around to go out to cook, not wanting to pay attention to this person.

Lin Yi glanced at the closed door and shouted loudly, "Why are you going?"


"Then remember to do the questions after dinner."

"I know, just shut up!"

Lin Yi lay on the bed with a melancholy expression, staring at the ceiling.

The little fox demon attacked herself again.

How did the soft, cute and cute little fox demon in the past become what it is now.

Which part is the problem?
Maybe it's all about learning.

And the main culprit is mathematics.

The whole morning passed quickly, and after eating, Xiaobai reluctantly spread out the exercise book to do the questions, and he had to finish writing what he promised with tears in his eyes.

"Write well, and we'll go out when you finish."

"You are not allowed to talk, and you are not allowed to disturb my questions."

Seeing her sullen little face full of anger, Lin Yi curled his lips secretly, and thought: Do you still need me to disturb you when you are doing the questions?Can't do it without disturbing you.

Thinking so in my heart, but still very witty and silent, I cleaned up the rice bowl and took it to the kitchen to wash.

The sunlight pouring in from outside the window casts a shadow among the buildings, and the gentle wind blows in through the screen window, creating a warm feeling.

Squinting his eyes and looking out the window for a while, Lin Yi unconsciously sighed, feeling that maybe he shouldn't force her to study all the time.

She is easily satisfied and content with everything she has right now.

The reason why I don't want to learn is precisely this, to be satisfied with the status quo and to be content with the status quo.

There is no need to change anything through learning, and there is no need to obtain anything through learning. The things she wants to have are too simple, so naturally she has no motivation.

And the reason why she has been supporting her study is quite ridiculous. If she has a child in the future, it will be embarrassing when the child asks.

Also, I don't want to be laughed at by myself.

If these two points are excluded, it can be said that there is no motivation to support her study.

On the contrary, she felt that since she had learned all the commonly used knowledge in her mind, she didn't need to study any more, and it would be a waste of time to learn any more.

Equations and Pythagorean theorem are not used when going out to buy groceries.

When talking with people, you basically don’t need to use various allusions from ancient poems, and you don’t need to read and understand.

As for English, she hadn't started learning it yet, but she didn't need to think about it, she was definitely more unwilling to learn the language of this foreign devil, and there was even less need to learn it.

Anyway, she will not go abroad.

Even if you go abroad, you still have yourself.

She probably thinks this way, no matter what, she can rely on herself.

Playing games together at home, she will formulate her own tactics, and she only needs to follow the instructions.

When going out shopping, she doesn't have to think about anything, she just needs to be held by the hand.

When going out for a trip, she will make a very detailed travel strategy. She doesn't have to do anything, she just needs to travel with peace of mind.

It's the same with opening a store this time. I will fully prepare everything, including store location, purchase channels, list of expenses, etc., and she just needs to wait quietly to be the proprietress.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that she really doesn't need to do anything, she just needs to rely on herself, and always rely on herself.

What about yourself?

Lin Yi thought for a moment and came up with the answer. He didn't seem to reject the feeling of being dependent on her, and he liked being dependent on her very much.

It's a pity that despite this, learning still needs to be learned. After all, only learning can increase knowledge.

Although she likes to be dependent on her, I still want her to be independent so that she can solve problems by herself when she is not around.

And all of this still needs to be learned.

It's just that as soon as the little fox demon started studying, he was like a relative who came here, a group of vicious ones, and his head hurt.

Just as he was thinking, a pair of white arms hugged his waist, followed by a soft body against his back.

Lin Yi didn't need to turn his head to know who it was. He gently kneaded the little hands on his waist a few times and asked, "Why do you make no sound when you walk?"

"It's obvious that you've been in a daze, and you didn't hear me when I came in." Xiaobai threw the blame on Lin Yi, firmly refusing to admit that he deliberately didn't make a sound.

Then he said: "I suspect that you must be thinking about something very obscene in a daze, so I want to punish you."

Lin Yi was a little dazed, subconsciously said: "You want to beat me up?"

"No, I want you to give me a hug."

Lin Yi didn't speak, turned around and hugged her into his arms, then hugged her tightly.

Xiaobai closed his eyes, buried his face in his arms, took a deep breath, rubbed against him twice, and said softly, "I'm so tired from studying, but it's still so comfortable."

"I can tell." Lin Yi kissed her forehead, and added: "You're so tired that you've changed beyond recognition, and you've even become fierce."

"I'm not fierce, I've always been gentle."

"Yes, you are very gentle." Lin Yi caressed her back, feeling the smooth and tender touch, "But you will become not gentle when you are studying. I don't dare to urge you yet. Once I urge you, you will definitely not be gentle." Kill me."

"I won't kill you."

"Then go and study now."


Xiaobai was silent for a while, looked up at him and said, "But I don't want to go now, I'm so tired, can I go after a rest?"

"Yes, yes, but how long are you going to rest?"

"It hasn't been long." Xiaobai put his head in his arms, hugged his waist tightly with his arms, wrinkled his nose, and a look of cuteness appeared on his face, "I'll go when I have enough hugs." .”

After finishing speaking, she buried her face in Lin Yi's arms again, and added in her heart: I will go when I have enough hugs, but I will never have enough hugs.

(End of this chapter)

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