my fox girl

Chapter 359 Still Can't Think of a Title

Chapter 359 Still Can't Think of a Title

Stepping out of the Taoist temple, it was the afternoon, and the sun shone on the body with indescribable warmth.

Lin Yi walked slowly with his arms around her chubby waist. Passers-by saw her big belly and couldn't help but stay away, keeping a safe distance.

Such a situation made her feel a little complacent, and even leaned back to make her belly more bulging.

She also discovered a benefit of this posture, not only reminding herself that she is pregnant with a baby, but also making herself feel happy.

And when you go out with Lin Yi, you can tell others that you are pregnant at a glance. Those passers-by and children will stay away when they see it, and stay away from strangers within a radius of five meters.

That way no one will disturb them, and as long as they speak softly they won't be able to hear them.

Lin Yi noticed her situation, and couldn't understand why she tried to push her stomach up as much as possible. It was already quite big, but now she is still pushing it so hard, it feels like she is about to give birth.

"Aren't you tired of standing up like this?"

"It's tiring, but I feel very happy."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, she didn't understand why she still felt happy since she was very tired, and she also didn't know what there was to be happy about.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out, so I went with her. After all, if you are pregnant, your IQ will naturally become lower. This is a very common thing.

Besides, she was very naive.

But as long as she is happy, nothing else matters.

Lin Yi turned to support her lower back, using his arms as a point of support for her, so that his silly daughter-in-law could relax a bit.



"You haven't told me what your wish is."

"Then put your ears closer, and I'll tell you quietly."

"I do not."



Xiaobai didn't speak, feeling that this guy must want to kiss him again, look around, there are many tourists going up and down the mountain, and kissing in this kind of place will definitely be seen.

Then she looked at the woods not far away, most of the trees had become bare due to the arrival of winter.

But there are still many pine trees that still maintain their original appearance, and the luxuriant branches and leaves should be able to hide the figure.

"Let's go there," she said, pointing to the woods.

"What are you doing there?" Lin Yi asked pretending not to know.

"Don't you want to kiss me?"

"You want to be kissed by me."

"No, you wanted to kiss me."

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard it, avoided the crowd around him, and walked slowly into the woods with the help of the little fox demon.

After avoiding people's eyes, he gently hugged her in his arms, sniffing the fragrance of her hair with the tip of his nose.

Then he kissed her on the forehead like a dragonfly on the water, "Okay, the kiss is over, let's go out."

"I do not!"

The little fox demon puffed her cheeks, with a displeased expression on her face, she finally found a hiding place, but this guy just kissed her lightly, he must have done it on purpose.

"Don't you want to be kissed by me?" Lin Yi looked at her amusedly, since she was pregnant, he rarely teased her like now.

In order to prevent her from thinking wildly and having violent mood swings, sometimes she even has to think carefully about her words.

"Yes, but you obviously want to kiss me."

"Didn't I kiss you?"


Seeing his daughter-in-law wrinkling her small nose and frowning her eyebrows, she was obviously a little embarrassed, Lin Yi didn't dare to tease her any more, instead he stroked her lips with his fingers, then leaned over slightly and pressed his lips against hers .

After a long time, the two parted. The little fox demon stretched out his arms to wrap around Lin Yi's neck, stood on tiptoe vigorously, and said, "I want more."

Lin Yi hugged her with a wry smile, and asked, "Why don't you take it easy when you go home?"

"No, I don't want to kiss when I get home."

"Then what do you want?"


The little fox demon's lips parted slightly, but he couldn't speak a word, and his eyes wandered to look elsewhere, as if he was a little ashamed to speak, unable to speak.

After hesitating for a while, he leaned into Lin Yi's ear with a blushing face and whispered softly.

"You still have a big belly." Hearing this, Lin Yi subconsciously looked at her bulging belly, hesitating very much.

"I, I've checked, I'm pregnant, after three months of pregnancy, it's fine."


Hearing her weak mosquito-fly voice, Lin Yi was still a little hesitant, but he knew what to do in the second trimester, but he never did it because of the baby in her womb.

After all, it is the first time to be a parent, so it is always worrying, for fear that a little trouble will affect the child.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi quickly shook his head, cleared up the horrible picture, and asked, "Then how can I help you?"

"I do not want."

"I do not want."

The little fox demon continued to refuse, lowering her head and not daring to look at him, staring at the wild mushroom not far away.


Hearing this, Lin Yi began to hesitate again, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, just about to search about the influence of pregnancy, when her weak voice sounded again, with unstoppable shyness.

"This, I checked this too, it doesn't matter."

"Why have you checked everything?" Lin Yi put his phone back into his pocket and looked at the little Baidu expert in front of him.

I look up everything on the Internet, so is Du Niang used for this?

Obviously it is used for bidding ranking.

"I suspect that you planned it premeditatedly. You wanted to recruit me a long time ago, didn't you?"

"That's not true!" The little fox demon denied it without hesitation, her voice raised a little, with a textbook-style guilty conscience.

"Hmm..." Lin Yi pondered for a moment, stroked her back, and asked, "That means I want to be adopted by you, but you can't resist, that's why you reluctantly agreed to me, right?"

The little fox demon was greatly benefited by hearing this, and tiptoed to kiss Lin Yi's lips, raised her small face to look at him and said softly, "Well, that's how it is."

Lin Yi laughed again when he heard the words, kissed her on the forehead, then took her little hand, and put the other hand around her chubby waist again, "Let's go home."


(End of this chapter)

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