my fox girl

Chapter 354 Boy or Girl

Chapter 354 Boy or Girl
On the tenth day of September, approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival, another autumn rain began.

The whole city was covered by a rain curtain. At a glance, there was water mist in sight. There was little traffic on the streets, and high-rise buildings towered in the distance.

On the avenue paved with asphalt and concrete, the rain flows into streams, gathers together, and flows into the sewer beside the road.

The jewelry store at the entrance of the community did not know when it was open again. Some regular customers who used to go there found that in addition to the previous boss and proprietress, sometimes there were two new faces in the store.

A woman who always wears a green dress or a green dress. As for the other face, she is also a woman, the only difference is that she is always wearing a white dress.

The sound of the glass door being pushed open attracted the woman behind the counter. Before she could stand up, she saw Lin Yi walking in with her things.

"Why are you and the glutinous rice balls left?"

Lin Yi glanced around the store. When he left in the morning, his mother-in-law and sister-in-law were still there, but now only his silly daughter-in-law and a dog were left.

"Sister Xiaoyu went to play mahjong, and my mother went to the mountains."

"Called by my mother?"

"No, she ran away by herself."

"Then it's raining so much, let's go. Forget it, let's not talk about this, look what I bought?"

Lin Yi changed the topic, and didn't ask his mother-in-law what she was doing in the mountains, she just thought it was to cultivate her sentiments and watch the rain scene.

Then he picked up the bag in his hand and showed it to her.


"Strawberry Cake, I know you like cream, so I asked someone to put more cream on purpose."

"But I don't want to eat this."

"Why?" Lin Yi was a little puzzled, walked to the counter and sat down, took out the cake from the bag and placed it on the counter.

It is topped with layers of cream, which is also dotted with different fruits.

As usual, the little fox demon has no resistance at all to this kind of thing, but now...
"No appetite?"

"Well, I'm pregnant with a baby and I have no appetite."


Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then remained silent for a moment, looked at her flat belly, and asked, "Is it your illusion again?"

"That's not true, this time it's true, I just tested it today, and"

Speaking of this, she paused and said in a low voice: "And I haven't visited relatives this month, haven't you noticed?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi froze in place again, thinking about it carefully for a moment, his expression became dull.

The neck seemed to be rusted, and he turned his head with difficulty to look at the silly daughter-in-law beside him. Seeing her serious face, he was suddenly a little confused.

"Yes, but didn't your mother say that it would be difficult for us to get pregnant?"

Lin Yi was in a daze, and the expression on his face was indescribable. He recalled what his mother-in-law had said before, and she still showed up to explain, for example, that she and her father-in-law were finally conceived after decades of marriage.

but this
Less than a year after getting married, the daughter-in-law was lost, and then went to look for it, and it took three or four months to find it. After returning from Qingqiu, it took more than two years.

It's only been four years with all the calculations.

And when I went out in the morning, I was fine, but as soon as I came back at noon.
How to say this is pregnant.

"How did I know that I was pregnant with a baby?"

The little fox demon lowered her head and stroked her still flat stomach, and asked, "Honey, are you happy?"


Seeing that Lin Yi didn't respond, she raised her eyes and peeked at this guy. Seeing his dazed expression, she seemed not to believe it, so she couldn't help wrinkling her nose slightly, and took out the plastic stick from the drawer with some displeasure.

Pointing to the two red bars above, "Look."

"I..." Lin Yi opened his mouth, looking at the two red lines clearly visible on it, he felt mixed emotions in his heart for a moment.

It's true, I really want to be a father this time.

"Does Xiaoyu know about your pregnancy?"

"I don't know, she ran out early."

"Then does your mother know?"


"So she went to the mountains." Lin Yi was a little speechless, and an ominous premonition spread wildly in his heart.

"She said to go to those hedgehogs to get some medicinal materials, so that I can strengthen my body."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was inexplicably relieved, he thought he was going to the mountains to hunt some pandas to make up his body.

This kind of thing can definitely be done with the character of my own mother-in-law.

However, her so-called begging for some medicinal materials should be to find those white fairies in the old forest and ask for a hedgehog skin or something.

Although hedgehogs also belong to the three protected animals, Bai Xian'er should not belong to them.

After a while, Lin Yi directly hugged the little fox demon into his arms, causing her to exclaim in surprise, "You, what are you doing?"

"Let's go home first."

"We can't, we can't"

"Can't what?"


no respond.

She just blushed and lay in Lin Yi's arms, not daring to look up. Holding an umbrella in her hand, she entered the community and took the elevator.

She didn't even quite know how she got home.

After she was brought into the room by Lin Yi in a daze, pressed on the bed and put on a pillow, she stretched out her arms, pushed his chest a few times, bit her lips and said, "Now, I can't now, I conceived a baby"


Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help being startled, and then he understood. Just as he was about to complain about her as usual, he thought of the little life in her belly, so he simply dismissed the idea.

It takes patience to treat pregnant women. It is normal to be stupid for three years after being pregnant, not to mention that she is naive in the first place.

Squatting on the side of the bed, stretched out her hand to brush the hair on her forehead, and said softly:
"I know, what I mean is to let you lie on the bed and rest well. You are just pregnant now, and it is the most vulnerable time, so you should rest well, and you can only rest well, and you are not allowed to think about anything."

"I didn't think so."

"Then what did you just say can't be?"


Xiaobai opened his lips slightly, not knowing how to answer for a while, so he simply turned his head and looked away.

Seeing this, Lin Yi stood up, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called the four-tailed fox, intending to ask her to help watch the shop.

Anyway, since she is full every day and has nothing to do, she just knows to play mahjong, and gambling every day is not a problem.

Although she is a little unreliable, but she can't get away from her side, what if something happens to the silly wife?
After ringing for a while, no one answered, the phone hung up automatically.

He frowned, and called Yu Shuhui again, and it took a while before he was picked up. There were endless rattling voices, and he knew it was at the Great Wall.

"Hey, what are you doing, I'm busy, Santiao."

"Mom, your daughter-in-law is pregnant."

"I'm pregnant, what did you just say?"

Yu Shuhui stood up, didn't care about playing mahjong, left the poker players on the table, walked to a quiet place, and doubted her hearing.

"I said, you are going to be a grandma."

Lin Yi raised his voice a little, and subconsciously stroked her belly with his hands, and after touching her twice, he quickly retracted his hands.

The receiver was quiet for a long time before Yu Shuhui's voice sounded again, "Boy or girl?"


Lin Yi opened his mouth, how to answer these words.

(End of this chapter)

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