my fox girl

Chapter 352 Can't think of a title, I don't want to.

Chapter 352 Can't think of a title, I don't want to.

The next day.

Near noon, the winter sun slanted in from the balcony and shone into the living room.

Tangyuan took her own dog bowl in her mouth, and walked around the living room, looking at the empty living room, then at her own dog bowl, which was also empty, and couldn't help but look at the closed bedroom door.

Putting down the dog bowl in his mouth, he barked at the door a few times, but no one responded.

He continued to look at the dog bowl, then got down on the ground, stuck out his tongue and licked the residue inside.

From last night to now, no one has fed themselves. They obviously didn't feed themselves first when they came back, but hugged each other and got into the bedroom.

He felt like he was starving to death, and it was an unfortunate thing to be their dog.

He wanted to knock on the door, but he was afraid that the male master inside would stuff himself into that terrible machine again.

Then press the switch and let yourself run briskly for two or three hours.

Although he is not a human being, that guy is a real dog.

The residue in the basin became clean after a few licks. Tangyuan looked at the big iron basin that reflected her dog's face.

The dog inside is really fat, with a big round face and no neck.

Oh, this one could be yourself.

But so what.

It's better to be fatter, the little male dogs outside like me like this, and the dogs chasing me can be queued from the community to the pet store.

It's a pity that I can't speak, otherwise if I say anything, I will ask the dog in line at the door of the pet store to bring me a bag of dog food, plus five cans.

The best canned food is chicken with egg yolk. I can't get used to eating anything else, I don't feel strong, and I still cough.

Thinking of canned chicken, the glutinous rice balls happily rolled on the ground. After rolling for a while, it suddenly occurred to me that I didn't even eat the canned food, which seemed unworthy of joy.

He got up and looked at the closed bedroom door again, and continued barking a few times, but still got no response, the two masters inside seemed to have not woken up yet.

I don't know what they were doing last night, the sound in the house continued until it was almost dawn.The hostess' voice was mixed with other movements.

Kind of like setting off firecrackers.

Tangyuan continued to circle in the living room, looking up at the dog food and cans placed on the high place, obviously very close, you can see it at a glance, and you can even see the dog's head printed on it clearly, but you can't reach it To, out of reach.

Wandering into the second bedroom, the new owner who lived here moved out yesterday, otherwise she could have fed him dog food.

Although she usually steals her own dog food and canned food, it is not unacceptable for her to share at this time.

Tangyuan felt really hungry, so she ate a few mouthfuls on the coffee table without moving, and finally looked at the door of the master bedroom.

A white corner was exposed through the crack of the door.

It ran over with four short legs, bit the white corner and pulled it out. It was triangular, with a pink bow pattern printed on it, and it didn't know what it was.

Glutinous rice balls put their head into it and took a sniff. It smelled like a mistress. It smelled very good. He stuck out his tongue and licked it. Finally, he simply picked it up with his nose and put it half on his head.

I ran to the dog bowl to take a photo, um, it’s not bad, it fits my temperament very well.

in the master bedroom.

The blackout curtains were drawn tightly to block out the light, and the room also looked messy. Randomly thrown clothes were scattered everywhere, some were thrown at the bathroom door, some were thrown on the floor, and some were thrown on the dressing table.

There was also a pair of white stockings with spots on them beside the bed.

The room was so messy, but the two people in the bed were still sleeping soundly, and had no intention of getting up to tidy up.

After sleeping until the afternoon, Lin Yi woke up slowly, staring at the ceiling in a daze for a while, and then became slightly awake, but still felt a little tired.

He also looked at the little fox lying on his chest, pulled his arm out of the bed, helped her tidy up the messy hair on her forehead, and then put it back on her smooth back, feeling the smooth and delicate touch, endured Can't help touching a few times.


But she didn't want to wake her up with such a slight movement. She frowned slightly, and unconsciously let out a soft hum from her nose, and then opened her eyes, which were clearly confused.

"Wake up." Lin Yi kissed her on the forehead, and his hands moved a little wider.


Xiaobai was still on the verge of waking up, wrinkling his nose and whimpering twice, ignoring Lin Yi's restless hands, just slightly propped up his body and moved up.

Then he put his head against Lin Yi's chin, buried his face between his necks, rubbed it lightly like a kitten, and muttered in a low voice, "I'm so tired, don't make trouble."

After all, she closed her eyes again, and it didn't take long before her breathing gradually became even.

Seeing this, Lin Yi glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was past one o'clock in the afternoon, and he had only slept for less than eight hours.

In addition, last night I had to toss until midnight to help the two natal families move. After returning home, I went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

She was not idle when taking a bath, and she was still not idle after taking a bath. She didn't go to bed until five or six in the morning. It was normal for her to feel tired.

Because I also feel very tired, but understandable.

After all, the big sister-in-law's light bulb has finally moved, so it must be more unscrupulous.

Lin Yi couldn't recall the specific details, and his mind was still a little fuzzy due to exhaustion.

I just remember that I changed my previous style last night, and every time it came to the last moment, I would try my best to go deep.

The so-called "how can you catch a fox if you don't enter the fox's lair" probably means this.

Poor parents all over the world, everything is for the children, and this is just to let the children avoid detours.

Being a father can only help you so far, and you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself.

While thinking wildly, Lin Yi felt the warmth in her arms and sniffed the fragrance of her hair. A sense of drowsiness struck again, and he fell into a deep sleep unconsciously.

It was nearly four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the living room, I have been hungry for glutinous rice balls for nearly a day and a night, and I feel that I really can't stand it anymore. At this moment, my hungry eyes are shining green, and the sun is green.

Looking at the still closed bedroom door, it yelled twice, but got no response, and then charged brazenly.

"Boom, bang, bang"

The sound of banging on the door was endless, more intense than ever. Lin Yi opened his eyes suddenly, glanced sideways at the door, and then looked at the little fox demon lying on his body who was still a little tired. Waking up, he was rubbing his eyes and humming.

"Are the glutinous rice balls hitting the door again?"

"Well, you continue to sleep, I'll go and have a look."

Lin Yi got up and got out of bed, picked up his clothes on the ground, draped them on his body indiscriminately, and walked around the messy clothes. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a group of chubby white shadows rushing towards him .

Lin Yi subconsciously closed the door, followed by another bang.

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no movement outside the door, he opened the door again, and immediately saw Tang Yuan squatting at the door, looking at him expectantly with a dog bowl in his mouth.

Of the two round eyeballs, only one was exposed at this moment, while the other was covered by something.

Lin Yi was stunned for a while before he realized that the dog's head was covered with what seemed to be his wife's underwear.

What the hell just took it off last night.

(End of this chapter)

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