my fox girl

Chapter 330 Not Normal

Chapter 330 Not Normal
Seeing a group of little weasels running away, the old man restrained his expression, looked sideways at Lin Yi, and said, "Let's go."

After that, he continued to lead the way with his hands behind his back, and he couldn't help humming, "East is not bright and west is."

He just sang a few lines, but he suddenly stopped, turned to look at Lin Yi and asked, "Boy, has that second-hand rose released any new songs recently?"


Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, but didn't react much.

"Forget it, just look at you, kid, you don't know what to do, and you don't know what fashion is at all."

Seeing Lin Yi's bewildered expression, the old man shook his head and sighed, feeling that this guy doesn't understand fashion at all, and he is not the same as him.

Then he turned around, and continued humming to himself: "The spring rain does not wet the foolish ghost, and the spring cold beats the foolish."

Lin Yi silently followed behind the old man, watching his back, listening to his singing, felt that this great fairy was somehow a little bit wrong.

There is nothing wrong with who listens to second-hand roses?

To be honest, I didn't expect that Da Xian'er in the old forest is so down-to-earth these days.

Halfway through the journey, Lin Yi looked back and saw that a large group of weasels had followed up, some with sticks in their mouths, and some with mushrooms in their mouths.

Turning his eyes back to look at the old man humming, he hesitated and asked: "Huang Daxian'er, are you the only fairy family in this old forest?"

"What do you want to do again?"

"I don't want to do it, I just want to ask if there are any fox fairies in this old forest." Lin Yi subconsciously imitated the other party's accent.

"You want to find the fox fairy?"

Hearing this, the old man seemed a little surprised, and then suddenly laughed again. After a long time, the laughter gradually stopped, "There used to be Hu Xian'er, but now it's gone."


Lin Yi was taken aback, looked around, and asked, "Isn't there even a few foxes that have become spirits in such a big forest?"

"There are foxes who have become spirits, but there are no fox fairies." The old man said a few words before he stopped talking.

Heh, it's not that easy to become a fairy.

Based on the current morality, not to mention that there is no Hu Xian'er now, even in the future, it is estimated that there will be no more.

Not back then.

Back then, the Hu family was the head of the five families, and there were two or three Guangda Xian'er, and in the end they were all wiped out by that foreign fox from Qingqiu.

However, this matter can't be blamed on that fox, who made the Hu family busy to deal with her, saying that they wanted to compete for incense, and they didn't go all the way.

She was born as a demon, but I have been cultivating for hundreds of years to become a spirit. This foreign fox feels that her blood is noble, and she is bound to think of how to overwhelm us. We have to give her a blow and get her out of the old forest Get out.

Then I urged several other families in the old forest to go together, and the result...
A fire burned gorgeously, but at the same time it burned completely, and many immortals were folded inside.

And those of the Hu family were the worst, they were the chickens who made an example of others from the very beginning.

It's interesting to think about it. I have eaten chicken for a lifetime, but in the end, I became a chicken instead.

Not to mention the loss of the court, but also let others take advantage of it, was pushed to the position of Mrs. Hu, and received countless incense from the people alone.

Just like this, people still don't want to, after working for two years, they directly let go of the pick, no one knows where she went, and they all thought she went back to Qingqiu.

Then ran back again.

And the most helpless thing was that she remained the same, and even became stronger than before.

But Lao Linzi was so withered that he wanted to take revenge on her, but he could only bury this thought in his heart.

That's not counting, I have to help her son-in-law gather firewood and mushrooms.

Thinking of this, the old man felt a pain in his liver, and after a while, he couldn't help sighing deeply.

Lao Linzi couldn't stand the toss anymore.

Now those juniors of the Hu family have to rely on their own help from other families to take care of them.

But when these old things of myself are gone, who will take care of my juniors?

In recent decades, life has really gotten harder.

Not to mention the depletion of spiritual energy, human beings still go into the mountains from time to time to get some mountain goods. If they are not careful, their juniors will be caught by them.

Those from the Bai family were drugged, those from the Liu family were taken to make wine, while those from the own and Hu family were skinned and made into plush coats. As for the Hui family...
Life has always been difficult.

Rats cross the street, and everyone shouts and beats them.

Near noon, the little fox demon was still squatting by the campfire to boil water.

Boil a pot of water and let it cool, let it cool and boil it again, thinking about waiting for Lin Yi to come back and order mushrooms to cook instant noodles, but just can't wait for him to come back.

Hearing noises from the distant woods, her eyes were attracted, her nose twitched a few times, and then she became vigilant. After waiting for a long time, she saw Lin Yi coming out of the woods with an old man.

Seeing this scene, her eyes became even more vigilant, with uncontrollable worry.

Because she sensed the danger and the very evil aura from this unattractive little old man.

Although it is fundamentally different from Qingqiu's fellow clan, it is definitely demonic.

"Then what, don't worry, let me introduce to you, this is Huang Daxian'er, who belongs to the leader of the weasel world."

Lin Yi scratched his head, feeling that this way of introduction was awkward no matter how he thought about it. When someone introduced someone, he pointed at him and said that it was a weasel.

No such thing.

"Huang Daxian'er is a very nice person. He even helped us gather firewood, oh, and picked a lot of mushrooms."

"There's no need to mention this." The old man couldn't help but said.

"To mention, to mention."


The old man didn't bother to talk anymore, he turned around and took a look, and his disciples and grandchildren had already emerged from the forest.

He beckoned to these little yellow-skinned people to pile up the firewood and put the mushrooms by the stream.

Then he looked at the little fox, looked it up and down, hesitated for a moment, pulled a little difficult smile on his face, and greeted: "I am a big fairy, please take a second look."


"Okay, I'll show you my original shape."

Seeing that the other party was also in a daze, the old man sighed, didn't bother to take off the straw hat, and directly showed his original shape, turning into a snow-white yellow leather child.

Immediately, he stretched out his claws, lifted the straw hat up, revealed his face, and asked, "How are you doing, have you seen it?"

"En." Xiaobai nodded subconsciously.

"Then take another look."


After waiting for a while, the weasel turned back into an old man again, and then lingered on her for a while, then turned and walked into the woods, followed by the group of densely packed little yellow skins.

"Daxian'er, stay and have a meal."

"Don't eat."

He flatly rejected Lin Yi's invitation, and hummed the familiar song again.

But for a moment, the sound disappeared as the distance was too far.

After a long time.

The little fox demon regained his composure, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief. After hesitating for a moment, he said his true thoughts to Lin Yi, "I feel that this big fairy is not normal."

"Don't talk nonsense, Daxian'er is a good person, he helped us so much, not to mention picking up so much firewood, and helped pick a lot of mushrooms."

Lin Yi glanced around the camp, and the piles of mushrooms were particularly conspicuous.

Although these mushrooms would go bad after a few days, he was still very grateful to Daxian'er.

However, Da Xian'er did have something wrong with her to some extent.

I actually like listening to second-hand roses.

(End of this chapter)

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