my fox girl

Chapter 356

Chapter 356
In a gold shop.

The shop owner at the counter carefully observed the two golden beans in his hand, looked up at the woman in white in front of him, and asked, "Ma'am, do you have an invoice?"


"Then where did you buy it?"

"I didn't buy it, I picked it up."


Hearing this, the shop owner couldn't help but startled, and weighed the two golden beans in his hand, at least there were more than two taels, converted into the current gold price, it was worth about forty to fifty thousand, and he couldn't help but envy this woman's luck.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak for a long time, Su Li couldn't help but frowned, and asked: "Is it possible to change, if not, I'll go to another house and ask."

"Okay, but because you don't have an invoice, the price may be relative."

Speaking of this, the shop owner stretched out his hand and pressed down, and continued: "After all, there is no invoice, and the gold is of unknown origin. I have to bear a certain risk."


Su Li nodded noncommittally, then took out a cloth bag from her pocket, and put it on the counter, "You can also change these into money for me."


Hearing this, the store owner felt a little bit in his heart, and opened the pocket to take a look. Sure enough, it was full of golden beans.

"Ma'am, you." He licked his lips and asked bravely, "Did you pick these up?"


"But this amount is too large and requires a lot of funds, and our store may not be able to bear it."

Seeing a bag full of golden beans, the shop owner had a hard time talking. With so much gold, if you pick it up and estimate it casually, it weighs at least ten kilograms. The amount involved in the case is nearly ten million, and there is no invoice yet.

This thing is too risky.

And I can't accept such a large amount.

Instead, it can be collected together with the rest of the stores, and then sold through their own channels. Although they earn less, they can share the risk.

After a while, he made up his mind and asked, "Does your bank account have a limit?"

"I don't have a bank account, but I have someone else's."

"Alright, just wait a moment, I need to appraise it first, and then I can calculate the price for you."

Night is coming.

Lin Yi started to learn cooking, preparing to practice to become a good husband to serve his wife.

According to the strategy given by Yu Shuhui, pregnant women have a weaker appetite and cannot eat greasy food, which can easily cause morning sickness, so they can only eat light food.

This is thirteen incense.

what is this?
Taste, well, it's MSG.

Pregnant women can not eat MSG, saying it will affect the development of the fetus.

He looked at the cooking steps with his mobile phone, while recalling the precautions that Yu Shuhui told him before leaving in the morning.

Just as we reached a critical step, the phone suddenly ding-dong, and a text message arrived.

Lin Yi was about to cross it out, but suddenly his expression froze. Why is the number on it so long?
Resisting the thumping mood, he opened the text message with trembling hands.

A good guy with tens of millions and hundreds of thousands, a full seven figures.

Lin Yi didn't bother to cook at the moment, frowning and staring at the incoming text messages on his phone, more than 600 million.

It was the first time I received such a huge sum of money, and I felt a little confused in my head and a little panicked in my heart. I couldn't handle such a large amount of money at all.

He thought it was because the bank had sent the wrong money, and it hadn't been transferred for a long time, and if it didn't work out, he would have to charge him interest.

Just as he was thinking about it, a call came in, and it showed an unfamiliar number, and it was still a landline.

I guess it's from the bank.

Thinking in this way, Lin Yi connected the phone, and a cold voice came from the receiver. Without any greetings, he went straight to the point and asked, "Have you received the money?"

Lin Yi was startled when he heard the words, and subconsciously replied: "Got it."


After a faint hum, the phone was hung up.


Lin Yi stared at the hung up phone in a daze for a long time before he finally realized it.

Scratching his head, it seemed to be his mother-in-law's voice just now.

But why did she give money for no reason, and where did she get so much money?
Looking again at the incoming text messages on the phone, a huge seven-figure sum was clearly in sight. Lin Yi was about to make a call to ask for clarification, but he heard a voice from the master bedroom.

"Husband, I smell a paste."

"There's no such thing as a fool!"

Looking at the frying pan emitting black smoke, Lin Yi didn't have time to call his mother-in-law, so he hurriedly put the phone into his pocket, took down the pan, and turned off the natural gas stove by the way.

The cooking in the pot had turned into black charcoal-like unidentified objects, Lin Yi sighed, washed the pot and started cooking again.

The only consolation is that the stewed soup was not affected.

After tossing for another hour, I finally got the meal ready before nine o'clock in the evening.

Put the dishes on the table, crucian carp soup, pork ribs, chicken legs, fried vegetables, three dishes and one soup, two meat and one vegetable, already belong to a well-off life.

Lin Yi took off his apron, opened the door of the master bedroom and said, "Daughter-in-law, eat."

Hearing this, the little fox demon sat up from the bed with his back supported and his stomach upright, and his movements were so slow that Lin Yi couldn't help complaining: "You've only been pregnant for two months, and your stomach is so flat. Is that so?"

"What do you know, I am practicing in advance."

Xiaobai wrinkled her nose and spoke plausibly. She thought it was very good. She could always remind herself that there was a little life in her belly, and that she would feel very happy when she was pregnant with her own and his baby.

Lin Yi thinks that what she said about practicing in advance is very reliable. People say that pregnant women are different from other people. Their brain circuits are more clear, sentimental, and like to think wildly.

And before my silly daughter-in-law was pregnant, her brain circuits were already very strange, and if they were added together, it should become even more strange.

But she didn't expect that she could figure out such a reasonable thing.

"Husband, hug."

"Well, hug."

Lin Yi carried her from the bed to his arms, and then to the chair by the dining table, feeling that his little fox demon had become more delicate than before since she was pregnant.

I let myself hug him every day, and now I have to hug him even for a meal.

After finishing the meal and getting ready to start, Lin Yi remembered something and asked, "Why don't we hire someone to look after the store for us?"

"Isn't sister Xiaoyu watching?"

"She's looking at the shop, but" Lin Yi kept silent again when he said this, and greeted instead: "Come, let's have dinner first, and try your husband's cooking."

After all, he couldn't help but look out the window in the direction of the gate of the community.

Today, when he went out to buy groceries and passed by the jewelry store, he found that the four-tailed fox was playing mahjong with a group of people.

Although I know she is addicted to playing mahjong.But she didn't expect to ask her to help look at a store, she still couldn't give up her addiction, so she set up a mahjong table in the jewelry store, and then played mahjong for fifty cents with the old men and women in the community.

She suddenly turned her good jewelry store into an entertainment center for veteran cadres.


What Lin Yi thinks of these days is to hire someone to look after a store for him, otherwise his own jewelry store may not be able to keep.

He doesn't have a job now, and his whole family relies on that store for maintenance. Before long, there will be a four-legged gold swallowing beast in the family.

Let her fight like this again, with the family's current savings
Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly remembered the huge sum of money from his mother-in-law, and couldn't help but take out his phone to check.

"What are you looking at your phone for?"

"Your mother sent me a large sum of money." Lin Yi handed her the phone to show her, "You are her daughter, what do you think she wants to send money for?"

"I, how do I know."

(End of this chapter)

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