my fox girl

Chapter 326

Chapter 326
The old forest in the middle of the night is not very quiet, and the imaginary silence is only in the imagination.

The hoarse chirping of various unknown birds was so unpleasant that it should be the voice of an old raven.

There are also the howling of wild animals, the sound of wind, and the sound of insects from time to time. They are intertwined, without any rhythm, and it is very chaotic, like a person with a different rhythm holding an erhu.

But after listening to it for a long time, I gradually got used to it, and even felt a little over the top.

After eating, the two sat by the stream, lit a bonfire, and put their feet into the stream. The stream was not deep, only tens of centimeters deep, but it was cool and refreshing.

Feeling the cool stream wash over the feet, it seems to have taken away the fatigue of the day.

"I remembered the days in Qingqiu."

Xiaobai raised his head and looked at the sky. In the dark night, a round of bright moon hung in the sky, surrounded by countless stars, surrounded by undulating mountains and forests, and the calls of various animals could be faintly heard.

There are not so many people, no wide roads, and no steel forests to see. There is only the vitality of nature. The night wind blows, and I feel refreshed.

When I used to go to the mountains to pick wild fruits with sister Xiaoyu, I would always stay in the mountains for one night, and I felt the same way at that time.

She recalled that she had been in this world for a long time, with countless human beings without tails, magical products called technology, and high-rise buildings everywhere.

In just over three years, the world named Qingqiu in his memory was completely covered.

"If you like it, we can move here to live in the future, and be a worldly expert who lives in seclusion in the mountains."

Lin Yi looked around, always staying in the city, breathing in the smog, feeling groggy all over.

And taking a breath of the air here is simply refreshing, and even feels drunk.

Then also fainted.

Of course, this may be the reason why I ate poisonous mushrooms just now. Although it has been cooked for a long time, who knows if the toxins have been removed by the high temperature, maybe it will cause hallucinations after a while, and then start beating the villain.

"At that time, we will build a small wooden house, and build it according to the style you have in Qingqiu."

"It's going to be lonely, there's nothing here."

She looked around, even in Qingqiu, it was not like this. Although she lived a little bit away from sister Xiaoyu, she walked around a few times, and occasionally she could meet a few of her own family.

If you go to the city without hesitation, there will be many people of the same clan, and there will be many shops.

But here, besides trees, there are trees, or stones. After walking for a day, I didn't even see a few animals.

Although the roar of animals can always be heard, it is only a sound.

He only heard his voice, but never saw him.

"No one said anything, maybe Daxian'er is with us."

"Is there really a fairy?"

"I don't know, there should be, don't you belong to Daxian'er?"

Lin Yi didn't know if there were any great fairies in this world. He remembered that when he was in college, there was a classmate from the Northeast who would tell them some folk stories from his hometown every day.

Basically, they are all about the legends of various great fairies, such as Huang Pizi begging for a seal, Bai Xianer delivering medicine, Hu Xianer repaying favors and so on.

It’s also interesting to say that the folk tales in the south are basically the kind of weird and horrible exaggerations, such as an embroidered shoe, a female ghost in the toilet, and ghosts hitting the wall.

But in the Northeast, ghosts don't seem to come out very well. The main theme is man and nature, and it's all about the stories that animals have to tell people after they become spirits.

"I'm not, I've checked, and the great immortals in this world are actually animals who have cultivated to become spirits. I'm different. I was born a demon."

The little fox demon shook his head in denial without hesitation, with a slight sense of superiority in his tone.

This feeling is like the gap between a carp jumping over a dragon gate and becoming a dragon, and a real dragon.

Although they are all dragons in name, they look similar.

But in fact, there are still differences. First of all, the levels are different. One is born, and the other is a half-way monk, which belongs to the wild way.

And when a real dragon sees a carp becoming a dragon, it will feel superior.

She also belongs to this psychology.

I am a natural fox demon, which is different from you fox fairies who have transformed from animals.

"Well, that makes sense."

Lin Yi nodded in approval of her words, thought about it and said: "I heard people say that even great immortals are powerful, those who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, can also get on their upper body, unlike you, apart from breathing fire, they can't do anything. Oh, it seems not, at least you have great strength."


Xiaobai opened his mouth, wanting to say something to refute.

But found that what he said made sense.

The horse fairy in the movie is really powerful, and he is proficient in using all kinds of fancy skills.

Unlike myself, who knows nothing but breathes fire.

Although the temperature of the fire is a little higher, it's nothing.

Looking at it this way, I seem to be a little weak.

But this still doesn't affect my sense of superiority, because Qingqiu's fellow clansmen are also particularly powerful.

And he is young and has few tails, so he looks very weak.

When I grow up a bit more and have a few more tails, it will be very powerful at that time.

Yes, it is like that.

but now
"I'm going to sleep."

She scratched the water surface a few times with her feet, then stood up, and decided to ignore this guy, obviously she was his wife, but he was speaking for others.

"Then I'll go too."

Lin Yi also stood up, hesitated for a moment, or walked further away, intending to release the memory first, and then go to sleep.

Seeing this, Xiaobai turned around and asked, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Wait for me to pee before you go, you go to the tent and wait obediently."

"It's easy to encounter ghosts in this kind of situation. Let me tell you, the first accidents in ghost movies are people like you who go to the bathroom in the middle of the night."

The little fox demon kept a stern face, trying to make his tone as dark as possible, trying to scare him.

"You can't scare me, I'm very brave."


She wrinkled her nose and got into the tent.

In the middle of the night, in the old forest, the roar of various wild animals.

This is generally the standard opening of a horror movie, even though Lin Yi is quite courageous, he also feels a little bit fluffy.

I couldn't help but look back at the tent. The kerosene lamp inside and the light from the nearby bonfire immediately brought a little sense of security to my heart.

With this momentum, he continued to walk forward, and he didn't go too far, and came to a big rock.

The stone is quite big, and the top is quite flat, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable to sit on.

Then Lin Yi aimed at it and started to grow it.

The next moment, his eyes widened instantly, and his face was filled with shock, confusion, and disbelief.

Because the stone he was nourishing turned into debris all over the place, no, it cannot be called debris, it should be called powder.


A gust of wind blew from nowhere, and the stone powder on the ground was blown away by the wind.

Only a few water spots left.

Lin Yi stared blankly at all this, wondering if he should continue now.

It's hard to hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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