my fox girl

Chapter 294 Are you guilty of being a thief?

Chapter 294 Are you guilty of being a thief?
Zhang Rui stared at her for a long time with a complicated expression, and then asked uncertainly: "Sister, do you really understand or pretend to understand?"

"Ah?" Xiao Bai was slightly taken aback, "What should I know?"

"That's why your husband wants you to study."

"Well, I know, he wants me to go to an adult university to take off the hat of being illiterate."

"No, that's not his main purpose."

"what is that?"

"Did he not tell you?"


"He didn't tell you, probably because he didn't want to burden you psychologically." Zhang Rui lay lazily on the counter, tilted her head and said, "I suddenly feel that he is a very attractive man."


Xiao Bai stared at the two big balls squeezed against the counter, and became vigilant again.

This woman really has ideas about her cabbage, why don't you beat her up.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Yi came back from school, stood at the door of the store and was about to go in, but couldn't help but fiddle with the glutinous rice balls lying on the door, feeling that this little fat dog is useless.

Shaking his head and sighing for a while, he opened the door and went in. After seeing the scene in the store, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then backed out.

Who knows what he just saw.

The little fox demon is actually holding a book and studying it. It's a math book. She still has that serious and focused expression on her little face, and she can even feel her desire for knowledge.

What the hell is going on.

Did I encounter a parallel space or did I enter the door in the wrong posture?

Lin Yi leaned on the glass door and peered in. Sure enough, she wasn't playing games or watching movies. She was really studying seriously, gnawing on the book tirelessly, with a pen in her hand, as if she was doing a problem. , I didn't even find out when I came back.

The script is so wrong.

He held the large doorknob on the glass door, took a deep breath, and calmed down his panic, yes, panic.

Because he had never seen such a scene.

There was a feeling of being caught off guard and unprepared.

"I said, if you don't go in, what are you doing lying on the door?"

When Zhang Rui came out to throw out the garbage, she saw a sneaky person lying on the door of the store next door. After looking carefully, she found out that it was her little sister's husband.

Just wondering.

How can this person behave like a thief.

"Well, let's go in."

Lin Yi glanced at her sideways, then quickly looked away, then said nothing, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.


Zhang Rui looked down at her proud 36D figure and pursed her lips. It was the first time she met a man who was not civilized to watch football.

It should be said that he was well trained, or that he could restrain his instincts.

Anyway, I'm quite envious.

"Cough cough." After Lin Yi entered the door, seeing that she was still immersed in the questions, as if preparing for the scientific examination, he simply coughed twice and told her of his existence.

"Welcome." Xiaobai looked up, only to realize that it was Lin Yi, and asked instead, "When did you come back?"

"Oh, just came back."

Lin Yi looked at the exercise book spread out on the counter, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Can I ask, what's going on with you today?"

"What's the matter?"

"It's just you studying and taking the initiative to do the questions. This should be put in the past." Lin Yi scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

Before he came back, if there were no customers in the store, this girl would basically be playing games, but now...
This feeling is like the most mischievous student in the class who suddenly becomes a good student. He helps the grandmother cross the road in the morning, listens carefully and takes class notes during class, and actively stays on duty after school.


And according to his experience as a teacher, students usually have such a situation because of a guilty conscience. The most likely reason is that the teacher wants to invite parents. Of course, it may also be because of other bad things.

"Shouldn't I study?"

"I didn't say you shouldn't, it's just..." Lin Yi went to the counter and sat down, looking at the exercises in the exercise book, he was stunned again, good guy, what's going on with these densely written checking draft papers?

"If, if you do something wrong, you can tell me directly, don't scare me in this way." He pursed his lips, with a cautious expression on his face, always feeling that there was something behind it, and according to this Stance is likely to be a big deal.

"You really hate it. Why do you still think I did something wrong when I was studying?" Xiao Bai frowned slightly and looked at him with a reproachful expression.

"It's not that I want to think, the main thing is that you take the initiative to learn for no reason, and I can't accept it for a while."

"There's nothing unacceptable."

"It's just unacceptable, it doesn't feel real."

"Then give me a hug." Xiaobai raised his eyes and looked at him with rolling eyes.


Lin Yi subconsciously took a look outside the store, seeing that the situation was safe, and there should be no major social death incidents, so he hugged her into his arms for some confusion.

"Is it real now?"

Xiao Bai sat sideways on Lin Yi's lap, and asked softly with his forehead against his chest.

"Very real."

Lin Yi put his hand on her slender waist, and then hugged her tightly. This kind of tender feeling couldn't be more real.

"So why did you take the initiative to study today?" He asked.

"you guess."

"Can not guess."


Xiaobai pondered for a moment, then looked down again, hugging and hugging each other like this, inexplicably recalling the shameful thing last time.

Thinking of this, her cheeks couldn't help turning slightly red, and she couldn't bear to think about it, so she simply shrunk her body into a small ball, hid in Lin Yi's arms and narrowed her eyes to look at him.

I was hugged by him, but I didn't do anything.

Even if someone sees it, it won't matter.

She shook her head, cleared out the messy thoughts, looked at Lin Yi and asked in a low voice: "The reason why you let me study is actually for our future, right?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Ari told me this today."

Xiaobai twisted his body restlessly, found a comfortable position in Lin Yi's arms, buried his head in his chest, and listened to the heartbeat in his ears.


With such a powerless naming method, Lin Yi inexplicably thought of those dinosaurs named Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San in her game, but Ah Rui here is definitely not referring to that.

"It's that big wave named Zhang Rui next door." When he said this, he quickly realized, and quickly changed his words: "It's that female boss who sells desserts?"

"Well, it's her. What did you want to say about Dabo just now?"

"Oh, nothing." Lin Yiqiang pretended to be calm.

"Hmph, I know even if you don't tell me."

Xiao Bai groaned dissatisfiedly, sat up in his arms, stared at Lin Yi and asked, "Do you just like the big ones like A Rui?"

"How is it possible, I haven't even stared at her."

"If you haven't watched it, it doesn't mean you don't like it. It may be that you deliberately didn't watch it, which is a guilty conscience."


Lin Yi's expression suddenly stopped, feeling that he was more wronged than Dou E.

Good guy, this girl's thinking angle is so tricky, he can foresee what will happen if he stares at her.

"Why are you staring at her, do you like her?"

I couldn't answer it myself, and then died suddenly at the age of 24.

(End of this chapter)

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