my fox girl

Chapter 277 Is This The Price I Have To Pay?

Chapter 277 Is This The Price I Have To Pay?
Downstairs in the neighborhood.

Yang Ming and the others squatted in the shade of the trees between the buildings, raised their heads in unison, looked at the lit floors, and randomly glanced at the fireworks prepared on the ground.

"I heard that the investigation has been strict in the past two years. If you say we set off firecrackers later, will the people from the city administration be arrested?"

Yang Ming was the first to speak. He had been in the prison and knew what it was like. He was being interrogated like a prisoner. It didn't seem right. They were interrogating prisoners.

"It's okay. I read the Mid-Autumn Festival management regulations issued by the Publicity Department this year. It didn't say that fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed, so they can be set off."

"Well, it's reliable. I didn't say not to let it go, so it must be let go."

Yang Ming couldn't help giving Sun Yan a thumbs-up, and said, "I found that since you cheated my father-in-law, you have become much smarter than before, and now you can understand the subtext of government documents."

"Why do I feel like you're touching both of us at the same time?" Liu Jian couldn't help but interrupted and asked.

Yang Ming didn't answer the question, but changed the subject and said, "Let's put the fireworks in this place, so the angle is fine."

"Almost, I've calculated that after a while the fireworks will go up, and the two of them will just be able to see it."

As he said that, Liu Jian took out his mobile phone to check the time, "It will start in more than ten minutes, and I have to go back quickly after it is over."

"Aren't you going out for a party?"

"What kind of gathering, let's talk about it next time. On the reunion day of the big festival, it is enough to accompany you to set off fireworks. I have to go home to accompany my wife."

"The married people are different. The ones who open their mouths are all wives."

"That's for sure."

"Hey, your wife should be giving birth soon, when is the due date?"

"Just these two days."

"Then why don't you stay at home, what's the fun with us?"

"You do not understand."

Liu Jian waved his hand and did not explain to them in detail that his father-in-law and sister-in-law were there on the reunion day of the big festival.

Although the relationship between them had eased, when facing those two people, he was still inexplicably apprehensive.

So after some precise calculations by him, when he came home after setting off the fireworks, they would almost be able to leave.

You don't have to face them, and you can set off fireworks without delay.

Furthermore, what man can resist the temptation of small firecrackers?
The little fireworks barked out biubiu.


in the living room.

All the lights were extinguished, only the candles on the cake lit up slightly.

Xiaobai wore a birthday hat on his head, his delicate face was slightly flushed, and under the flickering candlelight, he looked even more charming, "After blowing out the candles, you can make a wish, right?"

"En." Lin Yi responded vaguely, holding a rose in his arms, and quietly groped in the drawer under the coffee table, his pair of sword eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled deeper and deeper.

Where the hell is my engagement ring?
"What are you looking for?"

"I didn't find anything, so hurry up and blow out the candles and make a wish..." Lin Yi leaned over slightly, and continued to grope with his hands.


Seeing her eyes closed, Lin Yi quickly turned on the flashlight of the phone, aimed at the drawer, and continued to search.

Seeing that the fireworks were about to start, he couldn't find the most important ring, shit, he should have put it in his pocket if he knew it earlier.

Thinking in his heart, he suddenly touched a boxy box, about the same size, but it didn't feel right in his hand.

Going to take it out to check.




Several gorgeous fireworks bloomed outside the window, illuminating the living room as bright as day for a while.

"Look, there are still people setting off fireworks outside."

Hearing the sound of fireworks outside, Xiaobai opened his eyes quickly, saw the splendid fireworks outside the window, and subconsciously shook Lin Yi's arm, motioning for him to look outside.

"Is this also the surprise you prepared for me?"

"Well, I let you"

Lin Yi just wanted to admit it, but before he could finish his words, he heard a thud, because his arm was shaking from her hug, and the small square box in his hand fell to the ground because he lost his grip.

The two looked at the ground together, reflecting the gorgeous fireworks outside the window, their faces flickered a little.

"what is this?"

"Well, obviously, it's a little box."

Facing her inexplicable gaze, Lin Yi glanced at the small square box on the ground, under the light brought by the fireworks, the three large characters of Du Leisi could be vaguely seen on it.

During the Chinese New Year, Lin Yuguo and his wife gave them several boxes of small umbrellas, and this is one of them.

Facing this small square box, he was very embarrassed right now.

Half of it is because of being together for so long, but this thing has never had a chance to be used.

As for the reason for the embarrassment of the other half, it was because on this occasion, they originally wanted to find an engagement ring, but found out such a thing.

"Well, well, it looks like a small box, but it actually contains balloons."

"You can avoid the baby balloon, right?" Xiaobai asked after a moment of silence.

She is no longer the simple little fox demon she was back then, now she already knows what a small umbrella is, and even knows some of its brands.

And she is most familiar with the surname Du, there is no way, the advertising copy of this company is so incisive.

When she went online, she would see the copywriting of this company many times, and couldn't hold back her curiosity, so she searched online.

Since then, the door to a new world has been opened.

It turns out that there is such a thing in this world that can make children without having children.

"So, is this the price I have to pay tonight?" Pausing for a moment to sort out her thoughts, she looked at Lin Yi with complicated eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Uh, no, you should take back that look first."

Lin Yi rubbed the center of his brows, took out the remote control, pointed it at the projector and pressed it.

The white curtain lit up instantly, and with the countdown, photos began to flash on it one by one, including her alone image, but more of them were group photos, from the first acquaintance to the acquaintance, and then to the acquaintance
The gorgeous fireworks flickered outside the window, Xiaobai raised his eyes and looked at the curtain in front of him, each group photo carried countless memories between himself and him,
For some reason, I should be happy, but my eyes are inexplicably sore.


Lin Yi leaned over and rummaged through the drawer to find the real small square box, coughed a few times, and handed it to her, "This."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel at a loss for words, feeling that he didn't know what to say.

Seeing the small square box in his hand, Xiao Bai was silent again, glanced at the small box still thrown on the ground, hesitated for a moment, then bit his lips and asked: "You, do you still plan to use two boxes?"

"No, stop for a moment and don't make such unreasonable guesses."

Lin Yi felt a pain in his head right now, and the atmosphere that was created with great difficulty was wiped out by the girl's two short sentences.

"Come on, take the flowers first."

Before she could speak, Lin Yi stuffed a large bunch of roses into her arms, and then opened the box with his hand, which contained a ring.

A heart-shaped diamond is inlaid on the platinum ring setting, reflecting the fireworks outside the window, shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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