my fox girl

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
It was the first time for the little fox demon to attend someone else's wedding, and she felt very fresh and happy, but she was a little disappointed, because Lin Yi drank a lot of alcohol, and the smell of alcohol was really bad all over her body, and it would also affect her pregnancy.

But she can also understand, after all, it's a friend's big day, and it's impossible not to drink, but she didn't expect to drink so much.

Lin Yi also didn't quite understand this.

There were so many people at the table, why did Yang Ming just feed him one.

Are you afraid that you will make trouble in his bridal chamber?Or do you think you are too happy?
However, he probably didn't guess that he planned to hang him on the wall to ward off evil spirits.

Because when taking pictures of him, he still asked himself why?
My own answer is to take a photo of you as a souvenir, because you are very elegant in this dress.

Then he asked if he wanted to take another picture, he wanted to pose.

Of course Lin Yi readily agreed, and snapped several photos in various poses, and asked him not to be so serious, and laughed, after all, it was a day of great joy.

Yang Ming thought about it and thought it was right, so he showed that piercing smile that belonged to him alone, which was terrifying.

But Lin Yi felt perfect. Looking left and right while holding the photo, he felt that he was more stylish than Zhong Kui in the painting.

There's no P yet, it's already very interesting to look at. No, it's a fortune-telling.

After the P pass, it will definitely be more profitable.

A few days later, Lin Yi helped her send out a courier, which contained a contract, the signing contract of the novel.

To be honest, he would never have imagined that the novel written by his stupid daughter-in-law could be signed, and obviously few people read it.

Every day she received so many recommendation votes that she was very happy, and most of them were voted by robots, and there were only a few real readers.

But come to think of it, this should belong to the consolation prize.

Although she only had one update a day, and she had to write out two thousand words after thinking hard, but after several months of continuous updates, she also wrote hundreds of thousands of words.

Then the website saw that she was pitiful and her spirit was commendable, so it reluctantly gave her a consolation lottery.

That's basically it.

Of course, such words can't be said, and you can't hit her, you have to praise her, and you have to praise her.

What kind of book confers gods is just around the corner.

What my daughter-in-law is awesome, smart, amazing and so on.

Then show a proper expression of admiration and reverence, so that she will be very happy, but not proud.

He held his head high and held his chest high, a little smugly.

The little fox demon looked left and right with the printed contract, and finally put the contract in her bag reluctantly, planning to ask Lin Yi to frame it for her and hang it on the wall as a souvenir.

Just hang it with Zhong Kui's photo at home, and the two photo frames complement each other.

One symbolizes wealth and can make oneself a little rich woman as soon as possible.

And the other symbolizes wisdom and demonstrates one's own cultural heritage.

After making a happy decision, she opened the computer code on the counter. She is happy today, and she is going to add another chapter.

As for the task of doing business, of course it fell on Lin Yi.

The days went by day by day, and it seemed that the summer vacation was coming again. Lin Yi lay on the counter, watching his wife typing on the keyboard, while wondering whether he should take her out for a trip or something.

So far, I have only traveled far away once, basically wandering around in Ancheng or a few surrounding cities.

Maybe we should take advantage of the summer vacation to travel far away.

"After a few days, we will go on a trip during the summer vacation. What do you think?"

"Where are we going to travel?"

"This time, let's go a little farther and go for a walk in the northeast."

Lin Yi didn't intend to take her to see Tieling, a big city, but to go to the deep mountains and old forests, just to embrace nature.

By the way, let's do an on-the-spot survey of the residences of the Great Immortals, mainly to see if we can find a Great Fox Immortal.

It's time to get a relative or something.

Xiaobai was a little moved, but hesitant for no reason, put down the keyboard and said, "Then what about our store?"

If you go on a trip, it will take at least ten days and a half a month, which will definitely delay a lot of business, which means you will make a lot of less money, so you will postpone your time as a rich little woman, and you can't take care of him earlier .

"Let parents watch it for us for a few days."

"But Mom and Dad have their own business too."

"No, what you said is not accurate. They just have a store, but no business." Lin Yi helped her correct it.

"So you mean, they don't have any business anyway, so why not come and look after the store for us?"


"Would it be a bit of a dog?"


"Well, I think so too."

Hearing what he said, the little fox demon couldn't help but feel relieved, and echoed aloud to increase his persuasiveness.

Although I still feel a little sorry for my parents-in-law, this was all proposed by Lin Yi, and he forced himself to agree.

What does it have to do with her as a daughter-in-law?

Well, that's when the time comes.

"What about the glutinous rice balls?" She finally thought of her dog who was waiting to be fed.

"Just let them help to watch."

"Wouldn't that be a little too much?"

"No, one sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also chased."

After the decision was made, Lin Yi couldn't wait to call the old man, but he disagreed.

He even asked himself if he could help look at the bookstore for a few days. He was going to take Yu Shuhui on a trip.

Lin Yi hangs up the phone silently, decides to save the country in a curve, and calls Yu Shuhui.

Sure enough, only mothers are good in the world, Yu Shuhui readily agreed, but said that she doesn't look after dogs.

The attitude is very firm, and she also said that she wants to see her grandson.

Lin Yi hung up the phone with a sigh, feeling that he was under a lot of pressure. The wife and daughter-in-law were thinking about having a baby every day, and the parents were also urging to hug their grandson.

With so many people in the family, he doesn't really want it, so he feels out of place.

He carefully observed the little fox demon who was typing on the keyboard for a while, and he didn't know what the silly daughter-in-law was thinking. He wanted to let someone else's daughter-in-law go, but when the husband said that he was not in a hurry to have a child, he jumped up happily.

But my own family is thinking about having children every day.
Lin Yi shook his head and sighed, feeling that his daughter-in-law was just as likable as she wanted, which moved him very much.

This kind of thing has to be shown off on Beehu.

Turn on the phone, rummage around in Behu, and find the target.

"What kind of experience is it to have a goblin as your girlfriend?"

My wife is a fox demon: "Thank you for the invitation, I am in Menggu and just got off the aircraft carrier.

In fact, the experience was not good at all. My daughter-in-law is a goblin. Although she is beautiful and has a perfect figure, she feels cute, but annoying.

I'm so dependent on you, I'm so clingy, I want you to hug her to sleep at night, hug her softly, her nose is full of her fragrance, I don't want to get up to go to work the next day, I always want to hug her and sleep for a while, It's easy to be late and annoying.

She will secretly kiss you in the morning, and ask you to hold her in the shower, and she will blush with embarrassment at every turn, throwing herself into your arms and moaning and acting like a baby.

I also love you very much, no matter what I do, I think of you first, which makes me want to go home to accompany her after work, and I don't have the heart to hang out with friends, which is very annoying.

After becoming my daughter-in-law, she was obviously very afraid of having a baby, but she always wanted to give birth to me. I said many times that I didn’t want to, but she loved me so much that she couldn’t help it. Although she was afraid, she still wanted to have a baby, which made me I can't be moved, I always want to cry, it's annoying. "

(End of this chapter)

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