my fox girl

Chapter 328 I'm Really a Fairy

Chapter 328 I'm Really a Fairy
"The little girl picking mushrooms is carrying a big bamboo basket on her back. She's not a little girl, and she doesn't have a big bamboo basket either."

Lin Yi took out a plastic bag from his pocket, put the few mushrooms he had just picked into it, and continued humming, "The young man picking mushrooms, with a plastic bag, he is not afraid of the sun, the wind and the wind, he is afraid of being scolded by Mr. I'm lazy
Hiss, it seems that something is wrong. What should it be? "

He scratched his head, feeling that he seemed to be singing wrongly. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of it, so he simply made the mistake and continued to hum, "I have no knowledge, and I have no face to see my parents."

Anyway, there was no one in the old forest, and he didn't care if someone corrected his singing, or said that his singing was ugly.

While humming, he continued to pick mushrooms and picked up some firewood by the way.

There are many kinds of wild mushrooms in the old forest, but most of them are unknown to him, and he can only identify them with difficulty, which is really difficult.

After nearly an hour's work, after walking two or three kilometers, only seventeen or eight flowers were picked.

"The young man picking mushrooms, holding a plastic bag, is not afraid of the sun, the wind and the wind, only Mr.

"You sang it wrong."

Just after Lin Yi hummed tirelessly countless times, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

"I know."

Lin Yi responded subconsciously, and the next moment, he suddenly realized, who the hell was talking just now?

He looked around, no one was there.

The surrounding area was quiet, only the mountain wind was blowing, and the whistling wind made him feel a little panicked.

Since there is no front, it is behind, but the back is where I just walked, it should not be possible for a person to suddenly appear.

But this, can it still be haunted in broad daylight?

After hesitating for a moment, he turned around slowly. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still a little dazed. He saw a big rock five or six meters away from him.

An old man dressed a bit like the elder of the Eight Bags of the Beggar Gang squatted on it.

Ragged clothes, torn shoes, torn hat, and a torn straw hat on his head.

Lin Yi closed his eyes, it was indeed haunted.

He just came over from there and picked a mushroom beside the big rock.

It was only 2 minutes before and after.

But when did this old man who looked like Ji Gong come over?

Lin Yi felt a little pain in his head right now, did this old man walk without making a sound?
And just from the appearance, the cheeks of the sharp-mouthed monkey are covered with age spots, and he looks at least 80 or [-] years old. Running into the old forest at such an old age is either a bold person with high skills, or he is purely looking for excitement.

Judging from all aspects just now, the former is more likely, this old man definitely has something.

"You sang the wrong song." The old man continued to repeat.

"Oh, then I won't sing anymore, old man, you stay here first, I have something to do."

Seeing that the other party seemed to have no intention of blocking him, Lin Yi took a few steps back, hugged the mushroom in the plastic bag into his arms, looked around, and planned to choose a suitable direction to escape.

Although it looks a bit timid, it is understandable. A strange old man suddenly appeared in the deep mountains and old forests. His clothes are still tattered, and he is not like a normal person at all.

In this case, anyone would think wildly.

Even in the daytime, it is inevitable that I feel a little guilty.

And he instinctively felt that the old man was dangerous.

There is no reason, but the feeling is very clear.

Lin Yi started to run, it was impossible to run in the direction of the tent, he deliberately chose the wrong direction.

At least, he had to give the old man a wrong judgment first, and then find a way to turn back and leave this old forest with his wife.

Sure enough, there are hidden dangers everywhere in this deep mountain and old forest, so you shouldn't come in.

However, just after taking two steps, he heard the old voice behind him again.

"Aren't you looking for me?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi paused for a moment, then continued to run forward with a sullen head.

He thought to himself: I came to you because I was sick. I was dressed like an elder of the beggar gang, and my appearance was scary. Why should I look for you?
He didn't know how long he had been running, but he squatted beside a big tree and began to pant heavily. This feeling hadn't happened for a long time, just this feeling of physical exhaustion.

At least since signing the contract, there has never been such a feeling of blushing and panting.

He looked left and right, and looked back again. The old man didn't seem to be catching up, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He planned to rest for a while, then return to the camp, and then leave this ghostly place with his wife.

"You're pretty fast."

Just as he was thinking, the old voice suddenly sounded again, although it carried the smell of corn stubble full of joy.

But under the scene at this moment, he looked like a ghost. Lin Yi's heart trembled, he raised his head subconsciously, and then saw the front not far from him.

It was still a big rock, and the old man was still squatting on it, with the same rags and straw hat.

And he showed a complicated smile to himself.

Seeing this, Lin Yi didn't want to run away, so he sat down on the ground, looked at the mushroom in his arms, hesitated, and threw it to the side.

He felt everything he encountered, from the big rock that turned into powder, to this evil old man he met now.

It is very likely that he ate poisonous mushrooms last night, which led to hallucinations.

And it was obvious that he was still immersed in hallucinations.

The two stared at each other in silence for a moment, and the old man spoke first, "Well, it's like this, someone told me that you were looking for me all the time, and then I didn't, so I came out to meet you."

"No, absolutely nothing."

Lin Yi shook his head again and again, and suddenly realized what was wrong, what are you guys.

How did he know that he entered the mountain with two people.

Someone told him?
But who is this person talking to him.

For some reason, a figure of a woman suddenly appeared in his mind, the strange woman he met in the county a few days ago.

"Don't worry about it."

The old man glanced sideways at the distant forest, saw the white clothes hidden in the forest, then withdrew his eyes and said, "Since I happened to meet you, then take me to meet that little fox , so I have completed the task."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Yi felt that he couldn't understand the other party's meaning at all. What does it mean to complete the task, and how did the other party know that his wife is a fox?
"Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"Aren't you looking for me?"

As if thinking of something, the old man suddenly laughed, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth, with a bit of sadness in his smile, and said: "I am a great fairy."

After living for hundreds of years, it was the first time he felt heartbroken. Being enshrined by humans every day, no matter how revered they were, he would love to ignore him.

Now in front of such a human being, not only can I not show off, but I also have to pay attention to the service attitude.

Just have to laugh.

That fox is simply deceiving, and deceiving Xian'er too much.

"Believe it or not, I'm really a fairy."

As he said that, the old man took off the straw hat on his head, and changed his body shape. In just a moment, he transformed into a white-haired weasel.

(End of this chapter)

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